Interlude I the ghost of Korea town

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The woman in black with long hair, reached for Abram with her pale hand, but he vanished into the white fog before she could touch him.

" this ominous mist is your doing then. Are you new in town? I've never heard of such a thing.'' The pale, tall woman remained standing, looking at her empty palm. A knife was thrown towards the back of her head, but a pale arm grew from her back and grabbed it just in time.

"There you are." She quickly moved in the direction of the knife and faced the skeletal figure of the bride, the massive demon taking form in the fog and heading towards her with Abram right behind her. He didn't want to fight any longer, even as a demon. He was more than tired, if only mentally. He had to get away. He pulled his gun as well and shot, the bullet going through the translucid bride and towards the woman in black. As soon as they were hit, her arms crawled out of their shoulders and took the bullet. As soon as they were hit, they bled but began to break apart, as if they were made of ash. The bride was struck down with both of her claws, and she answered by raising both of her arms to strike back. Her pale arms stretched, growing in size and length, becoming inhumanly long. She held the bride in a contest of strength, grabbing the demon by the wrists.

''Damn it, this night is never going to end''. Abram saw that at least she was locked in place and rushed towards her with his dagger. She stared back at him with her eyes hidden underneath her hair. Her coat began to open its buttons to show that underneath she had two more arms, both holding handguns. She was already far too close, and she had a perfect shot. These were not the ghostly arms she had summoned; she truly had four arms and even had a tailor-made black suit to accommodate them, with four sleeves.

As Abram called the bride back to surround him with fog, he prepared to hide again, but something grabbed him with force. He looked down to see that his pants were being grabbed by white hands. Dozens of hands were growing out of the rooftop to pin him down.

" Damn! " His words were cut short as he received a bullet almost to his chest. The pain was immeasurable, but he gritted his teeth and slashed at the hands under his feet, and tried to finally be able to dodge, but another gunshot hit him on his left shoulder, throwing him back to the floor. 

Abram could barely move his arm, even with his healing, bullets were a pain to recover from. His arms were then grabbed and pinned against the floor. He let go of his dagger as his hand broke his arm in an instant. Before Abram could scream, the woman reached him and grabbed him by the neck, forcing him down with great force. He could only see her black hair falling over him. With her four arms, she could pin both his arms around his neck and also point her gun straight at his forehead.

"Tell your demon to keep its distance or I will end you. Your choice. "The skeletal bride was floating behind her, but she began to vanish along with the mist. There was no way she could attack her before she pulled that trigger. Abram had no choice but to surrender to this woman. He knew she had a demon, but nothing else about her abilities made sense. She released the hold on his throat to allow him the luxury of speaking again.

My question is for you. You are not from Nishiyama. Tell me, another family sent you two to kill those brothers? Maybe you are a killer for the government? ''

"No one that important. I just feel like getting rid of some public menaces." I don't work for anyone in this city. "

"There is another demon with you and at least five heavily armed combatants. It is not possible for you to not be involved with some sort of organization, yet you are claiming to be a freelancer or a mercenary. Maybe you are some sort of hitman. "

"I only came here to kill those two, not whoever you are."

''I do not take kindly to demons walking around this town, but... it does seem you gave me a favor and dispatched them. You haven't hurt any civilians, so I will take your words that you mean no harm to us, just this once.'' Abram remained silent. The woman seemed to quietly wait for her answer. She was serene about this entire fight. She seemed to have taken everything in stride. She was that confident in the situation.

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