Devils Diablesa and Basil II

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Marcelina was always anxious whenever this day came around, unlike the rest of the year she knew the Boss would be at his weakest, no shortage o people on the city would take advantage of such a window, nonetheless to worry in vain was not her routine so she was singing as she would do on any other business day. The guards were also on edge and hearing her voice made the men keep their calm.

''Damn ain she precious." One of the guards looking at her singing under the spotlight as he burned a cig on the second floor, he walked back with a pistol in hand as he mumbled to the rhythm, till he saw that one of the curtains on a near window had been moved and was now being waved by the wind.

"Guess someone left the window open." The guard step close to the curtain to grab it and opened and he reached for the window the next thing he saw was the nuzzle of a gun. It was quick and the man was grabbed into the window before he fell, Aurora looked at the surrounding from the window with a handgun and a blade.

"Alright as planned you guys stay back, opening the passage needs two keys according to the agency, once you see the waterfall stop you guys go in for backup. " She looked back at Abraham as well, Aisha and Mr.Jeong were remaining outside, they will be rushing into the underground when they get the chance.

"Abram nodded as usual." And she didn't waste any more time jumping inside the club, all around the second floor, the rest of the members of their combined squad began to enter the lobby all with silenced handguns, they each immediately aimed at one of their guards to take them down simultaneously as the sound of Marcelinas singing developed the café, there was a sudden silence as she ended staring at her mic.

"This silence...I suppose this day was meant to come..."She let go of the mic as she looked above and saw men and woman in black suits pointing their weapons at her.

"All of you came here just for me.Worry not I Will show you all a good time worth it at our café." She let the mic fall as she singed a strong falsetto and the café exploded with the sound of gunfire, the guards below immediately realized something was amiss and opened fire towards the second floor.

The gunfire hit a wall, and as a statue had manifested in front of the singer, the devil that resembled a distorted figure of a woman opened the gaping mouth on its head as it stood with its long arms wide open.

"My dear dancing partner is here as well, im sorry to you all but I{m the unbreakable guardian of this café, you're all in my stage now, darlings." The statue seemed to bow as it began to flow even with its massive weight, mighty yet resembling a woman in a white gown the figure of the Diablessa spun on the air with grace and flew upwards to the second floor.

"Just you try and get up here devil!" A huge man with a mohawk haircut stood at the edge of the second floor with a shotgun. The demon received the blow head and recoiled.

"Have at that, devils are nothing to us Tribesmen!" The man simply known as the Boar laughed as the demon cracked its neck back into place and swung its long arm.

"Don't just stand there!" From the Side a man just as tall tackled him out of the way, Rock from Abrams's team save him from being decapitated but the devil looked down at them again. From below Marcelina walked out of the stage as the gunfire continued, but she was already shot from behind. From above Aurora jumped down from the second floor already pulling the trigger, she fell on the piano on the stage breaking it with a loud sound, Marceilla groaned as she had been shot in the back and turned back with anger and stared at Aurora's red eye.

"I hope you know what you signed up for!" Marcelinna pulled a small pocket gun from a strap on her tight, underneath elegant gown. Aurora jumped and rolled out of the piano and shot again both aimed at each other's head upon the stage, but the massive devil of stone flew down between them cracking the stage as they lost track of each other.

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