Prologue 4 Inner circle safe house

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It had been three months since Abram first visited the city, and now he was told he would be leaving the labyrinth and living in the city for some time, he was unsure of such a thing. Aurora took both Rush and himself to an apartment in the inner circle, the more backwater district of the city. Some of the streets around here almost looked as bad as the outskirts, it was honestly disappointing how many people seemed to be down on their luck in this so-called last bastion of humanity, but at least violence didn't seem that rampant.

''We are lucky that the owner of this apartment building is still alive, I have a contract with her. She won't ask any questions, so as long as we pay her and keep a low profile, she will always look at the other side. She is a really nice lady, I don't mind paying double for her rooms here. You boys will be getting used to town while we finish getting to terms with the information agency.''Aurora was once again on the wheel as she took both Abram and Rush to their new temporary home.

''So we are the first ones that get to live in the city, I sure never expected this to happen.'' Rush wasn't very happy about this. He had a lot of angry words to give the commander before being sent here. It was, after all, the first time he had to leave the town he swore to protect behind. But I guess there is no point in complaining anymore.

''We promised accommodation for the other hunters that have worked with us for a long time, but as always, it is never that easy, The sooner we get an easy way to get some IDs, the faster everyone will get to take a peek at the city, even if it is only the poor back streets for now.'' Aurora finally stopped the car as they arrived at their destination.

The green mellows apartment building was everything but green, it was very close to the end of the street where the rows of houses ended to give place for an empty vacant lot with only a few grey trees left standing and a fence covered in trash bags. It was a three-floor building with a few broken windows, all painted in a green color that, due to time, was browner than anything else. To Abram, it was honestly way better than anywhere he had slept before, so he just shrugged.

''Geez, the hunters won't be too happy if this is the home they risked their lives for.'' Rush came out of the car with difficulty because of how small the door was and stared at the welcome sign at the entrance.

''This place is just for work, it will be our main safe house in this district, we will have our guns moved here as well, now if you guys want a nicer place that will take more work.'' Aurora looked around them making sure there was no one else in the proximity. There was only one old white car in a corner, they definitely wanted a location with very few tenants and this sure fit the bill.

''Alright, you two will stay here and receive a few gifts. Later on, we will be communicating by letters, I have my own messenger to deliver them, so don't be surprised if you don't hear from headquarters while we are all quite busy right now. Aurora leaned over the side of her car and locked back at us.''

''You sure they won't sell us out,''Rush asked her, he was not used to any of this undercover stuff an his anxious stride was clear.

''Well, you'll see, Mr.Collins there is no breaking contracts in this city. Come on you two, don't be shy, so let's go and take a look.'' Abram looked at the empty lot at his side and the distant building. They were separated by another wall. It was starting to feel like there was a barrier in every direction caging them in. The districts were very clearly defined by those walls. Moving around will be a problem for sure, even if only the capitol district is sealed off from the population. 

He arranged his cap and the three of them entered the apartment. The landlady was waiting for them on a counter at the side of the stairs. She was an old lady with glasses and bushy grey hair. The old lady looked at the three with a tired dead look, Aurora smiled at her and went straight to the counter.

''Ms.Fisch, see, I told you I was going to get you some new tenants. ''

''Aurora...still unmarried, I see.''

''Always so perceptive, haha... anyhow, these two are friends from another district that had to, run off to this place. You know how things are, so excuse them if they don't know the area that well. Collins waved at her. Abram kept his hands in his pockets without saying a word.

'' long as they pay, I don't really care. I can't get that picky at my age. Alright, I have the contract ready, is a Faust office's legal agreement, took me an eye to pay, so I expect your deposit fully for the year. She took from under a table a strange contract, written in blue ink. Aurora began to read it, and after ten minutes or so, she nodded and signed.

''If either of us breaches the contract, we will die... with Mephistopheles as our witness, the contract has been agreed to.'' The old lady said a chant, with the same bored tone she had used till now. She didn't seem concerned at all.

''Wait, is she for real? What does she mean by that'' Collins asked them, interrupting them, but Aurora had already signed the contract.

''Under what rock did you even get this guy?'' The old lady asked her.

''A really big rock, this contract is paid with your own life, is the best way to ensure no one can break it.''

''And you two just agreed to something that crazy?''

''I'm ninety years old. The last of my worries is dying from a demon contract. Besides I like my payments on time.''

''Alright, you two, let's take a look at your new home.'' Aurora showed them a key ring, and the two of them followed her upstairs.

They were on the third and last floor. It was a rather small wooden apartment, not exactly made for two people. It only had one bed with white sheets opposite of a single window, with a small kitchen sink strapped on the side of the wall. The only other room was the small bathroom. As soon as they entered, Aurora sat on the floor and began to inspect it till she finally took off a wooden planet.

''Alright, I used this as a secret hiding spot. We will get your weapons here. Now there is also a small compartment behind the old painting over the bed. I was told our documents for you two should already be here. The people from Louise also know of this place, so it will be useless to hide it from them, so we might as well take advantage of that.'' She removed the frame from the wall and took out a small package from inside it.

''Forget that. Did you really just sign a death contract to pay the rent in this dump?'' Collins asked her baffled, Abram felt the same but he figured it was a city thing.

''Is worth doing to ensure her silence. Besides, I do that often, I will likely need to sign one with Mr.Louise...They are pretty common. The contracts penned by the demon Mephistopheles are by all means legal. Both the government and the families demand them for everything, I'm not saying that there is not a risk, but it is something city folk are used to. If anyone breaks them, the devil Mephistopheles will kill them instantly. It is not different from the contract we did with the commander. But these contracts cant be done without Mephistopheles power A lot of them end up being traded illegally on the streets even so...'' Aurora put the floor back where it belonged and sat down on the bed.

''Well I guess we are just going to be very careful if we need to sign something, but we don't have to worry about being betrayed then, this does weigh a lot more than just words.'' Abram went to the only small table in the room. He felt like he got it. It was easy to lie. He learned it the hard way.

''Alright, I will be leaving with the car. You two just stay put, I'll get you both some food and clothes tomorrow. We need you both to get more familiar with the city so I'll give you a tour of the place, so be ready.'' She waved them goodbye and left, leaving them in the old, tiny room. Collins looked down at the floor and leaned on the creaking bed.

''So there is only one bed, huh? This barely works for one person. My room was better than this, and that isn't saying much.'' Rush tried to lie on the bed, but he was a bit concerned that it was going to break with each creaking sound.

''You keep the bed, I'll sleep on the floor, I'm more than used to it.'' Abram said as he sat at the edge of the wall, looking exhausted.

''At least fight a little for the bed, man. Alright, we are switching one day each, and there is no changing my mind.''

''Sure.'' Abram stood up and looked through the window at the starry blue sky. It was still surreal that he was looking at the other side of that great wall now. 

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