Interlude II The Maw of the city.

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''Another of these devil thralls again. They just keep crawling out of the sewers more and more, the filthy rats. " A group of men where standing around the corpse of a white monstrous creature. They had to deal with such creatures before, but the wolves were finding them in their territory a lot more all of a sudden.

''We need to hide the corpse. We are getting guests right about now. " Everyone that remained of the wolves had reunited in the junkyard on this cold day, where the sun had been completely hidden under dark clouds that refused to rain. There was a clear discontent in the air. The usual rowdy bunch of thugs had a depressed and anxious feeling about their actions, and they lacked their wild temper now, looking at each other with uncertainty.

''The Lekov syndicate is about to arrive here, kill me already. Both the boss and our only other candidate for our leader died. What are we even supposed to do now? We can't even summon that devil anymore fro some reason... "' One of the men looked at the rest and stepped forward. Due to a lack of anyone willing to take leadership, they all simply bunkered down for the last few weeks, and the main reason for that is that they knew the syndicate wanted to speak with their leader and none of these men were willing to risk being that leader.

''The boss didn't want to join them, I'm sure she would have stood her ground against them, but she is done now and we should just join them. With all of the devil attacks lately and all the people those bastards in black killed, this may be our only chance. Rush Collins and his guard are going to come and beat us up any day. We are nothing more than prey now. "' They continue to debate among themselves, the discussion getting more heated.

''I get it, I know this is really risky, but now that we lost our only demon, they may not even want us to work for them anymore."

''Who is going to speak with them? "another man asked.

''We all will, I'll take the point someone has to make, but it is best if we all agree to this as a whole." A man with a black mustache and his hair sporting a mullet stepped forward. He was carrying a shotgun. He hadn't let go of it since the attack.

''Roland, fine, you can take care of it. So who are they sending again? "Another man asked.

''The note said it was some chick named Vera Konstantinovna Lekov. I have no clue how you even pronounce that. "

''A girl? Forget it, I bet she is just a monster like the boss. "' All of them remained in silence till one of the guards came towards them.

"There is a car coming here... a black fancy car. It has to be them right? "'' The guard asked the group and everyone there looked at each other in fear, until Roland decided to walk towards the meeting spot.

''You better not screw up, I know you really respected our boss, but she isn't around to protect us any more.'' They told Roland he had no choice but to try now.

''Everyone be on guard, I'll do my best." The men began to move. All in different directions. Some of them followed Roland and others went to their lookout spots.

It was indeed a black car, very clean and spotless, something almost no human ever sees on the outskirts. A man stepped out of the vehicle. He was a tall, lanky fellow wearing a long grey trenchcoat. He wore glasses and had a cold, emotionless stare. He didn't even seem on guard even with so many armed thugs around them. His short brown hair, well combed, was a rare thing to see on the men of the outskirts. He fixed his sight on Roland, who was in front of a metal table they had set in the middle of the junkyard.

''They sure seem like cornered dogs. Please try not to be too rough with them. " The man spoke to someone inside the car as he opened the door and stepped to the side. He looked around and saw multiple armed men around the junkyard with their weapons at the ready.

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