Devil Orobas III

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With a hop Jersey moved forward at the same time that Aurora shoot him with her gun, he stared straight at her evading the shot to his head by simply moving at such speed he almost looked like a mist, the ground under his heels burning a green ember. He cut the distance towards her and released a kick, her right eye reacted following his leg and she quickly blocked his kick by raising her arm stopping him from striking at her head, the impact was sudden and forceful but she barely flinched.

''What a weak kick...'' Aurora raise her gun again and shot him straight in his face, her weave evading the shot that mere went through the green mist that trailed his movements she opened fire again but was already gone from her sight already crossing towards the exit of the hall, it was hard to keep track of him, only her right eye could keep track of his movement it was like fighting the very air.

''This looks fun.'' Amii smiled taking over her body as she unsheathed her blade and quickly blocked the exit with her blade, the delivery man stopped just in time to almost touching the tip of the blade with his neck.

''How could you...even keep up with me like this.'' He raised both of his hands and stood still with a nervous smile as he looked at the woman smiling at his side.

''You said you were going to have fun with us so don't leave so soon!''

''Oh man, this is not my day.'' He jumped back evading her swing, Ami rushed towards him wielding her blade through the green mist that followed him, he was quite nervous but with each of her swings he evaded them while walking back simply by moving his upper body, but Amii followed him with no rest a bright smile on her face. She finally makes a long straight piercing cutting the distance and he had no choice but to jump back crashing against the wall as soon as he did, Amii raised her hand and a gunshot was heard.

As planned Aisha shot at the wall, she had been waiting for the signal, Aurora had told her to shoot only at the exact moment she raised her arm and toward that wall, and it all went smoothly, for the first time Aisha thought that maybe captain Aurora could really see into the future.

''Hahaha.'' THe shot hit his torso on the right side and Aurora immediately moved her blade straight to his heart, but all it reached was the wall even after receiving that gunshot he twisted in place moving just enough to the side so her blade would miss, he stared at her for a moment seeing red-eye follow his movement.

''I won't lead you to lead this dance anymore.'' He banished again from her sight as he ducked and sweep the ground with a kick Aurora lost her footing and fell down to the ground, he had no time to do anything else as he heard another gunshot and moved out of the wall, the mist behind following him as he sprints through the hall straight at Aisha, She could barely see anything but the green mist as she heard the sound of a horse running closer and closer, she closed her eyes as he reached her.

''Let me take that, I don't think it fits you that good girl.'' He took the rifle out of her hand and in an instant dismantled it, letting the bullets rain on the ground.

''She opened her against looking at him with anger.''

''Are you going to kill Me now you demon!''

''Kill you? No way Im never going to hurt a woman.'' he threw the rifle to the ground and smiled at her, but he could tell she was both terrified but deeply angry at his words.

''Besides, I'm no killer.''

''What a gentleman,'' Aurora spoke behind him as he turned back and saw a huge red claw coming toward his face.

''How about if we just leave it at that lady, he was about to move but Aish threw herself to the ground and grabbed his leg, she had her eyes closed and was sobbing in sheer terror but she refused to let go of his leg.

''Are you kidding.'' Aurora's claw reached him, the long sharp close opened his asking and ripped up his leather jacket. Still the strength a normal human could never keep a demon in place so he frees himself in just a few seconds, but it was still one second too late. Blood fell from his mouth but by moving his arm below the claw he manage to stop her from reaching his heart, he kicked Aurora back just enough to roll away from the two women, while holding his wounded shoulder where the claw had cut the deepest.

''Aghh...Well, I guess I had that coming,''

''Im afraid, that we are here to kill you if you don't fight back for real you are simply going to die, seriously what the hell was that kick? You are not fighting me seriously, if you hesitate on these streets you are dead a man with your job should know that well.'' Aurora closed her claw she had thrown away her gun only carrying her blade in her left hand. Aisha stood behind her looking kind of out of it, everything that happened had been so sudden she was still trying to comprehend it.''

''Not bad, that was some good thinking, you should retire with the others, now that he has slowed down I can handle the rest.'' She walked forward as he spits blood on the ground, he felt as if his entire arm was about to fall down. He gritted his teeth.

''I don't care I have a delivery to make, and as fun, as this is I'm a busy man. So I'll have to keep this dance short.''

''Aww, come on now, let's have a good time together, stay around!'' Aurora's serious scowl suddenly changed into a mad smile as she rushed towards her with her claw he faced the challenge head-on, the green mist surrounding him completely only leaving a trail of green fire upon his heels, but see she could see it, a minute into the future like a whirlwind he would try to doge and run down the hall, only her demonic eye could see him is if the man had become wind itself. But Amii just smiled at the challenge and threw a punch into the air in front of her She landed a hit against his should in the middle of the green mist he had managed to block with both of his arms, but the strength she had used would have broken his arm has he not prepared.

''The hell, how are you keeping up with me like that?''

''Baby I can do this the whole night.''her claws reached towards his heart again and he ducked underneath, leaving only mist in her reach.

''You are giving me some seriously mix signals lady.'' He punched her on the chin and then dodged her swipe again, that punch barely made her flinch, her smile remaining clear and he could only sigh, he was in trouble that was all he could think, but he couldn't help but smirk a little.

''Wow, the captain really is going wild in here, I wish I could take a better look inside.''Outside on the rooftop, Jeong was watching them through a window, he had remained on watch just in case, he was alone now as Rosa had changed position to get a better shot at the target, still, he was finding it anxious as he could barely understand what was going inside of the building, that man was just a green blur to his eyes.

''So that's a real demon, not really what I had in mind, honestly, this city isn't as scary as I thought...'' Jeong's mouth went dried as he notice something strange with his binoculars. At the side of the building on its walls there was something crawling, a human, no it could not be possible human. It was a long human-like figure with stretching long limbs like those of a spider, it was wearing a black and white striped suit, and its head was blood and clean white porcelain wood, it twisted its neck by 364 degrees looking back straight at Jeung without moving from place, it had no face, its head was a white canvas and yet he felt watched and quickly ducked down. to hide on the fence of the rooftop.

''What the hell is that.'' While he hid the creature broke the window and threw his whole body inside, like a snake going through a small hole disappearing into the building where the two demons were fighting ignorant of crawling terror coming closer. 

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