Devil Diao Si Gui IV

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The sound of a raspy chanting resonated around Cao, the spectral figure of the hangin' man floating above them was speaking, but with its throat destroyed one could understand it as a human tongue. Heng stared at Cao with a cold and ruthless animosity as she cracked her knuckles one last time the devil behind her merely floated unresponsive to all that surrounded it but nonetheless, its presence put Cao on edge. Cao felt a weight upon his limbs as if the iron was crushing down every part of his body, the spectral ghost clinging to his arms and shoulder with bony weak hands, but his hand merely went through them, touching at all was impossible and therefore there was no ripping them out.

'' No, playing around anymore assassin, you gonna get knocked out to Sunday." Heng raised her palm towards him and taunted him to move forward, it makes sense it was after all he who wanted this fight, Cao understood that this was her giving one last chance to back away, but that was impossible he could not allow this woman to live after seeing his face.

"You are still unarmed so I hardly believe I have anything to fear'' Even with one sword alone it was enough to behead her, these ghostly things were concerning but at the moment they did not seem that threatening, such a thing will not make Cao fail his mission.

Cao swung toward her, and she backed away with care show was letting the tip of his blade lead as she followed with both of her arms raised, her breathing calm and serene. Cao knew she was no mere amateur it has been years since he saw someone face death with such conviction, and he gritted his teeth.

"Why, if you only came for my life, why target them," Heng screamed almost to herself as she threw a fist with open palm hitting his shoulder with enough force to dislocate it Cao didn't flinch and moved his free hand to punch her in the face making her retreat, the flames surrounded his arm as his shoulder began to heal, but that was not. Right, where she had hit her target a mist took form into the shape of another crawling ghost now two of them were holding to his shoulder unaffected by the flame.

''I don't know what you demon does but it can't gets rid of my curse assassin, the more of my anger you take the more the weight of your sin will grow, till you can't ever move again.'' Heavy, his arm was in pain as if crunching under the weight of cement.

'' I see so every time you touch me your curse grows...haha, you couldn't do this before then..." Heng raised both fists again.

''That's right, the anger I needed to summon this devil I have only done it once before, but you, to you I'll give all of my anger, what you took from us there is no getting it back.'' Her fist aimed again for his head and he leaned back evading and splashed with his blade, but the weight on his arm was taking him out of balance and she with great ease manages to evade him and threw another punch straight to his chest, he backed away enduring the paint but just like before, where the first stroke a mist turned into another skeleta figure which hands reached towards his neck, he was finding hard to breathe and the room began to spin to his eyes, the figure of the hanging devil looming above him.

'' The curse is spreading, fast you must have taken plenty of lives for this karma to grow so merciless, I will make it up for your victims as well, by sending you here Mr.Assasin!''

''Nonsense I did not wait so many years for a trivial, I have much to much more I don't understand."

''So did Mr.Lee, you started this fight so you will have no sympathy from me." With a struggle in his breath Cao rushed forward again and she did as well, she stroked first but he blocked her fist with her palm and slashed at her shoulder bleeding her out, she groaned and backed away, Cao looked at his palm being surrounded by mist as it took the form of another ghost holding his arm down, now both of his limbs feel as if they were being dragged down by a chain, but he had managed to land a lethal blow to anyone who wasn't a demon it would not be enough to kill her and therefore he prepared to land another attack, but a red light suddenly shined on the warehouse and they both stopped on their tracks.

It was firelight, the one hunters used to indicate a retreat, the only one who had one other than Cao had to be their lookout, Vlad, Cao's expression flared with anger, there was no telling why the signal was sent but he could not question it, Vlad would only do so when they had no hope of survival and yet to let this woman walk away would be a failure his pride could not stomach.

"That...light wait don't you dare run away now, after all, you've done you have no right to walk away!'' Even though she was still bleeding she rushed towards him, Cao looked at her but quickly set his sight on the other woman, Laura who was still on her knees to the side of the corpse of his friend.

He raised his open palm towards her as it was surrounded by flames, the fire took the shape of a demonic bird and flew towards the woman on the ground, Heng saw it immediately and jumped right in front of her with her arms crossed as the firebird flew straight at her, she closed her eyes from the heat of the flames and prepared for the worse.

The firebird when through her and thought the flames surrounded her there was no heat her wound started healing in an instant and the pain was completely gone, the firebird had merely disappeared. She opened her eyes and looked around her but Cao was completely gone.

"Damn it was just a bluff, I can't let him get away.'' Heng was about to run but Laura grabbed her hand and stopped her.

''Please don't leave me...''

Heng looked down at her bloodied shirt and closed her first till it was shaking.

''You are right let's go somewhere safe." The demon behind her began to turn into mist and disappeared leaving the two of them alone in the dark warehouse. There was no reason for the assassin to retreat like that and Heng couldn't help but feel something worse may just be about to happen.  

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