Devil Diao Si Gui V

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Vlad felt a bitter disappointment as the cold wind of the city crashed against his back, he had one arm raised with the flaregun and had just seen the signal fly off, it was like Captain Cao and everyone else saw it but also meant that their enemies would too.

''Sorry Captain, but it looks like our target had more allies than we thought."

Multiple black cars had driven through the market's always forcing the people on them to move out of the way, there were at least five cars and each of them stopped blocking a different alleyway, it was clear they were coordinated to surround the entire district. There was no time to figure out who it was, and they all had to bail immediately fortunately as the Lockout Vlad could see the sign in time, he could only hope the rest of the team would be able to getaways safely into their meeting point.

Vlad gritted his teeth, and he threw the flare so they may be able to pinpoint his location.

"Im not sure I like this whole city life captain, lets's do our best to meet outside again.''

Cao had no hesitation he was already running down the dark alleyway with only his swords and a terrible uneven step, the ghostly apparition over his limbs continued to drag him down, he felt as if every one of his limbs was being crushed moment to moment, so as irritating as it was he couldn't help but felt relieved at the retreat sign.

A car stopped in front of the exit to the alleyway he was running to, he stopped dead on his track as the men step out of it, they all were wearing black traditional Chinese jackets and long coats over them, they pulled handguns as soon as they saw him. Cao immediately could tell these was Triada guns and he felt the weight of his body get heavier by the moment, just making it alive was now his only purpose.

"Ah yes, I had forgotten this city is hell on earth."

Cao has shot the men asked no questions he gritted his teeth as the phoenix manifested from his wound and he ran surrounded by flames, he swung his blade cutting the hand of one of the gunners, and then kicked him away the other two moved forward even while he surrounded by flames they did not hesitate at all. Cao raise his hand towards one of them but the spectral curse weighted it down causing him so much pain he wasn't able to take the man's weapon, with cold eyes the man shot his leg with precision and the other man reached out to grab his hand.

Cao kicked him on the stomach throwing him back against the car and with all of his remaining strength he swung his blade again the two-man dodged it, moving to the side, they were skilled on close quarters combat, but he didn't care he just needed an opening. Cao ran towards the card and jumped over its roof escaping from the alleyway, the people in the market were starting to run away in a panic. He looked behind to see that the three men also jumped over the car and were already running towards him, they were ordinary humans and yet they would not hesitate to pursue a devil.

Cao jumped over a stall to evade the crowd and reached the main rod where two more black carses suddenly driven to abruptly stop to block the road. Cao stopped looking behind him to see that the three men were still on his trail, but suddenly he felt the smell of sulfur close, there had to be a demon on one of those cars. He almost fell to his knee even with all of the adrenaline, the curse continued to weigh him down, he almost felt like simply lying down there and now.

Cao looked around and saw only one other alleyway he could take to run but a tall burly man with a sword and clear tattoos all over his chest already walked to the alley with a grin, they knew these streets perfectly and were ready beforehand for sure, even so, there was no need to consider any other options that was the only road left so Cao run towards him.

Their blades crashed, but his arms gave up as the ghostly creatures crushed his arms with force, the huge man with ease forced him back and with his open palm hit Cao on his face breaking his nose. Cao tried to move his sword but with his limb so weak the human easily overwhelmed him. The other Triada men started to come closer with the guns ready and then a gunshot rang and the tall burly man was hit on the shoulder with precision.

It had to be Mr.Vlad once more he had given Cao an opening and he was going take it, Cao punched the man on his wounded shoulder and then slipped below his arm to run into the alleyway barely evading the tall man's hand, he ran taking his body to the limit as flame surrounded him to cure his wounds as fast as he could.

"There is a sniper everyone takes cover. Most of the men in front of the cars with the tall man hiding behind the wall of the alley as he grabbed his wounded shoulder.

"Damn, it we need to follow it..." The man screamed, but he didn't move as one of the doors in the black car opened.

"Forget it, we are not going to catch up with them in that direction, so sad I knew I should have asked for a few dozen more men." a woman spoke and the man immediately stood in place.

"Madam, you shouldn't come out there is a sniped." The tall man ran to take cover by ducking in front of the car.

"Oh darling, no need to worry they won't risk shooting again, if they want a war with us they would have blown your head rather than just your shoulder, they are not fools that will risk it any longer, that much is clear." Two men helped a woman step out of the car.

"Madame we brought her." From the other side four armed men were scoring Heng and Laura, Heng remained stoic as she held Laura's hand, she was shaking. Heng stared at the woman her expression one of clear anger.

"Darling I came as quick as I could I never would leave one of my girls in danger." The woman spoke with a haughty and smug tone.

She was clearly in charge as all of the men of the Triada walked to stand firmly at both sides of her with their arms behind their backs. The woman was an elegant petite lady wearing a Chinese dress of a dark red color and a very long man coat of black with white strips She wore over her shoulders almost like a cape, the woman was also holding a fan with black and white shapes that covered her face completely.

"I knew you had to be spying on me and don't call me one of your girls I long since quit, I've got nothing to do with you anymore."

"Don't be so mean, even if you don't like me you will always be one of my cute daughters to me, now then would you want to explain what has happened." The woman lowered her fan and showed that she had no head behind it, her graceful neck only disappeared into a black that floated in a place like a whirlwind and yet there was still the voice of a woman coming from that black deep void.

"I think he was one of you, look at this I took it from him." Heng raised the elegant sword she had stolen from Cao, the woman stood quiet for a moment.

"That sword...sorry darling I will need you to come with me to Longwan, bare in mind this is not a request but a demand." The woman opened her fan again and Heng nodded.

"I had hoped I would never need to go back to Longmei, but it seems our dreams ended tonight, ha,, hahaha." Heng broke into a bitter laugh as Laura held her shoulder knowing she couldn't keep crying anymore, Heng and her would need to be stronger than ever now.

The two women walked towards the blacks cars, feeling the sting of their dreams coming to an end under the shining lights of the city. 

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