Interlude I The forgotten bride file 02

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"I see, so you don't remember him exactly, but you still have a sense that your memories are not quite correct. You knew someone else accompanied your team, but not really who or what they looked like? Is that correct? "' Aya was taken to the hospital tent after the team returned to the labyrinth. Head doctor Krieg and Mr.Cao were tending to her. Abram was there as well, keeping his distance by standing near the entrance with his arms crossed.

"I'm trying to remember but it's making my head hurt."She spoke with anxiousness to Cao evading looking at Abram as much as she could.

It is possible your mind is trying to make up for the inconsistencies. That said, this is not a natural reaction like trauma or anything like that. It is very unlikely that these memories can be recovered. It is best if you don't attempt to get them back at this point. "' Mr.Cao came closer to Krieg and bent to look at Aya closer while she was still holding her head with a headache.

"Mr. Abram has a very scary demon... but right now I don't really care that much. I have to attend Luis's funeral, which is the least I can do since I couldn't save that idiot." Cao looked at the doctor. She was looking at her notes as she smoked a cigar trying to make sense of the situation.

"I guess you can leave. This case isn't as bad as the last one. I doubt there will be any further issues." Aya stood up and walked towards the exit with their permission. She looked at Abram, who had his eyes on the ground.

"Thanks for saving me back there, Mr.Abram I am sorry I can't remember you."'

"It is not like we knew each other that much. It is best that you think about Luis rather than me. You have somewhere to be right? " She nodded and left the tent. Abram never really looked at her face.

"I know this is all magic bullshit, so who knows how it really works, but having people suffer from memory loss is the last thing we need, Mr.Abram. ''The doctor looked at him with her usual unfriendly scowl, but Abram knew that was just how she looked at everyone.

"Using my power while close to someone seems to always end this way. I still believe I did the right thing. I needed her to be alive. This was all my mistake. "Krieg side-eyed him before returning to her notes.

"Well, it is something worth keeping in mind if you are going to lead your own squad. They can't exactly forget their captain after every mission. What a headache that will be. "' Cao sat on a bed in the tent with his hands closed together.

"What can I say? My powers really don't mesh well with others. As long as I keep my distance, this can be evaded. Honestly, it may be for the best that I don't interact with my team that much. She didn't mind forgetting, since we barely knew each other. Her memories weren't that damaged. "'

"It is so convenient that you have an excuse for your anti-social tendencies, Mr.Abram, but I understand the sentiment. Making bonds with my team is essential for my own power, so even if I don't believe that to be the correct approach, it is a sound one. " Abram smiled bitterly at Cao's usual practical answer.

"I guess loneliness is just the price to pay for making a deal with the devil. It could have been much worse."

"That is true, but we shouldn't pretend we know that much about the devil yet. It is, after all, a demon whose name we don't even know. Because of that, things went awry in this operation. A lot of demons have become known in the city over generations. Yours is also one of these, but since no one keeps memories of it, it is more of a tale or legend. "''

"I asked for her name, but she honestly only bothers to appear and talk when I'm in danger. She isn't that violent, at least, she doesn't try to attack anyone I don't want to... but she does ask if I want more power from her and to pay a price. " Cao nodded as he seemed to be pondering something.

"That demon is at least as smart as a human. Truth be told, demons like that can be extremely dangerous, but at the same time, they can be the most cooperative as communication is not impossible. Mr.Abram, please make sure to report everything she says to you. If it's on paper, even if we forget you, valuable research can remain. "'

"I'll try. I'm not paying that much attention while someone is trying to kill me."

"At least it is a demon whose utmost priority is your safety, but demons like that are very much parasites in a sense. They need to keep feeding, in your case, from the memories of the people that surround them. If this is their one true intention, the bride may want you to be in danger constantly. "" '

"You guys want me to be in danger too, so I don't think we can evade this at all." Abram shrugged.

"True, well, I do believe we need to find her true name somehow. That said, demons evolve as well. You must have noticed your powers are already becoming stronger, have you not? "'

"Yeah, my mist can expand really far now and I'm getting used to fighting with that creepy skeleton as a team. What exactly causes it? "' Cao stood up again, fixing his tie as he looked over some documents he had brought.

"Souls, due to our contract with the commander, the souls of the demons consumed in the labyrinth give a part of their power to us. Just like the people of the city consume souls to grow in power, we will do the same. " 'Very well, I will take my leave now. I have much to report. "'

"I'll swing by the funeral. Luis died on my watch after all. "' Cao bowed slightly and walked out of the tent. Abram looked at the doctor, expecting him to leave, and he did as well.

"So my demon is growing too... heh I'm starting to feel like I'm on a one-way trip to hell." Abram walked through the labyrinth with his hands in his pocket, evading looking at anyone around him.

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