Target profile Mezu and Gozu

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Abram had received a message to go to the Newspaper office at this date and time. He went there by walking and taking the trolley along with Collins, but only he was allowed to enter the office with the silver coin of a fly that Aurora had left him. He was still unsure about going alone to a building with at least two demons inside, but he had a feeling that was going to become quite common in the big city.

Just like before Amara escorted him to the office in the back where Director Vic Ocassio greeted him with a smile, Abram greeted him back without much excitement and sat down in front of his desk.

''You would like to know that our arrangements with Aurora have been completed. We are on  arrangement now and I have news of your first target, Aurora already approved this, but since you are going to carry the hit, it is only fair that I tell you in person, that we will be working together so I hope we can get along.''Vic spoke with his usual candor, the man could speak with ease.

''Likewise, I know I'll be put to work on spying and tailing people, I have the perfect skill for that. But I don't care to make friends it's better you just don't think much about me at all Mr.Ocassio.''

''If only boy, but I'm an extremely curious man, it is something Mr.Louise expects of all of his employees, I know quite a bit about Aurora, Mr. Cao, and even the fellow outside, the captain of the guard Mr.Collins, but I know next to nothing about you boy, you are either someone very good at keeping secrets or a total nobody.''

''Yeah, I'm definitely the second one sir.'' Ocasio nodded, he raised an eyebrow at hearing it so directly.

''It could very well be, but I must say I'm curious about your demon, almost everyone with demons on the outskirts got them from someone inside the city, except for you, I'm to believe that you simply stumble upon a powerful demon by chance, the bride is a particular one since almost nothing is know about it, even its name is just a rumor. But as far as I'm aware it was a demon that existed only inside the city.'' He continued much to Abrahms dislike

''Someone came to town then, I merely got it by chance from someone that died, but hey if you get any useful please tell me, because I'm just as curious about it.''

''Will do Sir, for the proper price of course.'' Mr.Ocassio took out a folder from his desk and showed it to Abram, he opened it and saw a very perturbing white and black photo at the top of a lot of documents. Two huge men in black suits were walking on the street with guns, but one of them was carrying a headless body with a single arm. The truly scary thing is that they didn't have human faces, they had the head of an ox and a horse respectably.

''These men are the twin Genji brothers, the one with the horse head carrying the corpse is Ichiro, and the ox-headed fellow would be Shinjiro, they are the new twins as people call them. You see the demons they summon can only be called  by twin brothers and they must summon both demons at once, the names of the demons are Mezu and Gozu.

''Two targets? Is that really a good idea?'' Abram has faced a demon once and if there is something he never wanted to do is to fight even more at once.

''Quite, due to the curse of the demons, the twins can never be apart from each other and both demons require human sacrifices constantly, because of this the twin demons are infamous in the city, they belong to the Nishiyama family or at least they did, these two just defected and ran away from the Onigashima district.''

''If we attack them won't that bother the Nishiyama?''

''Not at all, the Nishiyama has already demanded their heads and for the twin demons to be returned to them to be summoned again, these two were quite fast to react, they took over a building in Korean town here in the inner district because of that the Nishiyama can't follow them without risking a breach on the neutrality of the area. Is a complicated matter especially because I'm sure they will be attacking the people around soon if they have been unable to use any sacrifices.''

''Isn't this the kind of stuff the police department is supposed to handle?''

''Old Nishiyama must be putting pressure on them, I'm quite sure even low-level gangster-like these brothers have information on the Nishiyama they don't want out, they probably will send an assassin of sorts to put this under wraps, besides the department suffered a massive blow not that long ago, is quite curious really, inspector Franklin was the man that killed the previous  twins a few years ago. This inspector died, in your territory in fact, maybe you know more about that than I do... The fact is that they won't risk any more inspectors if they don't need to, they will just wait for the Nishiyama to clear their own mess.''

''Can't say, maybe, lots of crazy things happen on the outskirts.'' Abram closed the folder showing no reaction to his words.

''Everyone in this city would prefer that these demons are killed off, there is no risk involved   and they are as unwanted as they come. More importantly, the faster this situation is resolved the better for Mr.Louise and the people of Korean town, they do not want the Nishiyama to get on their territory.''He spoke candidly as if it was a simple business proposition.

''Hah, no worries we are going to get ready for this, I'm sure my friend will be all up for it, protecting small towns from bastards is his favorite pastime.'' Mr.Ocassio reached his hand for a handshake.

''Looking forward to working with you hunters from now on, let's clean our streets one demon at a time.'' He nodded and shook hands as their partnership officially rose from the ground.

Abram was now outside of the newspaper office he gave a signal to Rush who was leaning against a building on the other side of the street he nodded and began to walk, they slowly met up again on an empty alley without saying a word to each other till they knew no one had followed them.

''I see, so that is how things are. Well I don't mind it and it's the two of us here, maybe they don't trust me enough to be a captain yet, but you know I can fight, we will separate them and attack one on one.''

''I'm going to survey the area the target has to be taken down in the next three days, there is a chance someone else will kill them, and if they do we won't be able to eliminate their demons.''

''Alright, Im guessing that the rest of your squad will be arriving in town soon...Hey, do you think that maybe she will be there?''Collins looked back at Abram awkwardly while scratching his neck.

''Who...wait do you mean Aysha?'' Abram nodded with an anxious expression.

''I doubt it, she still has at least three more months of training, besides all the rookies will be going to Aurora's team now that she disbanded her last one, she is their instructor so it makes sense.'' Abram started walking out of the alley without showing his face to Collins who followed him from behind.

''I don't understand, why she would join the frontlines, she has zero experience  it was only because we are always so short-staffed that they let her take the training since she already made a contract with the labyrinth and all, does she really hate demons that much?'' Collins shook his head disagreeing with Abram.

''No you moron, she is just tired of being left behind by us, if I had to peel potatoes while my friends went to get killed I would go completely insane.''

''That is just you Rush, most people can bear it, is better than death...she has no reason to either, you are just a friend of Nicholas and I'm no one she knows,'' Abram said letting the word banish quietly as he fixed his cap.

''Even if she can't remember you, she already knows you are family, honestly, you just ran away at the end again and I think she is gonna follow you to war to get a proper answer if that is what it takes.''

''I doubt she will make it past the training...but if she does, have her join your squad, Rush.'' Abram stopped and looked back at his friend with a serious expression.

''Are you serious?''

''You are better at protecting people, besides I don't want to steal any more memories from her, I will not accept her in my squad and you are the only one I can trust.'' Rush crossed his hand angrily.

''Fine have it your way, seriously you really never change, no wonder she had enough.'' The two of them walked back into the streets of the city going back to their apartment, to prepare, after three months of waiting they went on the hunt again now at the true city of demons. 

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