Volume III Prologue I: the tales of the hunters

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"Most of them are dead, from what I hear this stonehead gangster barely does much more than drug selling, but their boss got a devil a few months ago and they have been really rough on this inner circle."

"Till now."

"Yes, till now, most of them are dead and there is no trace at all of their boss Mr.Rockwell." Two men wearing the brown uniform of police detectives stood in a rundown office, there were traces of a gunfight on it, and on the middle of the carpet, signs of a fire and the lingering smell of sulfur.

"But you are sure that it was the acts of hunters."

"That is what the witness said, he is just in the other room Sir..."

"Lieutenant Corporal Fritz." The two men went quiet, at the entrance a tall man wearing a white suit with a long coat was slowly walking between them towards the carpet, he wore a military cap but it was his face that unnerved them, as his brown stoic face had no eyes, just a crossed flesh wound on a clean wiped face, but no sign he ever had eyes just a flesh wound in an x shape.

"Combustion, that is indeed the coup the grace of all of hunters, I believe is enough, as it has been ordered we will take over this case, and return with all of your men, this is an anti-devil corps case, I will speak with the witness now, you are both excused gentleman." They looked concerned but both of the two detectives left the room.

"Corporal Fritz this is no joke if a big shot like that is walking around in our stinky town, you think the rumours are true?" One of the detectives asked his partner.

"Is not only here I hear from a friend from the police department on Risco Infernale, that there have been victims too, but people are also speaking of them like a legend now, when someone makes a contract with a devil a hunter will arrive to punish them, most small gangs with devils are afraid as well, you remember that low-class crock of Johny the weasel, he came yesterday saying he was seeing men in black and that he rather sleep in a prison than a coffin."

"I hate it ever since the Police chief got killed, we dont get any leeway we nothing but errand boys for the corps. I know we have no devils working on our ranks but at this point, we are just nothing but a joke."

"That's what we get for making an embarrassment of the city, it doesn't matter to us now, all matters involved in them are out of our hands, I suppose that woman was all talk, and the rest of us we are stuck cleaning her mess."

"Yeah, we have enough trouble, the hunters also destroyed the Ocassio Familia, and there are rumors another family is taking over the streets now, the Louise agencies are calling themselves a familiar now...I knew that lot was way too dangerous."

"That would be for the best, you know how tense everything is, the word in the street is that with the police and Ocassio done for, the families are aiming to take over the inner district finally, I wouldn't blame them, after what happened a year ago, with that long day of conflict on the streets, I think is only a matter of time before one of them decides to march on this place.

"That's never happened, if anyone does, the other families won't stand still...that would be a war, no way anything like that can happen, it hasn't happened in decades."One of them got seriously agitated but his companion only chuckled.

"Right, doubt the corps would let that happen but then again, that strange tower can still be seen above the wall...I feel strange times are coming, oh well it has nothing to do with us, we of the police corps  are just here to stand around and arrest some people for loitering nothing more than that now, this city belongs to the demons after all." The detective pulled out his cigar with an annoyed grin, a clear expression on his face but he just puffed out his grief as he walked.

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