Devil Sabnock III

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"We will march. We have waited a long time to exist in this world. We will not be denied again. " The voice of the demon Vepar roared in the voice of the fallen queen. The white worm threw itself forward with its gaping mouth. Cao jumped to the side, barely evading it, and ran back towards its neck.

"Interesting you can speak so easily, it is a pity we don't have the time for a conversation!" With his twin blades, Cao sliced at the beast's neck till the long tentacles that came from its body forced him back. He slices at them to keep them at bay, but he was suddenly attacked from the side by another of the white devils. The demon's offspring did not lose the chance to strike at his back. He turned on his feet, barely blocking one of the monster's claws, but another hit him on the shoulder, ripping his flesh. As the beast charged forward, Aurora kicked him off balance with her inhuman strength and quickly shot the creature in the face with her handgun. She quickly rushed at the confused creature and pierced its chest with her blade. Cao looked at his shoulder where a huge white worm that had been released from the creature's claws tried to enter his wound, but flames grew from his wound, calcinating the worm. The flames closed any traces of his painful wound and took on the shape of a bird on his shoulder.

"We can't allow a single one of these things to exist in this world. Show them no quarter!" Cao ordered to all who could listen. The white creature had fallen dead from Aurora's attack. Fortunately, the thralls lacked the regeneration capabilities of a true demon. Aurora's demonic eye glowed in anticipation.

"Jump to the left, right now! " She screamed at Cao as she rushed to the opposite side of the demon. He nodded, understanding her vision of the future, and jumped as the massive tail of the worm swiped the place where they were standing, breaking down the asphalt street. Cao could see Aurora on the other side of the worm, where she evaded its massive mouth by rushing before it descended upon her. The worm could stretch forward as fast as a viper snake if they were to stop moving, if only for a second. They would die so fast that their regeneration would be meaningless.

"Oh my, Vepar, you are very desperate. Are you that scared of going back? " Aurora mocked it, or rather the demon within her, as she evaded its head again and quickly pierced its neck with her blade in a movement so fast it was hard for Cao to follow.

The creature bled profoundly. She had opened quite a wound on its skin, but the beast recoiled from a swipe at her by using its neck like a whip, hitting her right in the chest and throwing her in the air like a ragdoll. The white worm prepared itself to launch forward, but before it could reach her again, Cao struck against its neck, using all of his strength to jump forward, throwing the beast off its course just enough for Aurora to roll out of the way. Cao walked towards her and the birds of flames surrounded her.

"Did you strike it, knowing that it was going to hit you? " She smiled at Cao's furious complaints.

"Sure did. Why not? You can just patch me up, right old friend? "Aurora tried to laugh. She wasn't the demon at the moment, but she was still as aloof as always. She was in a lot of pain and failed to truly laugh. There was no way some of her ribs weren't broken.

"The two of you are just unbearable." He touched her body, spreading a warm flame around her. As she finally began to get on her feet, he looked back at the beast in the distance. The creature was bleeding profoundly from the gap in its neck as it tried to prepare for another assault.

The worm twisted itself, its blood dripping all around its white skin. It screeched and the many teeth that grew from its body all raised as well. Like a tree, its many heads began to spread, biting at the air to bite down on anything they could find. Hearing that pitiful sound, the demon thralls stopped their assault and turned towards the two captains. They all knew that their mother was at risk and would now rush to her cries for help. The swarm answered hurriedly, but so did the hunters. The enemy had shown them their back and thought they were being pushed into a corner. They were now free to strike at their leisure.

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