Epilogue II Police investigation

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''All of this is still too risky, but at least there doesn't seem to be that many guards around'' Eva and Frankly had spent too much time in the depths of the labyrinth. The familiar walls seemed to stretch endlessly. They didn't show it, but the longer it went on, the more anxious they felt. Fortunately, there were still the tracks from the truck, so they were not truly aimless in their search yet.

It is due to that attitude that you have never gotten promoted, Mr. Franklin.'' Eva was leading the exploration with a small flashlight. The more she ventured, the more everything meshed into the same sight. Ever forward, endlessly confusing.

''I did get offered a promotion, I just rejected it. That was ten or so years ago. They never considered me twice, can't say I don't regret it when I take a look at my wallet. "

''Why would you ever do that? I don't get it. You could have joined the anti-devil corps, but here you are stuck looking among the trash of the outskirts.'' They started to argue, forgetting even for a moment that they were in enemy territory.

''The corps, they are just an extermination squad, I was already too old to want a job like that... sometimes trying to have a calm life is the best path to take.''

''I can't afford that, I will make it to the corps one day and make a living in the capital district. My parents gave me everything so I could get a chance at obtaining a devil, I suppose it is easy for you to throw in the towel. You don't have any family left to care for."

''haha, you sure are not one for delicacy, I think you'll fit into the corps just fine, missy, but it's true, I only have myself to answer for. I lost my family to devils after all. ''

''And yet you dislike the corps, the only people that can handle violent demons. Our city will be helpless without them.''

''Maybe, but I just don't want to go around killing anyone, not again. Other men can take on that role.''

''Why do you even have a devil then? If I had such a thing my life would have been so different. It is just unfair, Mr. Franklin.'' He lazily put another cigar in his mouth and shrugged and wandered behind her. The younger woman simply stared ahead with a cold expression.

''You've never killed anyone before, have ya' miss, is the bare minimum to summon a demon most of the time. It only gets harder from there, I suppose for all that it got me, I still regret having summoned one. A curse is a curse. There is no running away from it as much as you want, be careful when you summon a demon. It may be the easiest way to make it big in the city, but it always eats up at you.'' Franklin looked at his hand for a moment before returning it to the pocket on his trenchcoat.

''Nonsense, but I suppose that is why you don't have any ambitions left. You are all dried up, Mr.Franklin.''

''Maybe, it's been decades now and all, but I'm sure you will be going ahead of me any day now, kid, if you live that long at least.''

''Oh, you still got some bite left. Just stand and watch Mr.Flanklin....''She suddenly went quiet as she looked at the hallway finally opening into a wide hall. The two of them stopped and Franklin quickly moved in front of her.

''We need to go back now....I can sense the smell of sulfur.''' Their flashlights illuminated a dense fog ahead of them, Eva didn't listen to him and marched forward.

''Jeez, alright, just stay close to me. For all of your bravado, you are still just a human miss.'' The old inspector groaned as he chewed on his cigar. He walked forward as the fog began to surround him. The woman behind him already had a gun at the ready.

''This is private property, so Im gonna give you both a chance to turn around and leave.'' A voice came from within the fog. Their flashlight illuminated a man wearing a black suit on the inside of the fog, of brown-skinned man  with a cap that hid most of his face under an old cap'''

''Really now? I'm quite sure there are no real laws here on the outskirts, I doubt this place has a deed either. We just got lost here, young man. It is really easy to get lost in this wretched old place, We were just looking for the bathroom, that's all.''Franklin shined his flashlight at the walls, making sure there was no one else surrounding them.

''' You are not allowed to go past this point. If you try, I will have to force you out.'' The man spoke, but his voice was hardly threatening. Franklin felt this person would have already attacked him if he just wanted to exterminate any intruder, so he tried to lower his guard a little and see if they could talk it out.''

''Shut up, we are members of the Argia police central. It is our job to oversee the outskirts as well. If someone is breaking the law here, it will be you.'' Eva aimed her gun at him and he stepped back.

''The police department... that will not be appreciated by the old lady, I think. We don't mean any trouble and, as my companion said, there are no laws here. Don't think you get to call the shots here just because you are from the city, I will not allow you to pass. It is that simple.'' The young man in the fog spoke with a tired tone. He didn't seem particularly concerned.

"See, so the person in charge is a woman. Thank you for the tip. Listen, if you refuse to cooperate as a member of the Argia police corps, you will be forced into custody! "She threatened him with her gun. He lowered his cap as he looked down at the floor.

''Damn it I spoke way too much. If that's the way it is going to be, I can't let you leave anymore.'' Eva opened fire, but the man vanished into the fog and reappeared throwing a knife aimed directly at her from her right side. Franklin moved to the side and grabbed the knife in the air before it reached her.

''I guess there is no negotiating here. Eva runs back to the city and reports to the chief. Is not much, but we at least have some info here.'' he looked back at her, with a serious expression she had never seen from the old inspector at all.

''I won't just leave, even if he is a demon I..'' Franklin grabbed her by her shirt and lifted her with one arm.

''No time for you being so damn stubborn, girl. This is a fight for us demons, so get lost!'' He threw her back into the hallway with all of his strength and no delicacy at all. Abram was about to run towards them, but he stopped as he felt a sudden demonic presence and heard the sound of a collapse. He had stepped back to turn on the lights in the hallway, but his advantage was meaningless if he was also unable to see his opponent.

What he saw when the lights turned on was that the hallway had collapsed completely, the ceiling had caved in, blocking the path, and among the rubble, the old man with the green coat walked calmly. The right side of his coat had been ripped open as his arm had grown and mutated, into what seemed to be a massive lance of flesh and iron.

''Demon hunters, right? Let me see how good you are. It's been decades since I had to use the lance of the devil Eligor, but I'm quite sure even if I'm out of my prime that there is nothing this lance can't pierce.'' Inspector Franklin lit up his last cigar as he walked towards Abram. His arm had twisted into a lance, long and sharp and yet still very light for him to move, even if it seemed weighted more than the rest of his body.

I'm gonna get scolded for letting her go, but I guess I'm glad I won't have to kill a human today.'' Abram took out his dagger as the fog that surrounded him began to expand.

''All kids these days are so cocky. Don't get over yourself when it comes to killing demons. I have decades on you.'' He bit down on his cigar as he looked at his opponent with disgust.

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