Devil Orobas IV

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Jersey had no issue running into the hallway but Aurora still manage to catch up to him, it seemed that the doors had been locked ahead of time, the whole place had been prepared as a massive trap and all the windows had iron fences set on to them this was no small work it would have taken a lot of people and working hours to get this done, he could tell he was not dealing with a small group of mercenaries.

''Damn, guess there is no way out but up'' Het spun just in time to evade Aurora's sword she was clearly making up the difference in speed by cutting off his movements almost as if she knew everything he planned to do before he dashed to the left side of the hall she swiped with her claw cutting him off from heading back into the main hallway.

''Give it up lady it doesn't matter how much you swing that around you are not fast enough to touch me.'' He waved as he walked backward both of his hands raised, she pierced with a stockade towards his head but he merely moved it from left to right to evade the tip of the blade, Aurora gritted her teeth this was taking longer than expected.

''You think you can make it out of here without even fighting back, don't get so cocky kid,''

''Hey, I've nothing against you, not much for violence that's all, lets's just leave this on a tie and take a coffee later, my treat.'' Aurora's eye glowed with a red tint, there were no traces of that mad smile, she had taken over Amii, to take care of this once and for all. Her claw raised towards his head again and he licked his lip disappeared into a green whirlwind and passed through her side, Aurora upon on place seeing it, the rail he was going to take, he was going to run back on the hallway, so with all of her strength she there her sword, the inhuman strength sending it flying like a javelin and it hit him straight to his back underneath of the package he carried, making the man collapse before he could take a turn.

''That is what you get for showing your back kid.''

He grabbed the handle of the blade to take it out, and error by all means as it caused him to bleed profoundly even a demon should know better than that, Aurora couldn't help but smirk at his lack of training as powerful a demon as he was he fought as an ordinary civilian would.

'' are really want to kill me... why? Do you really want this package that much?''

''I don't care about your delivery I already told you, Im, here for your life, they send me for you and nothing else, so if you want to continue playing around you just going to make it easier for me.'' The man's smile had disappeared he was not sweating in terror, this was unusual for him, almost no one had managed to harm him before.

''Sorry but, my job is to deliver this fighting you will just be a waste of time, so I'll just say this, you won't be able to catch me no one can.'' She ran towards him with her claw and he threw the blade away from them rather than run away he ducked and tackled her with enough force to throw her back.

''Hahaha, so that how it is fine, have it your way I'll play with you so hard, you will have to play for real, fears always win at the end with humans, they show themselves as the beast they are when put against the wall, haha.'' Aurora's voice suddenly shifted and her expression showed pure madness again.

They looked at each other breathing slowly they both knew any mistake could be fatal, even Amii knew she could slip from his claws if she gave him any opening and she would never catch up to him again. Before either of them could move they hear a loud rumbling sound and a terrible screech.

''They both looked in the middle towards the hallway they had come from to see a long claw grabbing the corner at the end of the hall, they both stared at it unable to move from the place.

''You stole...give it back, he wants it back.'' The voice of a woman echoed in the hall but it sounded unnatural like it was composed of many voices interloping. An unbelievable tall figure stepped into the hallway having to hunchback as its head was touching the ceiling, it was a lone figure on a suit, slender and tall as a tree, his walking mechanical and strange and his hands were long metal claws, in fact, it had no skin at all his head was that of an empty wooden head like that of a wooden doll. Amii stopped smiling as Aurora took over.

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