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Gio pov

Noah walked down into the dining hall, I felt disappointed that she put makeup on her neck. We didn't have any missions today so I figured I'd just go to the warehouse and do some extra paperwork.

"Okay, I know you all have questions. I might not answer some but I'll try my best." She said as she sat down.

Matteo is the first to speak up. "What's your kill count?"

"23,079 that I know of."

"Shit" he mumbled.

"Why do you use citrus as your recon sign?" Alessia asked.

"I don't know, I like the smell of it."

"Why did you create this persona?"

She tensed up at the question. "It was a power move." She was lying.

"Does anyone else have any secret identities that you know of?" My mom asked.

"Nope. Just me, Vale and Proditione."

"What was your biggest kill streak?" Luca asked.

"I killed 400 people in the same building because the leader of their gang groped me. I killed him on spot." I felt my blood start to boil. "I'll answer your questions if you have any more, but I gotta go."

Sky walked up to her and asked "Where are you going?"

She quickly glanced over at me and looked away. "I'm going to see Vassilio."

"Good luck" Sky told her. Why good luck?

Noah pov

I'm breaking up with Vassilio today. He was really sweet and caring, but he's way too clingy.

It doesn't have anything to do with Gio, obviously I liked our kiss. A lot. But I can't let him in, I can't let myself be vulnerable.

If my friends and I were ever in a difficult scenario ,I'll be able to handle it. I'll be thinking clearly. But if my emotions were to get involved romantically, I'd start being irrational and make bad decisions.

I drove to his apartment building and went up using the elevator. As I walked out, there was a redhead who stepped into the elevator. She looked at me and immediately looked down. Even if she doesn't know who I am, I give off that effect.

Her lipstick was a little smudged and she wasn't wearing a bra. Seeing as Vassilio had his own floor in the building, I already know what happened.

I'm not mad, just confused. He kept telling me he wants me to move in and advance our relationship yet he goes and sleeps with other women? Bastard, his dick isn't even that big anyways.

I walk to his door and knock. He opens it and looks shocked that I'm here. I put on my fakest smile and walk in.

"Hey so I wanted to talk to you about something." I start. "I just saw the redhead coming out of your apartment and I think we should break up." I'm sore from this morning's workout, my injury has gotten worse and I need to take a break.

The look of anger that showed through his eyes worried me a little. On a normal day I could take him down easily, but I'm hurt, I'm vulnerable. Stupid bitch, I shouldn't have come here today.

"I'm not letting you go." His fists were clenched.

"Well that isn't your decision to make." My anger rises a little. "I'm leaving, don't contact me."

I tried to walk out but he grabbed my wrist and slapped me in the face. My lip started bleeding from his rings.

"You listen here, you're gonna regret this. There's someone else, isn't there? You're such a little slut." His voice started rising.

I tried to free my wrist but he just pushed me onto the coffee table, it shattered and I felt pieces of glass piercing into my back. I quickly got back up and headed to the door. He caught my wrist again.

"Let me go Vassilio." I tried my best to keep my calm.

He punched me in the face so my head turned to the side a little. He leaned into my ear and whispered "I'm going to get you back."

I immediately walked out and went back to the house.

I went to my new office and got out the first aid kit.

Gio pov

I heard the main door slam shut and a few seconds later, Noah's office door did as well. I went to her office to check if she was alright.

I knocked and she just told me to go away. I didn't listen.

I walked in and she was sitting on her desk with her shirt bunched up at her shoulders. She had pieces of glass stuck on her torso and she was taking them out.

What. the. fuck. happened.

I walked over to her and helped her take out a shard of glass she couldn't reach on her back.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Nothing." She muttered.

"This isn't nothing, your face too." She had a bruise on her cheek, the other side of her face was red and her lip was bleeding.

"Just drop it Gio." Haha, funny. No.

"Was it that boyfriend of yours?" She looked down at my question and started playing with her hands. That answers my question.

She was sitting with her legs crossed on her desk, facing the window while I stitched her wounds.

"I'll kill him." I will, I really will.

I grabbed a cloth and ran it under cold water to minimize swelling. I pressed it to some of the cuts on her back. She hissed a little. "Sorry."

She just shook her head, signaling me that it's okay. "Listen, about this morning-" my heart rate started going up. "- it shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry, I got carried away. We can't afford to be weak right now."

"I'm not sorry, but I'll respect your wishes." To be honest, I don't know how I'll do it. I have the constant need to be with her, touching her, kissing her. She hasn't even been here long, but I want her, only her.

If she wants something to happen with us, I want her to start it. She obviously has a heavy past and I don't want to force her into anything. That still doesn't change the fact that if another man looks at her, I'll shoot him.

With that, I left and went to the warehouse.

I needed to get my mind off of Noah.

While I was doing paperwork, my dad called. I didn't want to answer, but I needed to know what he wanted. He's been in Germany the past year on 'business'. So basically he's just hooking up with prostitutes.

"What do you want, father." I ask in a bored tone.

"I called to tell you I'm coming home tonight. I want a big dinner, close allies there. Get it organized."

"I will. See you soon." I really didn't want to. My dad's been trying to get me to propose to Vicky ever since we went into business with her dad. He said I should marry her and just have affairs.

I may be a lot of things, but a cheater isn't one of them, his loyalty to my mom is shit, which is probably why he was also a shit leader.

He was an equally shit father. He used to beat me, call me worthless and pathetic, he is one of the reasons my brother died. I've despised him ever since that night.

I took over when I was 18, it's been eight years. Our business only became successful when I was in charge.

I asked Luca to call up some of our allies to 'celebrate' my father's arrival. That also means Vicky will be there. Ew.

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