CHAPTER 31 - The Morning After

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Noah pov

I'm running. I don't know where I am. I'm on a road somewhere. No cars have passed.

Finally, I see some light. I approach it and see it's a gas station. Thankfully, there's a clerk inside talking to his colleague so they didn't notice my appearance. I went inside and looked through the isles a little. I saw some newspapers that dated from July 13th. I was taken on February 21th, the night before my birthday. It's only been five months? It felt longer.

When one of the men finally saw my state, his eyes widened. "Bu-Buenas noches señorita." (Good evening miss) I noticed his accent, I'm in Spain. "¿Qué puedo hacer por usted?" (What can I do for you?)

Thankfully, I've already learnt spanish. "¿Cuál es la fecha exacta de hoy?" (What's the exact date today?)

"El 19 de Agosto 2013" It's been a year and five months. (August 19th 2013)

"'¿Tenéis teléfono?" (Do you have a phone?) He nodded and pointed towards a pay phone in the corner. "No tengo moneda..." (I don't have any money...) He pulled out a coin and gave it to me.

I headed to the phone and dialled the number of the person I knew would pick up.

"C'est qui?" He answered. His voice got deeper since the last I'd seen him. (Who is this?)

"Adrien? C'est Noah. J'ai besoin de ton aide-" (Adrien? It's Noah, I need help-)

"Noah? Tu es où?" (Noah? Where are you?)

"En Espagne. Trace l'appelle. Fais- le vite s'il te plait" Tear started forming in my eyes. (In Spain, trace the call. Do it fast please.)

"Je l'ai. Attends à l'intérieur jusqu'à ce que tu vois une Jeep rouge. Entre à l'arrière et il t'emmènera à l'aéroport. On te rencontreras là." (I have it. Wait inside until you see a red Jeep. Get in the back and it will bring you to the airport. We will meet you there.)

"Ça va." I hung up on him fast after that. (Okay)

The clerk looked at me worried. "¿Todo bien?" (Everything okay?)

I nodded my head. "Mhm gracias por su tiempo." waited for the red car and got in. (Thank you for your time.)

I woke up and noticed it was still dark outside. I checked the time, 4am. Gio had his arms still wrapped around my waist and my leg was tangled with his. Usually I don't have nightmares when he's around, but when I do, he does an amazing job of helping me calm down after, even if he isn't conscious. His presence alone makes me feel safe.

I went back to sleep for another few hours.

When I woke up again from my dreamless sleep, I was alone. Well not for long anyways. Gio walked in, wearing nothing but his boxers, holding two plates filled with eggs, bacon and pancakes.

Fuck. This man.

"Good morning" He kissed me and set the plate down on my lap. I reached for his shirt to put it on but he stopped me. "Um no. I very much enjoy you naked" He pouted.

I simply rolled my eyes but stayed as naked as the day I was born. Did I mention Gio was a good cook? Hell. He's the best I've ever had. In both ways.

He sat on the bed next to me and his usual scent of rain with a hint of vanilla enveloped me like a warm blanket.

"This is a lot of food. If you keep feeding me this much, I'm gonna get fat." I chuckled.

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