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Noah pov

I met with the man who greeted us near the bathrooms, I hoped he was still there. I rounded the corner and watched him standing outside the door. He must have really wanted me.

I put on my preppy attitude and fakest smile, here we go. "Hey there! What did you want to meet me here for?" He smirked at my bubbliness, is that even a word?

"I wanted to spend time with you. You know, get to know you." He leaned towards me and placed his hand on my hip. "All of you." His hand moved towards my backside.

I flinched a little when he grabbed my ass and this made him chuckle. "I don't think Alexander would approve of the way you're touching me." I said to him in my most innocent voice.

He just smirked and looked around in the hallway. "I don't see him here, do you?" He asked me.

"N-no, but I don't know if I could keep something like this from him." I pout.

"So we'll forget about it, we go to a private room, get our release, then forget it happened." He proposed.

"I don't know, he might get mad and-" I didn't get the chance to finish before he crashed his mouth on mine. It felt nasty to say the least. His breath stunk, his lips were thin and dry, he was practically biting my lips off. But I still let out a moan so he thought I enjoyed it. His kisses were nothing compared to Gio's, I need to stop comparing everything to him.

He made his way down to my collarbone, leaving a few sloppy marks. His hand was still grabbing my ass and the other was on my waist pulling my body to his. I kept my hands around his neck. He detached himself from me, grabbed my arm roughly and started leading me upstairs.

We got to a private room, this is my time to shine. "Get on the bed." He complied to my demands. Oh he's definitely a sub.

I went over to the drawer and to my fortune, it contained handcuffs. I cuffed both his hands to the poster of the bed with a smirk still on my face, but for a completely different reason than what he thought. I stood at the edge of the bed and waited a few moments.

He stared at me right in the eyes, his were filled with hunger and need. I could see the bulge forming a tent in his pants. "What are you waiting for? Take your clothes off."

My smirk dropped, I tilted my head to the side and pouted a little. "That's not a very nice way to treat a lady. Plus, if you wanted to turn me on, you would've had to be way more dominant than whatever the hell you were doing." I explained to him.

His eyes widened when he realized I wasn't going to sleep with him. "W-what are y-you doing?" He stuttered, trying to get out of the cuffs.

"You really are a stupid man." I chuckled. I took out my dagger, which held a container on the end of it with black ink that smelled like citrus. I brought it up to his nose to sniff and he immediately started shaking.

"Wait! Wait! I can help you. Please, I have a wife and kids." He was begging me not to kill him.

"You can't do shit for me. You say you have a wife and kids, well they're better off without you if you were here trying to get laid." I stabbed him in the chest, trying my best not to dirty the bed sheets, I'll need this room for later so I covered the blood with another blanket I found. I looked out the window to see the sewer door open, like we planned. This way, I can just throw his body out the window.

Two hours later, I've killed 3 more men. I flirted with them a little, brushed my hand up and down their arm, normal stuff. So I basically just 'little girled' my way into some dick. I brought them all up into the same room, killed them the same way. They were too distracted to notice the little splotches of blood on the bed.

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