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Noah pov

Everyone woke up the next morning and started making breakfast in the kitchen, usually I'd stay in bed till noon but we had to inform the others of what Luca and I figured out yesterday asap.

I decided to do everyone a favor and not make breakfast. I may be good at a lot of things, cooking however, is not one of them. I can make simple things to keep me... you know, alive. But other than that, I suck.

So Luca was in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon for everyone. We were just talking normally when Gio walked in. "Good Morning guys." He said in his morning voice. God that voice was enough to ruin my underwear. The fact that he was wearing sweatpants and no shirt was also not helping.

"Morning". I've gotten used to the permanent bags under my eyes,, well not really bags per say, more like my sinuses get dark.

Everyone else walks in and they seem tired too. Alessia seems the most tired, I'm not even wondering why because I can see the hickeys she did a very bad job at covering up. I grabbed her arm before Gio could see her. "Wha- Hey!"

"Come on, let's cover those love bites before Gio loses his head." Her eyes widened at my comment.

"Did I do a bad job of covering them?" She groaned.

"Yup, and you're going to tell me what this changed between you too while I'm covering you up." I told her as we walked into her room.

In summary, Alessia told him why she's been avoiding him these last few years. He told her it was a stupid mistake and the biggest one of his life, begged her for another chance, she agreed. Then one thing led to another and... yeah, thank god for soundproof walls.

We went back into the kitchen where Sky gave me a confused look. I just pointed to Alessia then my neck and she nodded in understanding.

I grabbed a plate and we all sat at the very big counter, all of us too lazy to set the table.

"Did you and Luca elope or something? Why so serious?" Matteo asked as he was sitting down.

Luca fake gasped and put his hand over his mouth. "How'd you know!?!?" Matteo's face turned into on of confusion. Silly boy.

"Okay. Back to the point we wanted to talk to you about. Dominic wants to kidnapNoahandusehertoruletheunderworld." He said in one quick breath.

"What?" Matteo asked. I recently found out that Matteo is one of the guards I stabbed on my way to the first meeting. Oops?

"It's just a theory, but based on the amount of people who were at the dinner yesterday, a lot of them were representatives of some big companies, all very diverse and all used to cover up their dirty business. So we think the Russians are creating an army to not only end the Italians and French, but to control the rest of the mafias. It works out for anyone who surrenders to them because a) his army is already big so if they comply, they won't be attacked. and b) the bigger the Russians expand, the more money it brings in for them and their allies." I explained. They all seemed to understand what I said, but didn't like it.

"Also there's the fact that he wants to kidnap you and use you as his greatest weapon." Luca said shyly.

"WHAT." That outburst came from Gio, I knew he wouldn't like this part.

"The letter..." Sky mumbled. "That's what he meant by he'll come back for you." She looked into my eyes and I nodded.

"Okay, so what do we do?" Alessia asked.

"We continue with our plan, kill Dominic and his second in command. Exterminate most of his men, they'll be too weak to fight back. Then after all is done, we keep tracks on them and instill spies to keep us updated on what happens. If anything, their allies are in it for the income. If we destroy the Russians, they'll quickly disperse. They'll be too worried about going into debt to think of retaliating." Gio spoke with authority. Fuck that's hot.

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