Chapter 47

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"Bianca! The order clearly says yellow tulips with lavender. Not dark purple tulips. If we didn't have a deadline to make I'd make you start from scratch. Fix it and do it correctly." Kennedy ran a hand down her face as one of her bakers apologized and quickly moved the three tear cake away.

Scowling, she reached over to grab a tray of cinnamon buns, quickly snatching her hand back as her head inflicted her hand. "Shit! Who left this out? Freshly baked goes into the cooling racks! Jesus do I have to teach you all like kindergartners?!"

Moving to the sink, she took a cold towel and pressed it to her hand while a random baker apologized, quickly taking the rack out to the front of the store.

"You doing okay mami?" A manicured hand was placed on her shoulder and Kennedy turned to face Luna, her head pastry chef and the closest friend she'd made in New York City.

  "Yeah, yeah.....It's just....between my folks and Tony's, everyone is driving me nuts. My parents aren't the biggest fans of him and his family pushing to help with the wedding and I have to balance it with running this bakery.... ." She shook her head, seemingly defeated and Luna clicked her tongue.

" And where's Mr. Tony in all of this?'' Luna cocked her head to the side and Kennedy slipped on a pair of oven mitts as the pair walked past bakers and servers.

"He's dealing with work and the consoling. His dad and uncles are chewing him out for doing something that only a 'whipped' man would do...But he does it, despite their jeering. He's getting so much better and I don't want to bother him with my crap.'' She picked up the cinnamon bun tray, this time safely, and carried them towards the front.

''I'm sorry you're dealing with all of this honey. But the bright side is you're getting married in three weeks, and in a couple of months, you'll have a new baby. His family will be so busy spoiling that kid they won't even remember you two.'' Luna said soothingly, opening the glass window for Kennedy who slipped the deserts inside.

''That is if the damn virus doesn't get to them first.''

  There were rumors that the virus that was plaguing China was showing signs of being in the United States and either people were paranoid or didn't give a shit enough to worry.

   Tony's family was the latter and as far as they were concerned, four hundred people would be in attendance of her and Tony's upcoming nuptials. Kennedy had little say in the matter, they were paying for half (her father insisted he pays the other.

   He may not be fond of Tony or the idea of him marrying his youngest daughter, but he wasn't about to be shown up by a bunch of 'no good criminals in Italian suits.'

''Eh, this whole thing is probably a joke. Something the politicians are cookin' up to get people ready for the next election,'' Luna dismissed any concern Kennedy might have had, flipping her long ponytail of dark hair over her shoulder, "I tell ya what. You let me design your baby shower cake, and let me take care of the rest of the catering.''

''Oh Luna, I couldn't ask you of that. You're already swamped with our orders here as it is.....'' Little Slice of Sicilian Heaven ( Tony's grandmother and Kennedy's Nona insisted on the name) had waiting lists set for up to three months in advance and it was by sheer luck that Kennedy even managed to squeeze her friend in to bake her wedding cake.

''Think of it as my baby shower gift,'' Luna squeezed Kennedy's arm, smiling fondly at the other woman, "both you and baby enjoy my gift more than any outfit ever could. Feeding the people I love is always a joy, besides those bitches'll be too busy shoving cannoli down their throats to care I didn't bring a material gift. ''

''You're like my guardian angel Loony.'' Kennedy wrapped her arms around the other woman, leaning into her and Luna beamed.

  ''Call it another tick on my good graces to get into heaven.'' The two laughed, heading back into the kitchen.

  ''Ya sure you don't want me to lock up for ya Kennedy?" Aldo, the bodyguard Tony had arranged for Kennedy since her return stood in the doorway of the bakery.

''I'll be out in twenty Al, just waiting for the last customers to leave. Besides, I have some zeppole to pack for Tony for when he gets home. Just wait in the car and I'll be there.'' Kennedy handed the tall man a paper bag with leftover Tiramisu and he nodded after a moment after surveying the last customers, a pair of older ladies, and left, the bell chiming behind him.

Heading to the kitchen, Kennedy began packing away desert for Tony, knowing how happy he'd be with the zeppole.

   Wiping her flour-covered cheek off, she perked up, hearing the front door chime again and assuming her customers had left, Kennedy turned off the kitchen lights, heading for the front eager to get home and put up her swollen feet.

   Tony didn't want her to work at all, but she insisted. She'd go crazy if she was locked in their apartment all day and this baking was her stress outlet and to be honest, she'd been too stressed lately not to go in.

''Kennedy, I thought I'd find you here." She paused, staring at the dark-haired beauty before her, she looked good. Healthier, happier like all the weight of the years she spent holding her family together had been completely lifted off her shoulders.

  Her big brown eyes stared at the biracial woman with a mixture of happiness, regret, and surprise, the latter coming out when she saw Kennedy's swollen stomach that the young mother was supporting with one hand.


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