Chapter 40

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             Kennedy's POV

Clutching Shiloh close to me, I eyed the visitation room distastefully as random people chatted. I hated coming here.

   A dangerous looking woman tucked a cigarette behind her ear while a little girl played with what I hoped was a balloon she had found on the floor.

I highly doubted they sanitized much in this facility and the idea of all the germs that moved around had be pulling my son even closer to my body, silently promising to give him a bath as soon as we reached home afterwards.

This was the fifth visit since Ian's incarceration and I still hadn't adjusted to the visitation rooms.

    At all.

  I practically flew out of my seat when a guard motioned for me to follow her to the next section of the prison where the actual meeting would be taking place.

I sat patiently waiting for the father of my only child to come walking through the doors, being followed closet by a guard.

Looking down at my son, I frowned, the lack of curiosity he was expressing for the room was worrisome. It meant he was becoming accustomed to being in the prison and that was the last thing I wanted.

Why did I keep coming back here?

  "Baby....." My head turned and my hearted fluttered at seeing the joyful beam that Ian was giving me once he spotted us.

That's why. That expression on his face reminded of why I suffered in that disgusting waiting room and why I kept bringing my son back to this hellhole.

"Ian..." I whispered, moving close and allowing him to pull me against his solid chest, careful not to squash the child that rested on my hip.

"No touching!" A guard barked and we separated, moving to our respective seats, but not before I handed Ian his son.

  "It's so good to see you babe. You straightened your hair?" Ian stared at my hair and I self consciously touched it while he glanced at Shiloh and beamed at the child who smiled sleepily at him, still jet legged from the flight yesterday.

Not that Ian needed to know of course.

  "Yeah, I thought a change for a few weeks would be nice. I'm trying the Meghan Markle look." I joked and Ian smiled, seemingly content with just being near me, especially when I handed Mateo over to him.

"It's good to see you too Ian. How have you been since I last saw you?" I looked him over discreetly, checking for bruises, scratches, anything that proved he was being treated unfairly, while I also looked for signs that he wasn't receiving his medication.

  "It's been alright. I mean it's prison, so there's only so much you can do, you know...." H shrugged and we fell into an awkward silence; the unspoken elephant in the room not needing any attention.

I wasn't a fool. I knew that Ian and Mickey were sharing a cell. My father did work in the justice department and that allowed me to pull strings for information.

Although it somewhat bothered me, there was nothing I could do about them, and if it kept Ian on the straight and narrow..... I'd ignore it. That was the sacrifice I was willing to make for Ian.

Besides, I knew in my heart that as soon as he was released he'd be mine and we'd be happy.

"So, how's the second bakery coming along?" Ian hoisted Shiloh better in his arms, smoothing back his long dark hair.

"Well, since that review in the newspapers the first shop's been hopping and the second one is doing well too. I've been able to start putting more money into Shiloh's college fund." Ian's eyes widened and I could help the proud smile from growing on my face.

"Shit baby, that's amazing!" I melted at the way his green eyes twinkled happily.

I missed him so much.....

"Yeah, my folks are proud that I've taken over the other bakery." I nodded, tucking a loose strand of my hair back.

I'd been careful not to mention exactly that my arenas were proud that I packed up and left Chicago and was doing quite well for myself in Austin.

"That's great news!" I preened at the praise before deciding at the last minute to take a chance.



"I've been doing some thinking.....when you get out, I think we should move." I blurted and Ian's gaze moved from Mateo to me, furrowing his brows.

"I'm not going to be allowed to leave the state hun." He shook his head amused and I swallowed thickly.

"I meant after you get through all that.... I've been looking into property in Texas." I twisted my fingers and Ian's gaze narrowed as he watched me.

"Kennedy, what's going on? Are you in some kind of trouble?" He sat straighter, concern clouding his face and I was quick to shake my head.

"No! No, no. I'm okay, really Ian!" I added when he raised an eyebrow doubtfully and looked me over.

"Then why the sudden desire to move?" He asked suspiciously and I looked away from him "is there something wrong with the apartment? Is there mold? Is it making you sick?!" I could tell he was becoming overwhelmed.

"No..... I'm not sick Ian..... I.... I just can't lie to you... I've never been able to lie to you and I can't anymore," I took a breath before raising my gaze to meet his "the second bakery isn't in Chicago. It's in Dallas." I watched Ian's face go through a series of emotions: shock, anger, hurt, before finally settling on anger.


"You moved?" His voice was eerily calm and I didn't like it at all.

"....Ian it wasn't my idea! But....the move has been so good. Mateo's in a good school and I got us a nice house in a great neighborhood with a garden." I stumbled over my words slightly, silently cursing myself. I promised myself I would be firm and stand my ground.

"You lied to me." The accusing hurt in his tone cut me deeply and I couldn't help but flinch.

   "I didn't. I just didn't tell you we moved...." even I knew that was a shitty excuse, and when I went to touch his arm, he pulled away as if burned.

"I think you should go Kennedy." Ian's voice was cold, so cold that even Mateo looked uncomfortable in his father's arms, staring up at Ian thoughtfully as this was one of the first occasions that he had ever seen his father in a bad mood.

  "Ian..." I tried but he abruptly stood, handing Shiloh over to me before walking back towards the guard at the door.

   I watched him walk away, not even giving us a second glance and it took all my willpower not to cry at the sudden rejection.

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