Chapter 64

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Sometimes, when she had the chance, Fiona had tried to give good, sound advice, albeit most of the Gallagher children hardly listened, but three weeks after his honeymoon, Ian couldn't help but hear her voice in his head repeating one of her warnings:

  If you knew better, you ought to do better.

    With a loud yawn, he made his way from the bedroom, stretching as he followed the scent of cooking wafering throughout the house.

The sound of rapid Italian, pots/pans being moved greeted him as he watched his grandmother-in law prepare the final things for Thanksgiving dinner later that day.

  The newly weds had been home for They'd been home for three weeks. Kennedy had mixed emotions about parting from her grandparents home, but like always, she put on a brave face and soldiered through, pushing the negativity from her mind for the sake of her child.

Besides, as anxiety filled as she was, quickly found something else more important to fret over: Thanksgiving dinner.

  "It'll be alright babe, don't worry so much, just relax." Ian muttered as he took a swing from his beer.

Lip sat next to him, the elder Gallagher having stopped by to take some extra paint leftover from Kennedy's "she-shed" that Mickey had finished painting a few days before hand.

"Relax? Relax?! Ian Clayton Gallagher, I have to cook Thanksgiving in our house for the first time, for eleven people. Be happy my parents are spending dinner with my sisters in New York. The only help I'll have cooking is Liam and Nonna." Kennedy moved to stand before the two men, hands on her hips.

  "I offered to help....." Ian remind her and she smiled, leaning forward to cup his cheek and stroke it lovingly.

  "And I appreciate that so much sweetheart. But you'll be shuffling halfway across the city to pick up your sister, brother and Franny. I can't have unnecessary chaos in my kitchen." She pulled away and Lip snorted.

  "It's chaos just being in a kitchen with you in general." He mumbled and Ian elbowed him, Kennedy thankfully not hearing the comment.

"Lip, I have some lemon cookies for Tammi, make sure you grab them before you leave." Kennedy threw over her shoulder and Ian glared pointedly at his older brother.

"Shut up."

"Good morning Bambino, you want something to eat?" Nonna beamed at Ian, looking far too chippy for someone who has been awake for two hours and had already cooked half of the dinner
the night before.

"Na, I'm fine Nonna, do you need any help?" He accepted the kiss on the cheek from the elderly lady who proceeded to squeeze it afterwards than shuffled off to start mixing something else.

"Yeah, actually can you clean up the fire pit? Kennedy wants a bonfire after dinner with s'mores and I haven't gotten around to checking it out yet."

Thankful for something away from the chaos, Ian nodded, heading back towards the staircase to change.

Making his way across the room, he skidded to a stop, spotting his wife sitting on the couch with a blanket over her lap. Nonna had put Kennedy on "couch" rest, smacking the girl with a spoon when she attempted to help in the kitchen.

  Her asthma scare had put her family on high alert for her health along with her OBGYN, who gave her strict instructions for bed rest and little to no excitement, hence her not participating in cooking Thanksgiving dinner.

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