Chapter 60

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  "I hate to say it sweetheart but you're family really has issues." Kennedy adjusted her AirPods as she slipped into her night gown. Ian was in the bedroom, helping Shiloh into his pajamas.

"Tell me about it. All I want to do is go back to Chicago with my new husband and properly start our lives," She leaned on the counter, applying eye cream, "how're things at the bakery?"

"Not bad. You should be getting your money in the bank tomorrow. Max on the other hand is driving me nuts. I found him last night, passed out on the couch like a manatee sunbathing on a rock." Kennedy giggled, covering her mouth as she closed the lid.

  "I miss you Luna....." She sighed fondly and there was some shuffling on the other end.

  "I miss you too Ken....shit, the cat got into my pumpkin purée, I gotta go grab him before the floor's covered in sticky. Give my favorite little boy a kiss for me and squeeze Ian's ass for me too." Rolling her eyes fondly, Kennedy bid her friend a goodnight and made her way down the hall towards the bedroom.

  Midway there, she just dodged a conversation with her grandmother who was going down the stairs, curlers in her blonde locks and an elegant robe on. For a woman who came from nothing, she ensured that she made up for it nowadays.

Hurrying to the guest room just to be safe, Kennedy closed the door, resting her head on the wooden frame.

"Everything okay?" She turned around at Ian's question, he was laying back in bed, phone in hand while Mateo was sleeping soundly next to him, dead to the world.

"Yeah, today was.....eventful, wasn't it?" She climbed into bed, careful of the child between them and Ian smiled softly.

"It's not anything I'm not used to." A piece of Kennedy's heart broke for him. No one should have to have family drama so horrible that it was a normal occurrence.

Leaning over Shiloh, she kissed Ian, than glanced down at their son, gently stroking his cheek before settling into bed.

Stretching, Ian dusted his hands while Kennedy's grandfather went around the other side of the truck, waving as went to to go park. At six AM he'd been up, and the older man had asked for Ian's help delivering some firewood to a a friend in town. Now free, Ian went in search of his wife.

His wife.

Funny, he never thought he'd be married to a woman, for a brief period, he was almost married to Mickey and he would have been content with that. But Kennedy was the only one for him, that much he was sure of.

He spotted her through the kitchen's bay window, out under the cluster Spanish Moss trees out in the back, Shiloh sitting before her. Smiling, he made his way out to them, his smile growing once he realized she was singing. (Go to the video above for an idea of Kennedy's singing voice)

"In a cavern,
in a canyon,
Excavating for a mine.
Dwelt a miner forty-niner
And his daughter, Clementine.
Yes I loved her, how I loved her
Though her shoes..... were number nine," Kennedy playfully brushed her nose against Shiloh's, delighting the child, "Herring boxes, without topses
Sandals were for Clementine,....." she played with Shiloh's hands as she sang, swinging them this way and that, the boy fully entertained by his mother's singing voice and antics.

Ian moved until he was directly behind her, taking a seat and placed a hand on her back as to not frighten her by his sudden appearance.

"Oh my darling," she glanced back at Ian with a beam, and turned back to their son, "oh my darling
Oh my darling, Clementine
You were lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorrow, Clementine......."

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