Chapter 54

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Note: I've officially finished Shameless as of today and because I can't be bothered with canon and the exact plot truly doesn't focus much on Ian after the wedding, I'll be moving a bit off canon as usual. The show time slips in season 11 to a year, so we're about a six months post almost Gallavich wedding.

Ian took Kennedy from NYC about three months ago so we're three months post the last chapter.

"It's nice. Real nice...." Lip followed Ian inside, Mickey and Kevin not a few feet behind.

   "It looks like one of those houses you see in commercials," Kevin wandered into the kitchen while Mickey inspected the living room, "how many rooms are in this place dude?"

  "Umm, four bedrooms, a office on this floor, basement and big backyard." Ian shrugged and Kevin let out a whistle.

A loud thud followed by a cry of surprise from Mickey had the three men rushing to the entrance where Mickey had a large dog pinned to the ground, smothering the man in dog kisses.

  "What the fuck! Get this beast off of me Gallagher!" Mickey desperately tries to get the four legged 'beast' off of him.

  "Dolly, Dolly! Down girl!" Ian grabbed the dog's pink collar and dragged it off of Mickey who got to his feet, wiping violently at his face and shaking off the dog hair.

"When the hell did you get this beast?!" Mickey glared at the dog whose tail wagged vigorously as Mickey pointed at her, "don't you fucking look at me like that you mutt!" Mickey scowled at the dog who whimpered, sitting down.

   "When the hell did you get this beast?!" Mickey glared at the dog whose tail wagged vigorously as Mickey pointed at her, "don't you fucking look at me like that you mutt!" Mickey scowled at the dog who whimpered, sitting down

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   "Whose your new friend Ian?" Lip bent down to scratch the dog behind her ear.

   "This, is Dolly Madison. She's a emotional support dog." Dolly sat happily by Ian's feet but kept glancing at Mickey with her tongue lolling out as she panted.

"For who?" Kevin blinked staring at the younger man, "whose suffering from PTSD?"

  "Well according to the therapist, me and Ken." Ian glanced away from the three pairs of eyes that looked at him in disbelief.

  "Ya'll gonna share a therapy dog? Does that even work?" Kevin crosses his arms.

  "And what kind of fucking name is Danny Madison?" Mickey snorted but backed away when Dolly perked up at the sound of his voice.

  "Dolly Madison. Don't ask me, how it's gonna work. I mean, seems not a problem. All I gotta do is walk her and occasionally feed her, Shiloh loves her, she's a good girl." Ian scratched behind the dog's pointed ear and dogged a kiss the puppy attempted to give him.

    "Really going for the white picket fence life ain't cha?" Mickey raised an eyebrow accusingly at his ex who frowned.

Ian rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Well-"

  "Hi guys! Glad you made it," Kennedy opened the front door, balancing four boxes of pizza and a a few bags at the same time, "little help please?" Kevin moved automatically, taking the boxes and bags from the young woman who smiled.

  "Hey Mick, Lip," Kennedy waved at the two than gently nudged Shiloh toward the kitchen, "go on babes, go get some pizza from Kevin." Kennedy nodded towards the kitchen.

   "Hey you," Kennedy wrapped her arms around Ian's neck, kissing him sweetly, "I talked to Maggie next door, she invited me to spin cycle and she said that we can get 35% off at the Audi dealership her husband owns, get you a car." She smiled as Ian's hands rested on her hips.

  "Great, can you grab me a slice of pizza and a beer while your in the kitchen? We'll join you in a minute." Ian squeezed her gently as she nodded.

"Okay, but make sure you clear tomorrow with your parole officer so we can check out the cars tomorrow, afterwards you can pick up some paint tomorrow. Daffodil yellow not sunrise. I already told them at the store you'll be stopping by so don't even think of skipping." She said pointedly and Ian nodded, earning a smile before she turned on her heel and marched out of the entrance way and into the kitchen.

   Once she was out of eat shot, Ian turned back to his brother and ex, the two smirking at him. "What?"

  "Nothin', you're just extremely pussy whipped," Mickey snickered, walking past, "yo Kenny, you get my favorite beer right?"

  Ian turned to Lip, disbelief on his face but his brother shrugged, "Sorry man. He's right." Lip patted Ian's shoulder, leaving the new homeowner alone in the entry way.

"What the fuck...."

    "It was nice of the guys to stop by, wasn't it?" Kennedy smiled as she watched Shiloh play on the tire swing in his new backyard.

    "I'm the man in this household right?" Ian asked suddenly and Kennedy glanced at him bemused.

  "What're you talking about?" She furrowed her brows as Ian took a generous drink from his beer and sat up in the patio chair.

"The guys think I'm puss- I'm not the man in the house."

"What're you talking about? Of course your the ''man' whatever that means. Why do you listen to them?"

"Well, maybe they're right. You pay for most if not all the expenses, you got the business....what am I? Some ex jailbird with a stupid job at a packing company....." Ian stared bitterly down at the grass and Kennedy got to her feet, moving so she could crouch before him.

"Hey, look at me," she touched his arm and he lifted his gaze, "you are every bit as important to this family as you could ever be. You just haven't found the right job yet. It doesn't matter who makes more money, we're in this together and you're every bit of a man as I've ever seen." She squeezed his thigh and Ian shrugged.


Narrowing her eyes, Kennedy got to her feet, "when you're done mopping about letting your friends get your head, come talk to me. I don't know what you expect or want me to do, but if it's coping an attitude, I'm not here for it." Using his leg to help her up, she wandered over to their son, grabbing him from behind and smothering him in kisses.

   Biting his lip, Ian thumbed the small box in his pants pocket that he had asked Lip to bring over (Kennedy had eyes for the unusual and with their new North Side home, she'd be able to spot it immediately. Tonight was the night.

He was going to properly propose.

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