Chapter 2 (my angel)

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I woke up groggy, my head pounded like It had been smashed  with a baseball bat or something  while  my whole body was stinging.

I could barley open my eyes but fluttered them open and I saw the silhouette of a man.

"Hello?" I asked with a tired voice.

"Thank god you're awake" the man ran over to me.

"What happened? Who are you?" I quickly asked before standing up and pointing my knife towards him. I looked from his head to his feet. He had a sheriffs badge on and cop clothing.

"Are you a cop? Do you know how to stop this?"

That's when I remembered seeing him on the news, he was shot almost 7 months ago. he put his arms up in surrender and backed up a little.

"My name is rick grimes, what's yours?" I shuffled my feet a little then my eyes met his.

"I'm Jenna ." He shook my hand then we both sat in a chair across from eachother. 

"I pulled you into a warehouse, I used to live in the same apartment building as you until as you know I was shot and put into a coma." He looked at the ground then back up at me. "I heard screaming so I decided to run to your apartment and saw one of the cannibals at your door."

I played with the knife on my hands. "I honestly had  no idea stabbing them in the head would kill them."  I looked at him and he said "me either."

I started to walk around the dark empty warehouse until I felt a tug at my shoulder, I quickly turned around to see rick. 

"Jesus, you scared the shit out of me." I practically growled at him.

"Sorry, I just think it's a better idea if we stick together." I nodded and headed for the large metal  doors. Just as I was about to pull the handle rick stopped me again. "We should wait until night time." He urged.

"No fucking way I'm staying here any longer than I have to." I reached for the door handle until rick ran off behind me then emerged again with a long black bag.

"Guns." He said to me. I took a deep breath and ran into the light filled street.

I had to squint my eyes due to the bright sun, I heard growls from behind me and whipped my head around, there were a bunch off people that looked just as sick as Bailey did this afternoon. 

Rick grabbed my hand and we both started sprinting towards a large army tank in the middle of the road. He dropped the bag and slid underneath the tank.

I quickly followed him and he crawled into a hatch underneath the vehicle.  I pushed myself into it as well just to see rick looking scared and staring at a man crawling towards him.

I looked around and saw I metal pipe that was broken and had a sharp edge, I scooped  it up and plunged it into the man skull, he fell forwards and rick kicked him to the side.

"Hello? Can..hear...." We both looked at each other when we heard muffled talking.

He rummaged to the left of him and picked up a black walkie talkie.

"H..hello?" Rick said shakily into the device.

"Oh thank god! You scared us for a minute." We heard the voice say again. 

"Who is this?" I yelled into it as I ripped it from ricks pale hands.

"My name is Glenn, I'm going to save you guys!" He practically shouted through it.

"How?" I asked.

"When I tell you I want you both to open the hatch on the top and run straight ahead until you see a big grey building, then I'll meet you there and we will see where it goes from there." Glenn said.

"Alright." I whispered.

"One..two..three!" Glenn shouted the last part and rick jumped out of the tank and slid down until he reached the bottom and held out his hand for me, I argued with myself if I should accept his help until he grabbed my waist and lifted me out of the tank. 

I stood and got my balance again as we both started to make a full on sprint towards the large dark grey building in front of us.

A small Asian boy wearing a baseball cap  stood in the door way and ushered us in. He  slammed the door behind him.

"Hi!" He looked at us and put his hand out and rick gratefully grabbed it and shook his hand.

"My name is rick grimes." I bent over and put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.  

Glenn then looked to me and put his hand out, I just stared blankly at him and he slowly lowered his skinny arm.

"Her name is Jenna." I heard rick say after he cleared his throat. Glenn nodded in my direction.

"I'll take you to my friends upstairs, we watched you in the street and I was praying that you guys were smart enough to get in the tank." He said chuckling and  holding up his walkie talkie.

Me and rick fell behind him a little and rick smiled at me, "you know rick," I started to say "you're kinda like my angel."  I said smiling back at him.

He blushed a little and then patted my back. "You got my back and I have yours right?." He looked at me and I grinned.

"Always." I said back to him and we started going up the hard  stairs towards what I could have guessed was  the roof.  We shuffled up the stairs  and then Glenn opened a heavy looking metal door and we stepped outside and the bright light smacked me in the face.

I squinted my eyes and grabbed ricks arm. He tensed up an I released him.

"Guys! This is rick and Jenna!" Glenn said happily as he skipped towards the small group of people.

"This is andrea, t-dog, morales, and Merle." He pointed towards the people and they all waved besides the man that Glenn said was Merle. 

Andrea was pretty, she has blonde, medium length hair and a bright, white toothed smile.

T-dog looked harmless, although he had blood all over his shirt. He had darker skin, but good complexion.

Morales was innocent looking with a look of fear that I could see in his eyes. He looked Hispanic, but was of a medium color, like a dark tan.

And Finally  Merle looked as hard as rock, his eyes didn't show any emotion and his body language showed me that he wasn't scared, but I could see something in his eyes when I looked deeper, it made me feel uncomfortable. He looked rough, a plaid shirt and ripped jeans accented his sharp features.

I quickly looked away and turned to rick. Then Glenn spoke, "so, you guys aren't bad are you?" I stared at him intensively.

"do we look bad to you?" I barked at him and Merle gave a silent chuckle. 

"Well I just can't be to sure if we're going to bring you back to our camp, you know?" I gave him a stern look then looked at my feet.

"No way man!" I heard Merle say with an almost concerned tone.

"Back off man, they're going with us." Morales yelled back. They started bickering back and forth until t-dog stepped in. 

"Merle just stop, it's not your decision." Merle looked over at me then back at t-dog, he ran over and yanked back my hair and put a knife to my throat.

"Listen cutie, I'm not going to hurt you, as long as you do what I say." I nodded my head and rick ran over and pushed Merle back. 

"Don't fucking touch her you slob." Then t-dog ran over and they brawled it out. I stood back up and Glenn was already by my side rubbing my shoulder.

"Don't worry Jenna, it'll be ok." He whispered.

"Ya cutie, don't worry, your old pal Merle is going to treat you just right." He winked and slurped his tongue around sexually.

Rick pursed his lips together and knocked Merle out with one swift punch to his jaw.

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