Chapter 39(i mean it)

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Jenna POV
We couldn't find another cabin so now were sitting around a fire in the woods.

Rick and Carl set up string with tin cans on it to make noise if something gets too close for comfort.

I just finished my food when I started to get tired. I'm sitting on a log an I have my hands holing up my head.

"I think we should get some sleep. God knows we all need it." Rick said standing up.

"Rick, I can take watch. I'm not even tired, I haven't even been walking all day." I said attempting to stand up, but failing.

"No way Jenna. You still need sleep, I want your leg to heal so we can pick up the pace." Rick stated giving Carl a kiss on the head and helping him get comfortable.

"I'm not sleeping on the ground." I said crossing my arms. "So I might as well stay awake and take watch."

Rick gave me a, no way, look.

"Rick, c'mon." I said looking up at him.

"It's not happening. Now lay down."

I shook my head and re-crossed my arms.

"Fine, we'll do it the hard way." Rick said walking over to me.

" what are you..."

He threw me over his shoulder as I struggled.

"Rick put me down!" I said still trying to get away.

"Fine." He mumbled placing me down on a blanket.

"Where are you going to sleep?" I asked scratching my arm.

"Right here." He stated plopping down next to me. He laid on his back and put his arms behind his head.

"Whatever." I mumbled laying down next to him in the same position.

About twenty minutes later I completely lost my tiredness and sighed.

"Can't sleep either?" Rick said startling me.

"No." I replied.

"Is Carl still asleep?" I asked turning on my side and propping myself up on my elbow facing rick.

"Yes." He said doing the same thing to face me.

" do you think we're going to find a place to stay? To live?" I wondered sighing again.

"I'm going to do everything in my power to keep you and Carl safe. You guys are my whole life." He answered smiling.

"I really hope you're right. I don't want to keep running." I said closing my eyes. When I re-opened them rick was looking right at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, you're just really beautiful." He replied, making me blush.

"You aren't too bad yourself there officer." I said playfully punching his shoulder.

"Why do you keep calling me officer?" He asked returning the playful punch.

"Because I can.... Officer." I said winking.

I went to go playfully punch him again but he grabbed my arm.

"Well that's not fair." I whined.

"Life's not fair." He replied rolling me over and pressing his lips to mine. I gladly gave his tongue access to my mouth.

"You need to stop teasing me when we walk." He said in between kisses.

"Then stop carrying me." I replied wrapping my legs around him.

"But I like it." He growled as he pressed himself against me.

My breath hitched in my throat as rick placed a trail of kisses down my neck until he reached my collar bone.

He sucked on my collar bone until a small purple bruise was placed on it.

"Hey." I said playfully placing a kiss on the top of his nose.

"It's a love bite." He said placing his lips on mine again.

"Jenna?" He asked removing his lips for only a moment.

"Yea?" I replied doing the same.

"I love you." He breathed unlocking his lips from mine.

He loves me? What was I doing? Daryl was the first guy I really loved. Was he even still alive? Would he want me to move on? Guess I was silent for too Long because rick sat up and plopped down next to me.

"I'm sorry." He said running his hand through his hair.

"Rick, don't be sorry." I said grabbing his hand.

But he still wouldn't look at me.

I took a deep breath.

"I think I love you too." I said and he looked at me. Right into my eyes.

"Really? You don't have to say it just because I said it." He said shaking his head.

I interlocked our fingers and smiled.

"I mean it."

He smiled bigger then I've ever seen before.

"So, what does this mean?" He asked slightly blushing.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"Like, are we a thing? Or...?" He said waiting for an answer.

"I guess so." I said smashing my lips to his again.

When I woke up this morning Carl was Latin next to me and rick was sitting in the window sill.

"Morning Jenna." Carl said smiling.

I smiled back.

Rick was still deep in thought looking out of the window, so I got an idea.

"Carl, wanna mess with your dad?" I whispered.

He eagerly nodded his head.

"Okay, follow me." I whispered again standing up. Carl put his arm around my waist to help me walk.

We snuck up behind rick and jumped out to scare him.

But he didn't move. "Well that was a bust." I said staggering in front of him.

He looked upset. "What's wrong?" I asked sitting in front of him.

He just shook his head and looked back out of the window.

"I'm ganna go use the bathroom." Carl said walking out.

"Jenna, do you remember what you dreamed about last nite?" Rick asked as soon as the door closed.

I shook my head.

"You kept saying you loved Daryl." He said in a hurt voice.

Oh my god

"Rick. It was my sub-conscious talking. Please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you Jenna." He said still looking out of the window.

"Then look at me." I said crossing my arms.

He looked at me with his baby blue eyes and I actually felt sympathy for him.

"Rick listen. As much as it hurts me, Daryl is gone. And I don't know if I'll ever see him again. And I have you know, please don't be upset. I don't love you rick." I grabbed his hand and luckily he didn't pull away.

"Okay." He said blankly

"Okay what?" I asked.

"Okay as in I believe you."

I smiled. "Good." He stepped down and put his arm around my waist.

Carl walked in and grabbed his bag. He winked at me an went bak out of the door.

What was that about?

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