Chapter 24(damn pigs)

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Jenna POV
It definitely did not get better like it was supposed to.

There is this crazy sickness going around the prison, and it sucks because just a week ago me and rick spent all of our energy to round up these wild pigs, then ended up having to slaughter them and throw them to the walkers.

Me and Daryl haven't talked much, just the occasional head nod as we walk by, or a slight hug after one of us get back from a run. Actually I'm kind of worried, some of us are about to be going on a medicine run.

Maggie, me, and some new guys we found, tyreese and bob. They haven't been here too long so rick is trying to make them earn their share of work around here.

Maggie and the two boys are waiting in the car when I'm walking out of the prison, "Jenna." I stop and turn around, "let me guess, be careful, don't die, and I should reconsider going on the run. Right?" Daryl looked at the ground.

"I'll live, I promise." I smile and start walking away when he grabs my arm, I can hear maggie beeping the horn.

"Daryl, I have to go." He gives me a soft look, "you don't have to worry, I'll come back." I move some hair out of his eyes and start towards the car.

Bob has been really anxious the whole car ride, "you ok?" I ask as I turn around to face him.

"Uh yea." He scratches the back of his neck and I give him a look.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and turn back around.

"Here we are, everybody start grabbing the medicine on the list, but you can grab other medicines as well." Maggie said before me and her stood by the front doors with out weapons drawn.

I nod at her and she pounds on the door three times. Sure enough two walkers stumble up to the door, but we quickly took care of them.

All four of us walk in and start putting things in our bags immediately. Then all of a sudden, a walker falls through the celling, as do many others.

"Maggie, tyreese, bob, we have to go now!" I yell and we all climb through a window and on to a sort of balcony.

Bob trips and almost drops his bag off of the roof.

He struggles for a little while until I yell at him, "Just let go of it!" but he won't drop it.

Finally the walkers loosen their grips and he pulls it up but I immediately grab it from him.

"Liquor? Are you fucking serious? The only family I have is sick at the prison and you didn't even bother to get medicine? You sick bastard." I go to whip the bottle off the roof but he puts his hand on his gun.

"You're going to shoot me? Huh bitch?" Maggie pulls me away and I throw the bottle at bob.

"It's just for when it gets quite." He whispers as I jump off the patio.

The four of us run to the car and get in. Bob still hasn't even glanced in my direction, and I'm glad. I almost killed him back there.

"Maggie slow down." I whisper as she pushes 80 In the car. She whips her head to me to say something but hits a walker and she slams on the breaks, causing me to slam my head on the dashboard.

It's really quite for awhile, I must have been knocked out. When I open my eyes were driving again. "Oh thank god." Maggie says when she looks over.

"What happened?" I ask rubbing my forehead and noticing the blood coming off of it.

"I slammed on the breaks and you hit the dashboard." She whispers. I turn around and both of the men look fine, so does maggie.

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