Chapter 28(i dont like sharing)

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enna POV
Once I got to my cell Beth was sitting on my mattress with the baby.

"Hey." She said smiling and looking up at me.

I sat down across from her and Judith was giggling looking at the both of us.

"Can I ask you something?" Beth asked all of a sudden.

"Ya, anything."

She sighed. "Have you ever tried to cut yourself?" She asked me while holding one of Judith's toys.

I cleared my throat and shifted a little. "Honestly? Yes."

Her eyes looked at mine. "Can I ask you something else?" I nodded my head.

"If I asked you to do something with me, would you do it?"

"Ya, anything. What is it?" I asked as Judith grabbed on of my hands.

"We should kill ourselves." She whispered.

I started to choke a little but caught my breath.

"What!?" I asked standing up a little too quickly.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea, you know. Just to end it now, not have to deal with any of this anymore. Look at you Jenna, do you want to go through that again? Or see anybody else go through that?"

I shifted in my seat. I really wouldn't want to go through this again, nor would I want anybody else to have to. It would be nice to see bailey again, and my mom... wait.. Was I really considering this?

"Beth, no. Listen sweetie, death isn't the answer to this. You have your sister, your dad. And you are stuck with me now. We all love you and if you left then it would break everybody's heart."

I could see a tear leaving her eye, I wiped it away and pulled her chin up so she was looking at me.

"Promise me you won't kill yourself." I said looking right into her eyes.

She looked away. "Thats why we should just do it together, Jenna this is it. We could be happy again." She was smiling and holding my hands.

"Beth, this isn't the answer." But she was ignoring me.

I closed my eyes to calm myself down and when I opened them she had a knife in her hands.

"Beth." She didn't even look at me.

She held the knife to her wrist and I held my breath. "Beth please don't." I whispered but I could see her press down harder until a small trickle of blood came down her arm.

I quickly leaned over and tried to grab the knife but she pulled it away cutting my hand in the process.

"See it isn't so bad right?" She asked standing up.

A fair amount of blood was dripping off of my hand and onto the floor. We both stood there looking at each other.

"Beth, put the knife down, now." I took a step towards her when I saw Judith out of the corner of my eye sliding off the bed.

I leaned over to grab her when Beth shot forward and placed a knife on my throat. She was pressing really hard and I could feel a little warm blood running down my neck.

"I'll do you first, okay? Then me." I took a deep breath and waited for the cold blade to go across my neck when I heard Beth scream.

I turned around to see Daryl on top of Beth holding both of her hands to the ground.

"Drop it." He growled and she did.

Hershel walked in and walked over to Beth, "let her go." He said politely to Daryl.

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