Chapter 3 (escape plan)

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Jena POV
Luckily Merle hasn't woken up yet, we have him handcuffed to a strong gray pipe on the roof, I'm pretty sure he won't be able to break it.

"Jenna!" I heard Glenn's scratchy voice shout while looking over the roof. I paced over and looked down.

"Holy shit.." My voiced trailed off at the end while I looked at the amount of those monsters that were trailing the streets.

"What's wrong?" I heard Andreas soft voice call from behind me.

"Walkers, and a lot of them." Glenn answered back still stunned.

"Walkers?" I asked turning towards him. "Ya, that's what we call them." He said with a smile.

I liked that, walkers, I might keep that.

There had to be at least fifty 'walkers' down there, and I could tell by the look everyone had on their faces that it definitely wasn't safe to try as get around, or not easy at least.

I turned around when I heard stirring, Merle had woken up.

"What the fuck!" He started yelling in a groggy voice. "I had to handcuff you, you were a danger to yourself and others."

Merle lifted his eyes brows, "is that so officer friendly? Don't like someone hitting on your bitch?" He asked nodding his head towards me.

"She not in a relationship with me, but I still don't appreciate the way you were talking to her." Rick hardened his face and turned back to me.

"Are you ok?" He asked with a concerned look.

"Ya.. Uh ya, im fine." I chuckled at the end.

"You will be sorry when I get out of here!"Merle started pulling on the handcuffs and shifting himself around.

I was caught off guard when Glenn put his arm around me and placed his hand gently on my shoulder, "he's harmless really." He chuckled and and looked down at his feet.

I could tell by the way he avoided my eyes that what he said wasn't true, he knows just as well as I do that Merle could do some real damage to someone, you could tell just by the way he looked.

He was muscular and had a stern standing look to his face. His clothes didn't lighten the situation at all, they were ripped up and bloody,dark black boots and a bullet necklace around his neck.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Glenn spoke, "alright guys, we need to think of a way out of here.. Any ideas?"

He looked at everyone's eyes as they all shrugged their shoulders, Glenn still had his arm wrapped around me when I jumped up,

"man holes!" I practically yelled,

"I like the way you think." Merle said with a deep voice.

"Ewh." I heard morales say.

"Ha, no I meant the sewers! We could go to the bottom of the building and see if we could crawl through one to get outside."

Glenn took his arm back and started a dash towards the door that lead to the stairs.

"C'mon, let's go!" He yelled over his shoulder as we all started towards the door he just disappeared through.

"Wait!" Merle screamed, "you can't just leave me here! Please." Rick looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

He huffed and threw a key towards t-dog. "I'll let you know when to unlock him." Rick said before nodding off.

"Jenna wait." T-dog grabbed my arm. "Please don't leave me alone up here with him." His eyes softened as he looked into my envy green eyes.

I played with my fingers for a moment, I took a deep breath, "sure, I'll stay." I smiled at him, He pulled me into a hug and then lowered me into a sitting position next to him in front of Merle.

T-dog then started to talk into another walkie talkie, but this one had red tape over the bottom.

"Hello? Can anyone hear me?" I heard him saying into it, I assumed it was to the rest of their group.

"Hey girly, wanna' unlock these cuffs?" Merle made me jump when he spoke out of nowhere.

"No can do." I said looking at my hands.

"Please? I'll make it worth your while." He winked at me.

"Rick said he will give us the signal for when to, so no." I gave him a hardened glare.

"Stupid bitch." I heard him mumble under his breath.

"Fucking douche bag." I also mumbled, hoping he would hear me.

"You know what cutie?"

"What?" I glared daggers into him.

"You would really get along good with my baby brother, you're both stupid and don't know when to stop talking."

"Great there's another one of you?" I said rolling my eyes.

He then gave me the middle finger. I returned it while also rolling my eyes.

He didn't look pleased but honestly I didn't care how he felt, for all I care he could jump off the roof.

Sadly he couldn't due to his situation of be handcuffed. I decided to take a look over the roof top again.

"Holy shit t-dog!" I shouted.

He swiftly picked himself up and swung his head over the edge. Rick and Glenn were on a mad dash towards a knocked over semi truck.

They were covered in a dark red substance and were screaming.

"Camouflage." I heard t-dog whisper.

Then I relized why they were running...

it started to rain.

I ran over to a sniper rifle on the ground next to Merle and pushed myself back to the edge, I picked up the heavy gun and looked through the scope, the two men were about 20 yards from a fence.

"Run!" I screamed over the edge and they picked up their pace.

When I saw them both scatter over the fence I sat myself back down and wiped the sweat from the Georgia heat off of my forehead.

I turned my stare back to Merle who was fiddling with the handcuffs again.

"You know you aren't going to get those off yourself." I scowled at him.

"Well Jenna, " he spat,"if you would unlock them I could stop trying." I shook my head and jumped up when I heard the sound of a car alarm and a red sports car rush past all the walkers on the street.

My heart was pounding practically out of my chest at this point.

This was ridiculous, I wish I could just go back to my old life that consisted of drinking and being ignored, where the only excitement was which man me and Bailey we're bring home that night.

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