Chapter 12 (shane)

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Shane POV
Oh I really messed up this time, I honestly didn't even mean to hit Jenna. It was a mistake, but they will talk her into thinking I did it on purpose. I have to find a way to talk to her one on one.

Jenna POV
Shane has been up my butt all day. "Jen can I talk to you?" This is about the twentieth time he had asked me in the last two hours.

"Holy shit shane! Fine!" I shouted at him.

He sighed and we both walked over to the shed. "You know I didn't mean to hit you right?" I looked at the ground but he pulled my chin up so I had to look at him.

"I know. " I whispered

He smiled and we stood there for a minute until he closed the space between us, I didn't like where this was going.

He put his hands on the back of my head. He looked into my eyes and pressed our lips together.

I didn't exactly pull away but I wasn't enjoying it.

He stopped.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I shook my head and stepped back. He was an attractive man and all, but I just didn't like him like that, he was more of like a brother figure to me.

He put his head down and walked into the shed, I felt bad of coarse so I followed him in to apologize.

As soon as I stepped into the shed he shut the door and locked it.

"Shane? What are you.." But he didn't let me finish, he pressed his lips against mine again and pushed me against the wall.

I tried getting away from him but he held my hands against the wood behind me. He put his lips to my neck and starting kissing my neck.

"Shane stop." I said but he ignored me. He pressed his body against me harder and It crushed my side and a small whimper left my lips. He looked into my eyes then out of my wrists into his one hand and used the other to cover my mouth.

"I've waited forever for this Jenna." He whispered as he kissed my collar bone.
I tried struggling to get away from him but he just pressed up against me more. Pain was soaring through my side now.

"You've definitely made it difficult." He chuckled, then continued to talk.

"Merle, rick, Glenn, even Daryl have been in my way since the beginning, but you were stupid enough to walk into this here shed with me." He removed his hand from my mouth and ran his hand up my thigh.

"You're a pig" I spat at him.

"No sweetie, I'm not. You're lucky it's only me doing this to you, can you imagine if Merle was here? What he would do to you?" He sated laughing.

I felt a stray tear slip down my face. "No, no, don't cry Jenna." He wiped my tear away then pushed his lips against mine again.

"Merle isn't a bad man, he wouldn't even dare do this."

He had one hand holding my wrists above my head and the other was around my throat, almost choking me. I started gasping for air when he let his hand go. I panted and he started to take his boots off.

"Shane you don't have to do this, I won't tell anyone I promise." I started begging him, but it made no effect.

He unzipped his jeans and pulled them off. He was just in his boxers now.

That's when I heard a knock at the door.

"Jenna are you in there." I heard Daryl's voice, oh thank god.

"Daryl!" I yelled and tried screaming again but it was muffled my Shane's hand. He took his arm off my wrists and started to run his hand down my back.

"Jenna are you ok? Ricks looking for you." Daryl said. I tried screaming but it was impossible with Shane's hand over my mouth.

"Alright Jenna I'm coming in!" He yelled then tried opening the door. But Shane had locked it.

"Merle!" I heard Daryl yell. "Jenna's in the shed!" He yelled again.

Shane's hand was now running along the top of my skinny jeans. He then put both of his hands on my waist, he pulled my shirt over my head, it was a good thing I had a tank top on underneath it.

He licked his lips and stared at me. "You really are beautiful Jen." I tried getting away but his knee was In-between my legs holding me against the wall. "And I have the pleasure of making you mine."

He ran his hand down my back and I knew what he felt.

My scars.

"What's this?" He asked turning me around. I was really crying now, I hated my past.

He sighed and kissed my back then turned me around.

His fingers started to trail into the back of my pants when Daryl and Merle busted through the door, Shane dropped me and rushed to out his pants back on.

"What the hell man? We were having a moment?!" Shane screamed.

Merle ran over to him and planted a punch right on the side of his head, knocking him out immediately. Daryl walked over to me and he put his hand around my waist and helped me stand up.

Rick ran into the barn and saw Shane on the ground.

He then ran up to me, "Are you okay?" He asked with sincerity in his voice. I just started crying and fell to the floor.

Merle ran over and they all helped me walk out of the shed. They all were practically carrying me. I couldn't even walk.

I was too embarrassed, some how I felt like this was my fault. They sat me on a wooden chair on the porch.

"Alright Jenna we will be right back, I have to go take care of Shane." Rick said as all three started walking off.

"Wait, will someone stay here with me?" I asked in a quiet voice. They all looked at each other but then Daryl walked over and sat next to me.

"I'll stay, Merle can carry him better and rick was his friend." I smiled at Daryl then Merle and rick walked off.

"Did he hurt you?" Daryl asked catching me off guard.

"Not in the way you think." I said sulking back farther into my seat.

"Let me see your side." He said extending his arms.

I nodded my head the raised my shirt reveling the bruise was worse, blood even went through the skin a little bit.

He bit his lip.

"That bad?" I said chuckling,

"let me see your back, to see if you got scratched."

"No!" Not meaning to yell. He looked shocked for a moment. Then he shook his head.

"Jenna let me see, now." He said sternly but I stood up and backed away.

"You can't, I'm sorry." I quickly stepped into the house to see everyone's eyes on me giving me questioning looks. I just rolled my eyes and went up to Hershel's room, he was letting me stay there.

I drifted off to sleep about an hour later. But I guess I still needed a baby sitter because I heard someone enter my room and sit on my bed. I heard the person huff and I knew it was Daryl.

"I'm sorry Jen." He whispered, thinking I was still asleep. So I decided to keep pretending. I felt the bed move as he shifted next to me.

When I fell asleep I didn't go under the covers because it was way too hot but now I was a little chilly. He removed his jacket and placed it over my back because I was laying on my stomach. I slowly drifted back into a deep sleep.

-"It's ok baby." My mother was soothing my back as I slept. I had been sick for the last two weeks so I had missed a lot of my work at school. But luckily my second grade teacher was nice enough to bring my work to me. I was excited to go into the third grade next year although I knew I would get made fun off. I had a couple long scars that when down my back from my father. My mama never did anything because he did it to her too. "It's ok baby, it's ok."-

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