Chapter 10(the barn)

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Jenna POV
I slowly made my way up to the barn and I peeked in.

"Holy fucking shit!" I yelled and stumbled back, I landed on my but I scraped my arm and popped two stitches.

My arm was bleeding all over me again.

I stood up ignoring the pain in my arm and looked inside the barn again. I heard footsteps so I quickly turned around to see shane, Merle, Daryl and rick all running towards me.

It was starting to get light outside so I could see my surroundings more clearly now.

"What's wrong Jenna?" Rick asked when he got up to me.

"Oh.. Um.. Nothing" I said putting on a fake smile. He looked down at my arm and saw the blood dripping of my finger tips.

"Jenna what the hell is in the barn?" Daryl asked.

"Nothing" -Jenna

"Then move over." -Daryl

"No!" I stood my ground.

Daryl huffed, "grab her," Merle and Shane grabbed either one of my arms and I started kicking at them.

"Let me go!"

"Sorry princess." Merle grumbled as Daryl looked through the crack in the barn door.

"Shit." He mumbled and rick had the same reaction.

"Leave it alone! It's Hershel's farm! Not yours." I started flinging myself around again until Shane out a handcuff around my wrists.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I started yelling.

Merle put me over his shoulder and starting walking me back to the house.

"Put me down!" I screamed.

"No, sorry darlin'" he said in a stern voice. I finally gave up and let him carry me. He set me on the couch and everyone was looking at me.

"Now Jenna, If I let you go, will you calm down." He looked me in the eyes and I slowly nodded.

"Alright." He pulled out alittle silver key and unlocked the cuffs.

"Now." I said "I'm going to go talk to rick about this." I tried walking last him but he wouldn't let me. "No can do."

"And why not?"

"Because I know what you're going to do."

"Then what am I going to do?" I asked and he shook his head. "You're ganna run out there and open the barn doors." He whispered to me, trying not to cause a panic.

"Hell yea I am." I pushed him over and started to run towards the barn, my foot got caught on a stick and it flung me forward. "Ah shit," I said rubbing the back of my head.

Shane looked at me and mouthed something, but I couldn't tell what it was.

Just then I felt the butt of a gun smash me over my head.

I fell limp on the ground, unconscious.

Shane POV
I started running towards Jenna after Hershel knocked her out.

"You mother fucker!" I yelled, rick tackled me to the ground.

"You are all going to keep your mouths shut about this barn or I'll make sure your boy doesn't pull through, or little miss loud mouth over here." He said pointing towards Jenna.

"You better not lay a finger on her!" I screamed at him.

"Those people In the barn are just sick, they will pull through! I'll show you!" Hershel yelled at me. "And for now, they need breakfast, and she will do just fine." He smiled pointing at Jenna again.

Her limp body was covered in blood from her head and her arm.

He's going to feed her to the walkers? Oh hell no! I saw Merle walking up and I shook my head at him while Hershel wasn't laying attention.

He looked down at Jenna's body and I could have swore he was going to kill Hershel.

"Daddy no!" Beth ran out yelling, "don't kill her!" She ran over to Jenna and laid her head in her lap, I guess Jenna hit her face on the ground cause her eye was swelling up and purple. Lip was busted too.

"Beth! Go back to the house, you know your mama is in that barn and she needs to be fed" Hershel yelled at her.

"Not like this daddy! This isn't right!" Beth shouted back. Merle jumped on Hershels back and placed the handcuffs that were on Jenna on him.

"This is my farm! I want all of you off of it now!" He yelled.

I ran over to Jenna and checked her pulse. It was really slow. By now everyone was outside standing around us. I picked up Jenna's limp body and carried her to the house.

I laid her on the bed upstairs and rick, Merle, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, Lori, and Beth all ran upstairs to see her.

"Get out of my way!" maggie pushed pass everyone and starting taking Jenna's pulse. "It's slow, but she has one." I heard everyone let out a breath.

"Is there anything you can do?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "All I can do is her stitches, my daddy would have to do everything else.. Where is he anyways." She looked around the room, "and what happened to her?" She asked.

I took a step back. "We found the walkers in the barn, Jenna was running outside when your dad knocked her out, he also threatened to kill Carl and feed Jenna to the walkers." I said, almost tripping over my own words.

"They're just sick!" She yelled at me.

Great so she thinks that too. "And you dad is handcuffed outside."

Her face fell and she got up and ran outside to her father. I looked down at Jenna and her eyes started to open.

"What happened?" She asked, I let out a little laugh and sat down next to her.

We all had shifts watching Jenna, Daryl was up there right now.

Jenna POV
My head is throbbing, my arm is burning and my face feels like it's being crushed with a rock.

Daryl is sitting on the window sill. I guess it's his turn to watch me.

"Daryl?" He turned around and said what. "You can come sit next to me if you want? I don't bite." I said with a smile, which only made my face hurt more.

He shook his head, "nah, I'll be done babysitting soon." He answered with a ruff voice.

Babysitting? That's what he thinks this is? "I'm not a child." I said, not realizing I was thinking out loud until he said something back to me.

"Then stop acting like a stupid child and trying to get yourself killed." He stood up and I heard him walk down the stairs.

After about five minutes of me being by myself, Shane came in.

He sat down in the bed next to me and I started to fall asleep. The last thing I remember is shane playing with my knotted hair.

Normally I wouldn't let him touch me or my hair but it was soothing. After all that happened today it was nice to have some kind of friendly contact.

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