Chapter 26(perfect braid)

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Jenna POV
I'm sitting at a table with four very large men, honestly they're a little intimidating, but I'll stand my ground.

"Think your group will show up?" The man across from me asked.

"I don't have a group, I already told you that." I sneered back.

He chuckled, "listen cutie, I would hate to have one of my boys here hurt you again. So you're going to have to work with me a little bit, okay?" I made no facial expression.

"Now, one last time. Where is your group?" I looked right into his eyes,

"I don't have one." He sighed and gestured towards me, the man sitting next to me smacked me across my face.

I could already feel it bruising my skin. "Should I ask again, or will you just tell me?" I once again made no facial expression towards him.

"What is your name?" He asked me but I didn't answer. "I asked what your name was." I still didn't say anything.

"Listen, telling us your name isn't going to give your group up, I'm just making conversation, what is your name?" I sighed and rubbed the back of my head, there was a pretty nice sized bump there from earlier.

"Jenna." I barley said above a whisper.

He smiled, "that's a pretty name, Jenna, huh, that was my ex wife's name." His face went stern.

"Okay Jenna, where is your group?" I turned to the man next to me and he cracked his knuckles, then I turned to the next guy, I could tell he didn't want to hurt me, I could see it in his eyes.

"Let me spell it out for you." I tilted my head slightly.

"I. Don't. Have . A . Fucking. Group." He slammed his fist on the table,

"alright boys, again." This time the man who was to my left hit me hard, right in my side.

"Fuck." I whispered.

"You're tough, I'll give you that. Do you have a kid there? A mom? Dad? Sibling? Boyfriend?" I still didn't give him any sign.

"I really don't want to hurt you but..." I cut him off,

"but you will anyways right?" He stood up and punched my jaw hard, I almost fell off my seat. I turned my head and spit out the blood from my mouth.

"Ok boys, seen as abusing her won't do anything, take her to, the room." The two men next to me grabbed my arms and started dragging me towards a dark hallway,

"put me the fuck down!" I yelled, they didn't say anything, they just pushed me into a room.

The one man whispered in my ear, "you should have just told him where they are. I'm sorry." Then they both backed out of the room as the largest man walked in.

"I do have my ways of making people talk." He started taking off his jacket. "I wouldn't do it to a guy." He laughed, "but it's lucky that you aren't one." He was unbuttoning his shirt, I knew exactly where this was going.

I'm just hoping this is quick so I can get back to Daryl.

Daryl POV
This day can't go by fast enough, it is just barley getting dark when everyone starts going into the prison.

"Not eating isn't going to bring her back." Carol said to me as she walked inside. I sat down in a chair across from rick and picked at the bowl placed in front of me.

"We'll get her back, I promise." Rick said as he took a bite from his bowl.

"Don't promise that." I said gruffly.

He gave me a weird look, "she promised she would be back after the run with Carl, she broke that." He sighed.

"She didn't break it on purpose, and she kept a promise to me. She promised me that Carl would make it back safe." I just rolled my eyes at him.

It was probably about eleven when people started to go to bed, a couple people sat at the table with me.

Rick started talking, "ok so Daryl, me, tyreese, Sasha, bob, Glenn and Maggie will go to the store in the morning, we will be there as soon as daylight hits to make sure we're there on time. I've decided to give them a third of our weapons, six cans of food, two water bottles and a small first aid kit. If there is enough people to take down we will take them down first, take there stuff. Sasha, Glenn, and Maggie will be hiding in the woods, with scope guns incase there is trouble. Daryl, you have to stay calm, honestly they probably interrogated her for where we are. Obviously she didn't say anything or they would be here already, so I'm asking Daryl, please don't be stupid and compromise the mission."

Of coarse I was going to be pissed, if she has one scratch on her I'll kill everyone of them.

Everyone at the table agrees and headed off to get some sleep before we leave. Rick has decided to have us on the road by five thirty.

I laid down on my mattress that I have set on up the perch and take off my vest, I untie my boots and remove my shirt. This has really been a stressful day, I really hope that she's ok and isn't getting hurt.

Right when I'm dozing off some thoughts pop into my head. What if she's dead? What if they don't even show up? What if she got really hurt?

My head is actually starting to hurt at the thought of what they could be doing to her right now.

Jenna POV
My whole body is aching and I'm sitting on the bathroom floor crying. He raped me. He took my innocence.

I wasn't a virgin before but I've never been raped, and he made me talk about my scars.

I still haven't told him where rick and the rest of the group are. At least he used protection so I won't have to carry that son of a bitches child.

I hate myself, this has to be my fault, I hate him, he did this to me, I hate everyone right now.

If he came in here right now and shot me in the back of the head I wouldn't even care. I pulled myself off the floor and looked in the mirror, my eye was black and blue, my cheeks has cuts and bruises on them and I had blood and dirt caked onto my skin.

Somehow my hair had stayed in a fishtail braid though, I actually smiled at the memory of what happened earlier.

--"Are you ok Jenna?" Maggie asked. "Ya I'm fine, I just really need to brush my.. Uh... hair." I could hear the question in her voice, "ok." She laughed, "have fun with that." --

I felt a glimmer of hope in me, I had to get back to them, to maggie, to carl, to Carol.. To Daryl.

Daryl, I hadn't really thought about him. I wonder how he's holding up right now.

When I exited the bathroom the asshole was sleeping, I quietly sat down on the floor and fell into a light sleep dreaming about my new family.

--- "Jenna!" Carl ran up to me and touched my arm, "you're it." He giggled and ran off. I smiled and started walking around to find my victim. I silently walked up to Glenn, "you're it!" He smiled and went to run after me, "no tag backs" I quickly said dodging his arm. Everyone was running around happy and playing tag. This was my life now, my family now, and I love them.---

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