Chapter 45(will you)

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Jenna POV
We all just stayed up until light and talked about stupid little things.

"Do you think the whole world is in the apocalypse?" Glenn asked drawing my attention from Judith.

After a long silence I answered. "Yeah, I do." I mumbled. Maggie nodded her head and rick Carl exchanged a look and both nodded.

Merle chuckled and went into the van, probably to go back to sleep.

I looked over a realized how big judith was getting. Rick handed her over to me and I smiled.

"Hey cutie." I cooed to her.

She looked like she was going to do something, "you okay?" I asked, knowing she won't be able to answer me.

She grabbed my finger and opened her mouth. "Mama" the little word came out of her mouth and everyone turned towards me.

I quickly handed her to rick and ran into the van.

Glenn and Maggie soon followed after me.

"You okay?" Maggie asked as they sat across from me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It just took me by surprise." I said chuckling and breathing heavily.

"Maggie can you help me with something?" Carl asked peeping his head through the window.

She smiled at me and then left.

"Glenn can I ask you something?" I wondered.

He nodded his head.

"Do you think we will ever find Daryl?" I asked looking up at him.

"Honestly Jenna. I don't know, I hope we do, and I hope He's safe. But he's been out there for a while now on his own."

I knew Glenn was right, but I didn't want to admit it.

"And another thing, I know Rick really cares about you. So maybe try to get over Daryl a little. I know it's hard and we all miss him, but you need to think about yourself, and your safety." Glenn stood up and was about to walk out.

I felt myself tearing up. Glenn sighed and sat next to me, pulling me into his arms.

"Shh, you still have us Jenna. We will never leave you." He whispered rocking me.

"Thank you Glenn." I whispered into his chest.

"No problem Jenna." He smiled.

Eventually we broke the hug and I fixed my appearance to go back outside.

Glenn jumped off the van and out his hand out to help me. I took it and smiled.

I saw maggie smiling at us too.

Glenn took his spot next to maggie and I took a seat in between Carl and rick.

"Are you okay Jenna?" Carl asked so no one else would hear.

I put my arm around him and kissed the top of his head. "I'm fine bud." I said as he smiled up at me.

Rick grabbed my hand and I felt myself
Tense up. I guess he noticed to because he let go of it.

"No, no. It's okay." I said taking his hand again.

He nodded and stared into the blank fire.

Maggie and Glenn eventually went back into the van saying they're tired. And Carl followed them to nap as well.

"Rick?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" He answered looking over at me.

"How long do we have" I asked.

"We can leave soon if you want."

"That's not what I meant. I meant us. As in me and you. How long is it until we get split up, or one of us dies, or
Something happens." I could feel my eyes watering again.

He pulled me into his arms and silently cooed me.

"Don't worry about that. I will never let anything happen to you Jenna." He said running his fingers through my hair.

"I love you Rick." I whispered and he kissed the top of my head.

"That's why I have to ask you something." He said pulling away from me.

"What?" I asked looking behind me to see maggie looking out of the widow smiling. I stood up.

"Rick, what's goin on?" I asked starting to get worried.

"Jenna, since you have been in my life I knew we were going to be good for each other. I will always protect you, for the rest of my life. My kids absolutely love you, and so do I. And for the rest of my life I want to be with you." I didn't know where he was going with this.

"Rick, what's wrong?" I asked as he took my hand.

"Jenna, I'm unsure of your last name. . Will you marry me?" He smiled holding out a beautiful diamond wedding ring.

I couldn't find words, his face was starting to fall with every moment I didn't say anything.

Stupid Jenna! Just say something!

"If you say no, I still won't stop protecting you. I love you Jenna, with all my heart." His face brightened once more in hope of an answer.

"Rick I..." why can't I just answer him?

He had a look of fear in his eyes and I knew he was about to stand up and leave.

He sighed and stood up. He looked hurt, really hurt. "I'm ganna go check the traps." He mumbled starting to walk away.

Should I go after him? Or let him blow off some steam? Oh my gosh, I don't know what to do.

"Rick wait!" I called after him.

He turned around almost wincing, Like I would hurt him or something.

I walked up to him and took his hands.

"Rick, the first day I met you, you saved my life. I don't know why you did, but you did."

"Jenna you don't have to say anything." He said with a worried look.

"No, just let me say this." I said.

"And it seems like every time I'm in a life threatening position now, you're there. And I do want you to keep me safe for the rest of my life, but I also want to keep you safe."

"Jenna what are you.." But I cut him off.

"I know you keep worrying about if I'm still in love with Daryl or not, and honestly I don't know if I am or not. But I do know that I love you."

"Jenna, what are you trying to say." Rick asked searching my face for answers.

"I will marry you." His face instantly lit up and he hugged me tight.

He kissed me hard and pulled the box out of his pocket.

Rick then grabbed my hand and placed the expensive looking ring on my skinny finger. It fit perfectly.

"I love you. Jenna grimes." The words just didn't sound right together but I smiled anyways.

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