Chapter 38(trap)

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Jenna POV
After I went back inside I sat by Carl. He looked asleep so I figured id take this time to confess to him.

"I know this is scary Carl. But I'm going to keep you safe. I promise." He scooted forward and laid his head in my lap.

"I know you will Jenna, I love you." He said pulling his blanket around him.

"I love you too buddy." I stroked my fingers through his hair until rick came in.

Rick walked over and say on the other side of me. "You should get some sleep, I'll take watch." I said as he nodded.

"Please stay safe. And don't be afraid to tell for help." He added as I stood up.

He took my place by Carl as I grabbed his rifle. I smiled at him as I stepped outside.

I sat down on the top stair, right where rick had been sitting. I stared blankly into the woods as I absent mindedly played with my hair.

I heard rustling coming from the woods behind me so I stood up and pulled the knife from my hip.

Four walkers bursted through the trees and startled me. I stabbed the first one in the head. As the other three lunged at me.

I jumped back and kicked one with my foot sending on into the ground. I ran over and stomped on it's head, my foot slipped and I slid into the bloody mess.

"Oh my god." I said as I stood up and backed away from the other two walkers.

"Alright." I mumbled as I stabbed the next walker in the head, but I couldn't remove my blade. It fell to the ground and I did as well.

"Shit shit shit." I squealed as the walker fell on top of me.

Luckily I was able to push it off before the last walker made it to me.

I walked backwards to try to get away but I ended up in the woods.

I kept walking backwards trying to figure out how to kill this thing.

Right when I it an idea a stinging pain shot through my ankle.

I screamed in pain as I looked down and saw a bear trap had collapsed over my foot.

The walker lunged at me and landed right on top of me.

I was using all my energy to try and push the walker off of me.

It's teeth got really close to me when it was ripped off of me.

I gasped for air and looked up to see Carl standing over me and rick stabbing the walker.

"Jenna!" Carl yelled as he kneeled down and looked at my leg.

I also looked down to see that my pant leg was soaked in blood.

"I thought I could handle it." I whispered mainly to myself as a tear slid down my face.

"No, no. Don't cry." Carl said as he trie pulling the metal device off my ankle.

I whined on pain as it did nothing but tug on it.

Rick walked over and winced. "Hold on baby." He said as I started to see black dots in my vision.

"Keep your eyes open." Carl said grabbing my hand.

I struggled to keep my eyelids from closing.

I felt a tug of pressure and then a clanking of metal as rick threw the trap to the side.

"Holy shit." I said as I looked down to see large gashes in my leg and blood pooling onto the ground underneath it.

"C'mon." Rick said as he picked me up bridal style.

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