Chapter 48(games)

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Jenna POV
"Guys you are going to want to see this." Glenn called out, gaining all of our attentions.

The RV stopped and everyone got out.

A small fenced off town was right in front of us. We were on a hill
So we could see in perfectly.

People were walking around like nothing was wrong.

"We can't go in there." Rick stated getting back into the RV.

"Why not?" I asked following him.

"It's a trap, and I'm not loosing you." He simply replied starting the vehicle back up.

"But what if someone we know is in there?" I asked sitting in the passenger seat.

"You mean Daryl. What if Daryl is in there right? Cause that's your mission now? To find Daryl." I could tell her was getting mad so I decided to keep my mouth shut.

We drove around for a while with no specific destination.

Me Glenn Maggie and Carl were all playing poker on the table I'm the back.

"Shit." Glenn mumbled looking down at his cards.

"I fold." Maggie said with disappointment.

"Me too." Glenn mumbled again.

"I have good cards." Carl said smiling up at me.

"But are they better than mine?" I asked winking.

"I'm all in." He said pushing two candy bars, and a comic book in the middle.

"Then so am I." I repeated pushing in a candy bar and a can of peaches.

He laid his cards down with a smug look on his face.

"Well darn." I said sarcastically.

"Just kidding." I laughed putting my cards on the table.

"Ah man!" Carl squealed.

"You win again Jenna." Glenn laughed.

"You can keep your stuff." I said ruffling carls hair. "Just the fact that I won is prize enough." I winked at him and returned to my spot next to Rick.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked looking at him.

He sighed and looked at me, quickly looking back at the road.

"No. I'm not mad anymore." He said in a calm voice.

"Good." I said smiling and kissing him on the side if his face.

I went back to Glenn Maggie and Carl at the table.

"So mrs. Grimes. How'd you get so good at poker?" Glenn asked.

"I learned a thing or too from Daryl and Merle." I said remembering the first time they tried teaching me.

"Okay Jen. You have good cards, go all in and don't make any facial expressions." Daryl whispered in my ear.

"It's hard when your breathing down my neck dixon." I replied laughing.

I pushed all my chips in and tried to make a blank face.

"You're good princess, but not as good as me." Merle said placing his cards down.

"I won!" I said leaping up from the table.

"Oh shit." Merle mumbled.

I turned around and Daryl smiled at me, something I didn't get to see too often.

"So what do you want for winning?" Daryl asked after Merle left.

"Hmm let me think." I said sarcastically.

"Got it." I whispered pushing my lips to his.

--end of flashback--

"Jenna, Jenna!" Carl said.

"Huh, what?" I asked. I totally zoned out with the flashback.

"I asked if you had any other games to play." He said laughing.

"Oh sorry." I mumbled reaching into my bag.

"Well, I have a guessing game." I said pulling on a small bundle of cards.

"What's that?" Maggie asked.

"It's actually for couples, but me and carl could work as a team. You pull a card and read the question out loud. If your partner can't answer it they don't get a point, and if they can you get a point. Green cards are two points each, and red cards are one point. First pair to 50 points wins." I said explaining the game.

"Okay, let's play." Glenn said happily.

"Oh wait. Carl can't play this." I whispered to Glenn and Maggie. "There's some dirty questions." I laughed.

"Hey Rick!" Glenn yelled. "Pull over and play this game with us."

Soon the RV had stopped on the side of the road and Rick took his spot next to me.

"Why don't you go sit up front." Maggie told Carl and he nodded.

I re-explained the game to Rick and we started playing.

"Alright. What is your partners favorite color?" Glenn said. "Green." He said and maggie nodded.

"One point to us." Maggie said in a smug tone.

"Our turn." I said picking up a green card.

"How long have you and your partner been together?" I asked. "Ummmm, less than a year"

"That's not specific enough. No points for you." Glenn said smiling.

Maggie then picking up a green card.

"How many times have you slept with your partner?" They both blushed and me and Rick busted out laughing.

"What kind of game is this?" Glenn asked laughing.

"29." Maggie said.

"29?" Rick said with wide eyes.

"Yup." Maggie said popping the p.

"I'm surprised you guys even have time to play this game." I said and everyone laughed.

After I caught my breath rick picked up a green card.

"Does your partner ever want children?" He asked.

I could tell her was really thinking hard about this question.

"No." He finally answered.

"Your wrong grimes. I would actually like to have a little one of my own one day." I replied.

"We're winning." Maggie said.

Glenn picked up a card.

"Does your partner have any tattoos?"

"No, she doesn't." He answered.

"Do you?" Rick asked me.

"Well, actually I do have one." I told him.

"What! Let me see." Maggie practically squealed.

I lifted up my shirt to just below my breast to show my tattoo.

"Faith" it read.

I quickly pulled g shirt back down and smiled.

"How come I didn't see that?" Rick asked. I punched him I'm the shoulder, "rick!"

Maggie and Glenn bursted out laughing, which gained a heavy blush from me.

"Oh lighten up. They did it 29 times." Rick said making me laugh too.

"Hey dad!" Carl called.

"Yeah bud." Rick called back.

"We have to go. Now." Carl said running back to us.

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