Chapter 42(school)

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Jenna POV

"Oh my god!" I screamed running over to Glenn.

"I thought you were dead." I started crying at the sight of him.

"I missed you so much." I also said.

He gratefully hugged me back as two other people emerged from the woods. I couldn't believe it... could this be real?

Maggie stumbled out of the woods with baby Judith in her arms. Then Merle.

I ran and hugged maggie with tears still in my eyes, "oh my god." Is all maggie could say before rick swooped up Judith and started to cry.

I let go of Maggie and just stood in front of Merle. He smiled at me, "I thought you were dead princess." I smiled and practically jumped into his arms.

"I missed you all so much." I whispered hugging Merle right around his neck. He hugged me back just as tight.

"I heard your voice when I was in the woods, I thought I was dreaming." Merle said finally letting go of me.

"Did you see Daryl before you left?" Merle asked and my face dropped.

"No.. I.. I was hoping you guys had seen him." I mumbled with a different set of tears forming now.

Maggie hugged me again as I quietly sobbed into her shoulder.

"I'm so glad we found you, we just ran out of food last night." Glenn said from behind me.

"Oh jeez." I said sniffling running over to Carl.

I pulled my bag off of his shoulder and dug through it, I pulled out three cans of food and a little can of apple sauce.

I handed a can to glenn, Maggie and Merle, then walked over to rick.

"I'm glad you found her." I said handing him the can of apple sauce for the baby.

He hugged me and I hugged him back, "now I have most of my family back." He mumbled into my hair.

I looked up and smiled, "I'm happy for you." I said, then I turned around and walked over to Merle.

"How did you guys escape?" I asked sitting down next to him.

"Me and Glenn ran out of the prison and I tried helping him look for Maggie. We couldn't find her anywhere so Glenn started to loose hope. I knew she was still alive so I searched everywhere, we eventually found her in an over turned bus with Judith crying in her arms. We just stayed off the road hoping to find anyone from the group." He replied taking a bite of the beans I gave him.

"I'm really happy you're alive." I said hugging him again. "I'm glad you're alive too princess." Merle said wrapping his arm around me.

I stood back up and grabbed my bag from Carl.

"We can't stay here for too long, I'm not sure where we're headed yet, but well find somewhere for us to live. As a family, a place to survive." Rick said making eye contact with me.

I winked and saw him smirk.

"Dad, can I hold her?" I heard Carl ask rick, I saw a look of pride in his eyes as he handed his little girl over to his only son.

Rick and I fell into step with each other in the front of the group with Carl close behind us, then maggie hand in hand with Glenn, and Merle following behind us all.

"You haven't stopped smiling." I commented looking over at Rick.

"I'm complete again." He replied putting his arm around me.

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