Chapter 23(am i dead?)

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Daryl POV
Seeing her lifeless body on the ground knocked me out of the trance I was in.

"Move!" I pushed Glenn over and pulled Jenna into my arms. I started walking her into the prison when rick stood in front of me.

"Get out of my way." I huffed but he didn't move. "I'm not letting her in there if she's going to turn, my family is in there." Jenna felt like a feather in my arms, she was starting to sweat and shiver.

"She's just sick!" I shouted but rick still shook his head. "She's staying out here until she turns, or gets better." He turned on his heel and went into the prison.

I looked down at Jenna. "You're going to be ok." I sat down and leaned my back against the concrete wall, she was still laying on my lap when Hershel walked over. He took her pulse and temperature.

"Well, she definitely had a fever and her pulse is a little slow. But the fever isn't as high as it usually is with an infected person. It could just be an infection from the cut that her body can fight off." He stood up and wiped the dirt from his hands onto his pants.

Throughout the day I held Jenna on my lap, I didn't bother to eat or anything. People would come by and say their goodbyes to her.. Everyone except for rick. Glenn, Merle and Maggie seemed to take it the worst.

I guess Jenna did seem pretty close to them. Just then I felt her stop breathing, "Hershel! Hershel!" I screamed. But nothing happened, Lori ran out and knelt down next to me.

"Please do something" I whispered to her. She looked down at Jenna then started to preform CPR. Jenna's body flung forward and she started breathing again, "oh my god." I hugged Lori,

"wow Daryl." Lori smiled at me.

"Don't get used to it." I barked at her. Jenna opened her emerald green eyes and looked right at me.

"Am I dead?" She asked and I laughed.

"No, you're alive, you're really alive." I pulled her into a hug but she was still limp. I saw Merle standing in front of the door and he smiled then nodded heading back into the prison.

Rick still wouldn't let her inside so I sat outside all night with her. I gave her my jacket and she laid with her head in my lap while she slept. I didn't even close my eyes once, I couldn't, I didn't want to take a chance of her stopping breathing again.

When daylight broke out people stated heading out of the prison, Glenn was the first to run over and hug a now awake Jenna. "I was so worried about you." He whispered to her.

Jenna POV
I didn't feel to great still, but I definitely felt a little better. Glenn finally released me and then Hershel took my temperature, "you're pulse had went up and your temperature has went down." He smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked me. I nodded.

"What's your last name?" I sighed and put my hands together. "Honesty? I don't know." Hershel looked at me in disbelief,

"you don't know your last name?" He chucked but I gave him a serious look.

"My parents never told me, and the orphanage just called me Jenna doe.. Like jane doe.. Like I was nameless." He nodded his head and patted my shoulder.

Daryl turned to me, "an orphanage?" He asked and I nodded."ya." -- Daryl barley left my side all day, he talked to rick once and he decided that I could come on tonite, he also talked to Merle a couple times.

Glenn and Maggie came by a lot as well.

I was starting to get tired and figured I would go back inside. I put my hands on the wall behind me and started pulling myself up, I was really shaky but ended up being able to stand.

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