Chapter 44(wake up)

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Rick POV
The sun just went down and Jenna still won't wake up. She stirred a little earlier but didn't open her eyes.

"She still has a temperature." Maggie said after feeling her head.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked hopefully.

"Honestly Rick, I don't know." She answered with remorse in her voice..

"Rick, do you want something to eat?" Glenn asked after pulling a small rabbit off the fire.

I shook my head and continued to cradle Jenna in my arms.

"Not eating isn't going to make her better." Merle mumbled and I shot him a glare.

"We're out of things to feed Judith." Carl said pulling me out of my trance. I laid Jenna's head on the ground and walked over to Carl.

"She's going to have to start eating solids." I said truthfully.

"Okay." Carl replied.

I went back over to Jenna and ran my fingers through her hair. She was sweating pretty bad, which wasn't good because it was freezing outside.

"I think we should all get some sleep." Maggie said as her and Glenn stood up.

"I'll lay judith down." Carl said, also standing up.

I picked up Jenna and I bridal position and carried her into the van. I laid down on one of the seats with her.

"Please get better baby. I love you." I whispered to her before sleep over came me.

"Rick no! Why are you doing this!" Jenna yelled as she ran away from me covered in blood.

"Jenna, I love you. What's wrong?" I yelled back chasing her.

"Rick stop!" She yelled as I looked down. I saw a bloody knife in my hand and I was covered in blood.

I stopped running when I caught up with Jenna. I pulled her into a hug and she stared crying, but not resisting.

"Jenna, I would never hurt you. I love you." I whispered taking in her scent.

"I don't love you. I love Daryl." She said and looked up at me. Blood started coming out of her mouth and she went limp.

I put her down and noticed a knife sticking out of her back. I had killed her.
--end of dream--

I woke up sweating like crazy and breathing heavily.

Jenna wasn't next to me.

I jumped up frantically.

"She's fine rick." I hear Glenn's tired voice say.

"Where is she?" I asked calming my breathing a little.

"She woke up. She had to use the bathroom really bad so maggie took her outside." He replied.

I nodded my head, although I was sure he couldn't see it in the dark.

The only sound after that was Merle's snoring.

I heard the van side door opening and ran over to it. Maggie helped Jenna up the step and I grabbed her.

I put my arms around her waist and out my head in the crook of her neck.

"I love you so much." I whispered.

"I love you too Rick." She said in a tired voice.

I kissed her quickly and went back to hugging her.

"I was so scared." I also whispered still not letting go.

Carl was awake just as the some started to rise so he took Judy outside.

"We'll give you two your privacy." Maggie said smiling and grabbed Glenn's hand as they followed Carl outside.

Carl came back in and dragged Merle outside.

I finally let go of Jenna and she smiled. "I'm okay now Rick." She said quietly.

I pushed my lips to hers and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Are you okay?" She asked separating our lips.

"Ya I just, I just had a nightmare." I answered.

"What was it about?" She asked with concern in her eyes.

"You're going to think it's stupid." I said sitting down on a seat.

She sat down next to me and grabbed my hands. "If it's bothering you Rick, it's important to me." She smiled.

"I was chasing you, and I had stabbed you. And when I caught you I said I love you. You said you didn't love me back as that you loved.." By I stopped there.

"Daryl?" She finished my sentence.

I nodded. "And then I killed you. I stabbed you right in the back and killed you." I finished saying.

She hugged me and kissed my chin.

"We've already been through this." She said looking me in the eyes.

"I know." I answered looking down at my feet.

She crawled onto my lap and looked me in the eye.

"Rick Grimes?" She asked.

"Don't you trust me?" She also asked.

"I do." I said barely touching her lips with mine.

"Then stop worrying so much." She said smashing our lips together.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my hands on the small of her back.

She ran her fingers through my hair and tugged a little on it.

She pushed our bodies closer together as my breath hitched. "You should let someone else take care of you for once." She whispered making me smile.

"Yes ma'am." I replied in a husky voice making her shiver.

She deepened the kissing I laid down on the seats, her on top of me. She brushed her body against mine and I don't think I can hold it back much longer.

"Jenna." I practically moaned.

"Shouldn't we find a place more private?" I asked as she lifted her head.

"Whatever you say." She replied kissing me one last time and standing up.

She winked at me and opened the van door, closing It behind her.

How could she have so much of an impact on me? I smiled and stood up. I followed her out of the van to see Jenna holding baby Judith and everyone sitting around the fire.

My heart swelled at the sight of them an I took a seat next to Carl.

I put an arm around Carl and sighed.

"You okay dad?" He asked looking up at me.

I looked around at everyone, then turned back to Carl.

"Just fine buddy. Just fine."

--authors note--
Sorry about the short chapter guys, I wanted to end this chapter here so I could get a good start on the next one!! Well don't forget to comment and vote!! And I'm also sorry for leaving the VERY long cliffhanger of where Daryl is.. But trust me, within the next few chapters you will find out. Also I'm going to stop this book on chapter 50! So there's six more chapters until this book is done. Idk if I want to make a sequel yet, but let me know if you want one!!!

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