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2 Years Later

The sound of high-pitched screaming draws me out of my mental wandering. Something ice-cold slices against my back and I jump in shock.

I bite my lip, holding back a curse as I place the bright blue and yellow polka-dot wrapped box on the table with the others and turn around, ready to scold the group of kids behind me.

"Javi, I swear to all that is holy, if I gotta tell you about that water gun one more time, you're gonna get it!" Benny yells before I can speak. Her son ignores her as he streaks across the yard with his friends and siblings in tow, screaming in unison as they pelt each other with streams of freezing water.

"Sorry Lily! You need any help over there?" Benny calls as I squeeze the excess water from the back of my blouse, chuckling ruefully.

Who the hell decided it was a good idea to give these kids water guns for the birthday party?

Oh, that's right, my dear husband. He said that his son would really enjoy it. I grin wide as I watch him chasing after the group of kids with a whoop of victory as he sprays the entire group, clutching a white-blond, chubby-cheeked Asher at his side. Our son giggles hysterically at the group of screeching, wet children.

I shake my head and laugh, leaving the gift table behind and heading back to the patio where our friends and family mingle. So many smiling faces enjoy the afternoon sunshine that has blessed our son's first birthday. Mia sits perched on her Auntie Bennie's knee, since the rest of the kids are too rambunctious for her. She's still a bit too delicate to enjoy the water games, but she grins, watching the other kids enjoying themselves from the safety of her aunt's shoulder.

Mia's eyes perk open and she begins bouncing impatiently with grabby hands the moment she spots me. I head over to Benny and pull her into my arms, letting her snuggle warmly into my neck. She's such a mama's girl, and she would snuggle all day if I let her. Every now and then she can be convinced to share some with her daddy, too. But I soak up and treasure the extra love while she still wants to give it.

Having two under two is exhausting, and I have no idea why I ever agreed to have a second so soon. "You having fun over here, baby girl?" I ask softly, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah," she murmurs and snuggles in a little tighter. "See Ash?" she asks me. "In a little bit, baby. He's just playing with daddy and the kids. You can help mama change his diaper soon, okay big girl?"

She nods her head against my shoulder, bobbing her bright blonde curls as she tucks herself back into my neck cozily. I pat her back and sit down in with my friends, grabbing a sip of my long abandoned iced tea.

Casual conversation continues around me and I enjoy a few minutes of quiet, soaking in the scene around me. The usually serene backyard is covered in balloons and streamers, a half-inflated bouncy castle and a couple sun tents to keep both food and friends from getting too hot.

My father-in-law wanders over to me and kisses the side of my head. "How you doing, my sweet?"

I grin back and peck his cheek. "Good Pop, every day is better than the last," I answer honestly. Because it has gotten better. So much better than I ever thought it could be.

"Come see Papa," he grins at Mia, and I'm surprised when she lets her grandfather pluck her from my arms. I laugh at a dirty joke Ricardo just told, since he's now free of our kids innocent ears. Benny slaps his side with a scoff, but he just laughs harder.

We're all still laughing so loudly that I almost miss the chuckling behind me, but I jump as I feel cold, wet arms wrap around my neck. I'm not really surprised, but I give a mock yell of protest, playing along with the boys games.

Asher belly-laughs, and my husband grins down beside me, proud of the birthday boy for their joint sneak-attack.

"I'll get you guys back – just remember who cooks your dinner," I cut my eyes with a raised eyebrow.

My husband laughs in reply, the sun shining off of his mouth-watering golden tanned muscles. It still blows my mind how much I want him, how I'll always want him. I pull him into a hungry kiss, not caring that our friends and family are right next to us. I forget everything around me when I'm with him. 

"You better save some of that for later," he growls against my ear and kisses me senseless again. God, I love this man. It's been a hell of a road to get here together, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. He is worth every heartache and struggle, because he's my soul-mate. My other half. 

He nibbles my ear and then gives me another cold, wet hug, making me screech again. I should probably go change my shirt because I'm now soaked front and back. He laughs and runs off with Ash to join the other kids again. 

Though he's being a pain in the ass right now, I know it's all in good fun because he wants the kids to have a day to remember. They've already spent the entire day laughing, and Asher has enjoyed every moment of attention his doting father gives. This is the childhood I've always wanted for my babies.

After the painful years we've endured together, we deserve all the peace and joy we can get. I feel a little prick at my heart, wishing my mother could be here. I miss her every day, feeling it more than usual today. I take a deep breath as the anger at Gunnar begins to surface again. I stop to feel the feelings and release them as they come up.

We are no longer defined by the violence of the past, I remind myself. We're finished with hatred, anger, fear and control. We live in a place of love, peace and joy today. I'm living the kind of life I thought I would never experience after the pain and trauma of the last two years. I'm so glad to be free of that pain, even though I still fiercely miss the people we lost along the way. But that is a story for another day.

Today we enjoy friends, sunshine, delicious barbeque and beautiful, squealing children. Today we enjoy life and all of the beauty we create.

Today we love.

I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek. I'm going to take a break from this series for a little bit, but as of now I still plan to finish this story in book three. I hope you'll forgive me for leaving you guessing like I always do, but I will fill in the gaps in book three.

Only one spoiler for book three, it will be Lily and Ellie (Anna's) combined story. If you enjoyed I hope you'll comment or vote. 

Sending you all of my love, my friends, until we meet again...

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