11 - Love's Aftermath

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I awaken, warm and cozy with a thick arm wrapped firmly around me. After rubbing my sleepy eyes, I glance to the windows and realize it's already grown dark outside. We must have fell asleep for a few hours. As I rise and lean over to grab my phone from my night table a hand slides across my bare shoulders, and Alex pulls me back into his warm chest. He has always been a cuddler and I love spending the night in his arms. I grin at his sleeping face as I pull my arm free, casting a light glow over the tussled bedsheets as I lift my phone overhead.

We both need to get up and moving because of looming assignment due dates tomorrow; neither of us planned for this impromptu evening. But I can't seem to bring myself to break the bubble of our perfect night, so I lean my head against his firm chest, listening to rhythm of his steady heartbeat. I lift my phone again and click a quick picture as I lay on Alex's thick chest. A soft, sad sigh escapes me as I gaze at the image captured on my screen.

His dark hair is messy and his thick lashes rest against his sculpted cheek. He looks rugged and beautiful with my hair splayed across his muscular chest and my heart melts as I touch the captured image that lights my screen. A perfect picture to remind me of our love when I'm left alone with my grief in Miami.

I set the phone down, close my eyes and must have dozed off again because I'm suddenly startled by a loud noise. Now alert, my eyes dart to my bedroom door as I wait and, sure enough, the sounds of rapid knocking travel down the hall from my apartment door. I ignore it with a frustrated sigh, hugging Alex a little closer. Whoever it is, they can come back another time.

The knocking soon becomes banging and I grumble loudly as I sit up in bed. Alex flips his body in my direction with a groan and tugs on my arm, murmuring, "Mmm...babe, come back to bed."

"I gotta get this, they aren't going away and someone's gonna complain," I sigh, placing a kiss against the light stubble of his cheek.

"Fine, hurry back," he grumbles in his deep, sleepy voice, rolling back onto his pillow with a groan.

I grin at his large frame, face down and flopped across the entirety of my bed like a giant, muscular starfish. Reaching behind my door to grab a robe, I cover myself and rush to the door as the banging starts again, more urgent this time. With an irritated groan, I tie my belt and call out loudly, "Chill! I'm Coming!"

I look through the peephole before opening the door. Seriously, is he kidding?

Pulling the door back just a crack and leaving the security latch engaged, I whisper-yell, "Luca, what the hell are you doing here?"

"It's only eight o'clock, what are you doing in bed already?" he questions, as his long fingers run through his hair in agitation.

"Seriously...what do you want!?"

"Can I come in?"

"No. You can't. I'm not dressed...get lost!"

"Come on Lily, it's nothing I haven't already seen," he answers, his expression becoming increasingly irritated.

I seethe inside and push the door closed, locking it before I walk away. This is next level bullshit coming from him. He has no right to be at my door, uninvited and demanding entry, for any reason.

The banging on the door returns, somehow even louder than last time and now accompanied by Luca's yelling in the hallway. "Lily, open the door now!"

I pull my hair in frustration. There will be a noise complaint tonight for sure.

Furiously stalking back to the door, I yank it open with a fierce pull.

"Luca, you need to leave!" I demand, cutting my eyes with menace. If I had a weapon in my possession, I would gladly have used it on him right now.

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