16 - First Love

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It's Saturday morning and I awaken grumpy and groggy. When I remember I'll be spending the day with Walter, I groan out loud. Not only will I be stuck entertaining a stranger, but I'm filled with dread at the prospect of being apart from Luca all day, possibly all weekend long.

I check my phone for a good morning message. I can't help feeling insecure after yesterday's revelation, terrified that he might still take back his words. What if he feels differently after a night apart from each other?

I'm disappointed to see nothing from Luca on my phone, but it's still early yet, maybe he's still sleeping or busy and just hasn't had time to message me.

I don't want to seem needy, so I put my phone down and get ready for the day, choosing a casual white lace sun dress and light makeup. I've already selected a few places I'm planning to take Walter and I hope that he'll at least be decent company.

I head downstairs to the kitchen and find my father and Walter are already enjoying a light breakfast. Gunnar gets up to greet me and reaches for a hug like nothing ever happened, but I step back and wrap my arms around myself.

He quickly lets his hands fall and recovers, saying, "Walter, this is my beautiful Lily. Lily, this is my new protegee, Walter. His father and I have known each other a lifetime." 

Gunnar smiles at us both, obviously excited for our meeting. I groan inwardly, but force a tight smile to my mouth as I greet Walter with a handshake. Walter's gaze moves up and down my body as he firmly shakes my hand. His eyes make me uncomfortable - the guy is almost ten years older than me, and it's weird. He's definitely attractive, he actually reminds me of my dad with his chiseled features and beachy blonde hair, but Walter's eyes are a soft hazel where my father's are a mirror of my own azure hue.

The moment has stretched uncomfortably and Walter still grips my hand while he holds my gaze. It's unnerving because he doesn't smile, but seems to be carefully assessing me, making me feel like I'm being studied under a microscope.

I tug my hand free and cross my arms, self conscious after our strange introduction. My father is still rambling in the background about Walter being a twenty-six-year-old prodigy who had already accomplished something or other. His oppressive stare never wavers for the entirety of my father's speech and I feel tiny and insignificant by the time Gunnar finishes and Walter directs his eyes back to my father with a smiling thank you.

It's a revolting display and I want to vomit, but instead, I paste on another fake smile and ask Walter when he's ready to head out.

"I'm ready whenever you are, angel. Show me your city," he replies, finally lifting his lip into a smirk.

It appears that it's going to be a long day with Walter, after all.

* * * 

"Well Lily, I'm impressed with the beach, the restaurant and the shopping. And your father has informed me he's scheduled the captain for the yacht tomorrow. But tell me, what do you like to do with your friends here?" he asks candidly.

I haven't considered sharing anything personal with Walter, he's a great deal older so I figured he would prefer the tourist scene to any of my teenage interests. "Well, uh...mainly we enjoy beach parties, clubs and downtown for shopping. There's also a great little Cuban café downtown that I visit whenever I get the chance," I reply timidly.

"Hmm. And tell me, do you visit these places with your boyfriend? I do assume you must have someone special in your life. A girl like you must enjoy plenty of attention."

What does he mean by a girl like me? I'm offended, my eyes blaze and my cheeks flush with anger. I'm not about to share any details and I don't care for his assumptions - as far as my father knows, Luca and I are only friends. I'm still technically forbidden to date.

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