3 - A Day in the Life Of

472 19 5

5 Years ago

The late summer sun shines against the yard as I jog across the concrete walk of Lafayette's campus, late for school on my first day. I spent too long primping in the mirror again and completely lost track of time. Luckily, my uniform means I don't need to go through fifteen outfits before deciding what to wear.

My father used to say I'd be late to my own funeral, and it's probably true.

I could be a little irresponsible and careless at times, so sue me. Being a privileged seventeen-year-old has its perks, I can't argue with that. I have more money than I could ever spend in several lifetimes and my status and looks ensure I always have a social circle of my choosing.

Despite all the benefits of being Lily Dietrich, I'm somehow the only seventeen-year-old who isn't allowed to date, which is complete bullshit as far as I'm concerned. But, I've come to prefer the benefits of keeping the peace with my father which outweigh the consequences of defying him. And for the most part, I study hard, get straight A's, and prefer to stay away from the drama associated with dating, anyway. On the rare occasion I need to let loose I'm very good at hiding my extracurricular activities from him.

I've decided it's not worth breaking a sweat to get to class on time, so I slow to a casual walk, because it isn't like anyone's going to question my tardiness, anyway. My father, Gunnar Dietrich, is a well known and powerful man with a wide span of influence in Miami where we now live. With that association comes a level of freedom and protection that I admittedly capitalize upon when the occasion calls for it. Like today for instance.

He's the chief executive officer of Dietrich Industries, a successful multinational corporation that originated in Germany but developed a stronger presence in the United States. Though the businesses all appear above board, I've seen the quiet meetings with important contacts in our home that make me question if they have anything to do with his legitimate business. Over the years, in our very home, I've met Russian and Italian syndicate and German gang leaders that have come to visit under the guise of business mergers with the company. My father has no idea that I've pieced together the criminal activities of said associates.

You see, most people see Gunnar as the innovative, respectable CEO of Dietrich Industries, but I know my father's businesses are tied to organized crime. I try not to dwell on the dots I've connected; now that I've started to understand his business, I'm not interested in knowing more. And apart from any of its dirty dealings, Dietrich industries has been my father's first love for most of my life which makes me hate everything associated with it, legal or otherwise.

I'm fairly sure Gunnar loves me deep down - don't all parents? - but I swear he's bipolar, fluctuating between being overprotective and completely absent from my life. He's never really struck a great balance in parenting, but I've learned to accept who we are, who he is. He may not be a great father, but he's all I have. I never met my mom, who passed away when I was only a baby.

Hard as it has been growing up without a mother, I'm fairly certain that losing her has been far crueler to Gunnar. He never remarried after her death, though there had been few hopeful girlfriends over the years. I personally hope he'll find someone and settle down, because maybe a good woman will help him loosen the reins a little. But it seems that no woman, his own daughter included, will ever take priority over his work.

Finally, through the doors, I head toward my first period AP Calculus class when I hear a familiar voice call out behind me.

Shit. Luca Romano. I try to ignore the increase in my pulse that suddenly has my blood running hot, driving a flush to my pale cheeks. I take a calming breath to control my heartrate.

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