13 - Unexpected Visitor

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Sitting in the alcove, wrapped in Luca's arms, my mind spins circles as a tsunami of emotion overtakes me. I just want a moment's break from this crazy storm that's clouded over my entire life.

Luca is right. I have to let go of Alex or I risk his life at my father's hand. I hate my father and everything he represents. I hate his control over my life, his violence and power, his horrible business and all the dirty money I'm guilty of spending every day. I hate that I am his daughter, the legacy of every evil that Gunnar Dietrich has committed. But most of all, I hate that I now feel sorry for him, that my heart could actually break for what my mother did to him, that I feel equal parts of empathy for this man and my mother.

My hands shake at my sides and I want to scream at the injustice of it all. It's really no wonder my mother cheated on Gunnar, I honestly can't blame her. I would have run from Gunnar Dietrich if I'd had any choice in the matter, if I'd been born into any other family.

Hot, angry tears slip down my cheeks while Luca softly strokes my hair. I'm hardly aware of his warm embrace. I'm too sad, fearful, angry, hurt. I sit here swimming in pain and it feels like I'm nearly drowning.

I need to talk to Alex – he has to know everything before my father somehow finds out about us. My mind flashes through every urgent thing I need to do today when my thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice.


I lift my head in shock to see a face I never expected to see in my school hallway.

"Walter? What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, I'm very aware of how I must look snuggled up to Luca, my face a mess of tears. I pull myself free of Luca's arms, jumping up and quickly wiping my face. I hope I haven't missed any of the mascara which has surely tracked its way down my cheeks.

Walter pulls me into an awkward embrace. I haven't seen him since I was home at winter break, and I'm even less excited to see him than I was in December. As always, he greets me with a firm kiss, a gesture I'm sure will always feel forced and uncomfortable to me. In typical fashion, Walter is either oblivious to my stiffness or doesn't care.

Can this day get any worse?

I pull away from the kiss and ask, "What are you doing here, Walter? I thought we were going to see each other when I got home in two weeks?"

Truthfully, I've been ignoring his calls and texts for more than a month. I'm no longer afraid of being blunt with Walter. I don't want him any more than I did when I met him six years ago, but this relationship is part of the bargain I made with Gunnar that allowed me return to New York for school.

Apparently, the payment for my freedom has come due and Walter is here to collect.

"I came tonight to surprise you...I have big plans, so we need to get going, alright sweetheart?"

I'd rather drive nails into my eyelids, but I can see no way of excusing myself from Walter's company today, so I glance to Luca who nods gently.

He and Walter exchange nods and I find myself being led down the hallway and out the front doors at a clip I'm not accustomed to. We've made it outside the building when I hear my name being yelled from the other side of the campus.

I look over to see Alex barreling toward me yelling, "Lily, wait!"

When I had asked the universe if this day could get any worse, the question was supposed to be rhetorical, not a challenge.

I pause and raise a finger to Walter. "Um, could you just give me a minute with my classmate? We have a group paper I need to quickly discuss." Lying to Walter comes easily, after all the practice I've had the last five years.

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