20 - Where Dreams go to Die

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Milos doesn't sit with us while we're waiting for his wife to arrive. Instead, I watch him nervously pace while he curses under his breath. My stomach is in tight knots and I'm sick with dread. Now I truly wish I had never come here with Alex.

But I still know that I wouldn't – couldn't – have done anything differently. Alex holds me closely, whispering soft reassurances in my ear and placing kisses against my temple, but I can tell he is just as nervous as I am. Something has Milos very upset, and I'm sure I can imagine what that is. Deep down I'm waiting for him to attack me. I'm sure that at any moment he's going to tear into me for exposing them to Gunnar, and it's all I can think of the entire time I wait for Alex's Mom to come home.

The meager fifteen minutes it takes for her to walk through the front door feel like an eternity. But finally, the creak of the door followed by the chatter of voices echo through the tile foyer as she enters with her youngest children. Milos' deep voice travels through the hallway as he sends his children to their rooms, and a low, animated conversation begins in the hallway. Something clatters loudly to the floor and heartbreaking sobs travel through the main floor of the house. Alex meets my eyes with a concerned look and mumbles, "Stay here," as he leaves me behind to join his parents.

The crying escalates, and I stand from my seat, even more anxious and afraid. I knew this meet-the-parents wouldn't be easy, but it's turned into a nightmare straight from hell. Nervous energy nearly bursts from my pores as I pace the floor, running my hands roughly through my hair. I can't believe I've caused so much drama when I've hardly said a word.

It feels like hours have passed, when in reality, it's only been minutes. The voices steadily crescendo, then grow silent, the hellish symphony playing on in the hallway as it tortures me with catastrophic, wordless music. Before I can make out any further conversation, shuffling footsteps descend into the living room behind me. I turn to see Alex standing in the doorway, stone-still, like a beautiful angel sentinel standing guard as he weeps over the grave of his charge. To his right, Milos stands with an arm wrapped protectively around his shoulder, head down.

The doorway is blocked by the two men, but just behind Alex I can make out the figure of his mother. Her form is mostly concealed by the men, but I can see how petite she is when I finally notice the top of her honey blonde head.

No one utters a word as I stand in horrified silence, the only person left with no idea what is happening.

"Alex?" My lip quivers as I met his shining blue eyes.

He wipes his face roughly with his palms and opens his mouth as if to speak, then closes it again. It seems he's contemplating something painful until he finally begins purposeful steps and stops directly in front of me. Taking my face into his hands, he gives me a kiss that leaves me weak in the knees, hugging me close to his body. It's so filled with raw, painful emotion that I'm struck terrified he might be saying goodbye. His chest begins to shake with sobs, and he leans into my shoulder, whispering into my ear, "I love you, Lily."

Suddenly, he steps back and glances between me and his parents. I reach out my hand to him, wanting to comfort him, but he steps back, refusing to meet my gaze. It feels like a knife to my chest.

His voice catches with sobs as he chokes out, "I can't do this!" He flees the room, leaving me in tears. The loud slam of the front door shakes the main level of the house and I turn to his parents in shock. I'm hurt, angry and terrified. What could they have possibly said to make him walk out on me like this?

Suddenly his mother steps forward, her face in her hands. I can finally see she is still shaking with silent sobs, much like Alex had been. Milos moves to his wife's side, pulling her into an encouraging hug as he murmurs into her ear. She nods her head and steps toward me, finally lifting her face to meet my eyes, tears tracking down her cheeks.

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