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The night had already settled in as Atreus awoke from a terrible nightmare.

He had seen his mothers face once again. It had been a long time ago that he had remembered how she looked like.

Most of the time when he was dreaming about her she just smiled. But he didn't remember the colour of her eyes nor the shape of her face. It was as if his mind only remembered her smile but forgot the appearance.

Covered in sweat, he climbed out of his bed to get a hand full of water. The liquid felt cold to his skin, making him shiver. With a soft noice, he shook himself, while glancing over his shoulder.

Kratos was fast asleep. He was snorting, like always but his face remained angry and harsh.

Sometimes, Atreus wondered if his father was ever able to look calm and at ease. At least he had a tight sleep, something that Atreus only had when he was sick.

He let his eyes wander further through the cabin, over to the wooden table on wich Mimir had his sleeping spot.

The head was snorting even louder than Kratos.

That was a weird thing, Atreus found, after all he had no lungs. As the boy hurried past him, the head moved a little. His eyes twitched, he curled his lips.

But he did not awake to tell his father what was going on.

Quickly but not foolishly, the boy put on all of his clothes. He put on the leather pants, the leather vest and the soft fur coat on top. It would keep him warm in the coldest if winters.

Then, he jumped into his boots and grabbed a bag, filled it with bread, cheese and some bandages.

Carefully, Atreus grabbed his bow and rushed out of the door. The quicker he left, the slimmer the chances that he would get caught.

Outside, the night was calm.

No birds were singing or wolfs were howling.

The moon was sitting in the sky as if it was its throne. The stars danced around it like many lovers that tried to seduce him into painting a picture of love into the sky.

With a satisfied grin, the boy hurried through the snow, past his fathers fence, that he had build for protection and into the wild.

He knew the area around and if his instinct wasn't betraying him, he would be able to find what his young heart desired so much.

With new fire in his soul, he began to run through the land of white and frost. His little feet were skilled, running as quite as a mouse but as fast as a rabbit.

As if it was in his blood, he avoided every single trap and managed to find his way through the sea of sleeping monsters.

Not even the animals noticed him, as he hurried past their homes, while holding his bow tightly.

"Whenever I call you, you will listen.", Atreus mumbled, stopping at the top of a cliff.

Form this spot, he was able to look into the ruins of what once must had been an arena. Snow was covering the stone floor, that was decorated with many Nordic emblems and symbols.

He knew those symbols very well, his mother had used them to teach him the language of the giants.

But the words that these symbols painted made no sense. They were for pure decoration purposes only.

"You listen to my very call.", he repeated while his eyes wandered through the dark.

He had not found any footprints.
Sometimes it was hard to find them, especially when the weather had changed. But it wasn't the case this time.

With one big jump, the boy landed in the arena. Not knowing what to do next, he let his eyes wander through the air.

Everything was empty.

He almost felt lonely.

"Hello?", Atreus' voice cut through the silence like a knife through flesh. "Are you here? (Y/N)? I am calling you! Will you listen to my call?"

"Of course I will.", you answered.

Frightened because of your sudden appearance, he jumped back, his bow ready to snot someone. Breathing quickly for a moment, he remained like this, the top of the arrow pointing at your chest.

You did not move nor did you dare to say something. You just stood there, watching him.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people like this.", Atreus said and finally lowered the bow. "It's rude, you know. Didn't your parents teach you some manners?"

His question cause a soft laugh to leave your mouth.

"I didn't sneak up on you. And my parents are long gone, you know. They had little time teaching me anything.", you said and squatted before him, so he wouldn't have to look up to you.

"You're parents are dead?"

"No. Not really. They are just not here anymore. They are somewhere else. Not amongst the dead but they are also not alive no more. It's... a weird thing to explain. But that is not why you came here, isn't it?"

Questioning, you eyed him from top to bottom.

From the moment he had arrived, you had noticed that he had been in a rush. His leather armour wasn't sitting right and he had no cloak hanging around his shoulders.

The cold made him shiver. It was a miracle that he was wearing both his shoes.

"I am here to make a deal with you.", Atreus stepped closer, his eyes were locked with yours.

At first you were surprised. But then you remembered and had to smile softly.

"Ah, the deal I wanted to make with your father.", you nodded. "I remember that one. But... you seem to be here without him. Are you lost? Or did you run away?"

Hastily, he shook his head.

"Nothing of it! I want to make the deal with you. Father said no but I want to say yes. I will kill Thor for you and you will bring my mother back.", the sound of his voice made you sad.

It was that sound that only little kids had whenever they wanted something so desperately that their little hearts almost bursted.

To your misery, you were unable to take away the hope in his eyes. Your lips were sealed but your heart wished to tell him the truth.

A sigh left your lips.

"I can't make a deal with you.", you said, rubbing the boys cheek.

"Why not?", he frowned, sadness was shimmering in his eyes.

"There are rules that need to be followed. I don't want to burden a child with such rules."


"Atreus!", a voice ripped through the night.

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