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Surprisingly, Kratos and Atreus knew about the hidden temple below the actual temple.

Atreus told you stories about their adventures, how he had saved his father from drowning in one of the many traps that Tyr had set up.

He talked about one of Thors sons, the one that he had killed with his own little knife and how he had felt like a real god.

It made you smile the way he was talking seemed so childish and cheerful.

While his father was listening with a grim face, the boy told their adventures as if they had been the happiest and easiest times of his young life.

He did not see the danger that had threatened his life back then. He was just proud that he had done something that no one had before him.

Kratos, on the other hand, was very aware of the fact that there had been nothing glorious about the journey. He knew what enemies he had now.

And he was concerned about it.

You could read it in his eyes, he didn't want to fight any gods anymore. But he was expecting to protect himself.

Himself and his son.

"You know a lot about this temple.", you said as Atreus jumped through a hall into a hallway.

The traps were locked, nothing was moving nor did any monsters try to attack your group. It felt like everything was extinct. Even the magic wasn't flowing the way it was supposed to.

It felt wrong, so old and tired.

"Ah, lads I can't believe we are down here again.", Mimir suddenly said.

He had been silent for so long you jumped as his voice reached your ears.

"Gods! Mimir don't scare me like this.", you said, grinning.

The head laughed while Atreus giggled in amusement.

"(Y/N). I almost forgot that Kratos did not kill you. Care to tell me why we are here? I remember that we payed a visit to Freya, but after that my brain is a little blank.", the head grinned.

You sighed.

"I had a talk with her. It... was ugly to say the least. But she said something along the lines of me forgetting things.", you rubbed the back of your head.

"Don't we all forget things sometimes?", Atreus asked and grabbed your hand.

"Indeed. But this is different. I am different. The things I forget, they are important. Things that nobody would ever forget. She told me to seek Tyr. His knowledge will be answer to my questions."

Understanding, Mimir folded his lips and frowned.

"I don't want to ruin the mood, but maybe you should consider hoping for a little less. Tyr was a god of many complications and mysteries. It is unlikely that we will find all the answers at the same place and without having to sacrifice something for it."

A sigh left your lips as his words hit you hard.

He was right, Tyr had loved secrets and after Odin had wanted to rob him, he had become more of a mystery. It would not be easy to find anything that would be of use for you. Especially not if it was something this specific.

"I just hope we can get this over with as fast as possible.", you said, rubbing your eyes with one hand.

You were tired.

The night came crawling back again and the darkness would soon swallow the lake. Hopefully, there would be a place to go to if the time was coming.

"But don't you know what we are looking for, (Y/N)?", Atreus asked with a questioning look.

You shook your head, but your eyes wandered over to Kratos as you answered.

The big man was walking in front of you, his gaze turned away. His muscles moved with every single step, making his seem like one big construct of muscles and flesh.

Sometimes he threw a gaze over his broad shoulder to look at you. Just like he did right now.

There was a shimmer in his eyes, careful but not hating anymore. He seemed... softer now.


"Not exactly, no. Freya said she would know, but asking her would be madness.", you tried to smile, but it showed how crushed you were. "I fear we have to find it ourselves."

"Did you hear that father? Another adventure!", the boy said in an excited manner.

With big eyes Atreus began to grin and jumped on his father back. He had so much energy, it made Kratos tremble and he stumbled back, right into you.

Struck by sunrise, you remained unmoved and grabbed his huge arm to keep yourself from falling. As if it was a reflex, he reached out, wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close.

So close that your face almost hit his bare chest.

You raised your hands, to protect yourself, placed them on his chest and made his stop. His chest rose gently below your fingers.

For a moment, the three of you just stood like this, you pressed against Kratos' chest, his arm wrapped around you and Atreus hanging on his father back.

Kratos face was as emotionless as ever. But his eyes had changed. Now, he was staring at you. Something inside of the liquid gold was moving.

Was that... hesitation?

You couldn't help but stare into his face as well. He was handsome, you had to admit that.

Despite his age, which must have been a few hundreds of years, he was still pleasant to look at. The little grey strands in his beard made you smile as you thought about how they made him look more mature.

Atreus eyes jumped form you to his father and back. There was a questioning look on his face. But also childish amusement.

With a giggle, he pat your head and ripped you out of the world of thoughts.

Confused, you blinked and looked at the boy.

"Are you falling for my father?", he asked, laughing.
Mimir laughed.

"Oh, that would be a tragic love story. Beauty and the beast, no lad?", the head joked.

Shocked, your eyes widened.

"N-no, why would you say that?", you felt the heat rising in you.

Quickly, you turned your head away and looked down.
To your surprise, Kratos pulled you closer and hid your expression with his body.

Angrily, he looked at his son. His mouth twitched.

"You're out of control. Go and see if there are enemies ahead.", with a movement of his shoulders, he shook the boy off. "And take the head with you."

"But why?", Mimir wanted to protest, but Kratos already threw him in the air so the boy could catch him.

"But father-"

"Go. Now."

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