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With a sharp breath, Kratos raised his eyebrows and eyed you from top to bottom. His lips moved as realisation struck him.

He took a step back, reaching for his axe again.

"You are not (Y/N).", he said. "What are you?"

A soft smile appeared on your face, but it was strange.

It looked like you were smiling but your eyes were closed halfway. It seemed that a dream had trapped you and your body was wandering on its own without a clear mind.

"I am but a mere healer.", you said.

"No. You are different."

"I am (Y/N), healer of the gods, friend of death. Who are you to disrespect me like this? Speak, stranger. Tell me, is it you that is the missing part of the prophecy? Is that why you are here, mocking me?", you eyed him, angry but still tired. "Will you be my end or my salvation?"

Even more confused, Kratos took a step back. He wasn't sure if violence would have been the right choice. But a bad feeling was growing inside his chest, almost like a hint of disaster.

He felt that this was wrong and odd, but he didn't know if a fight would solve the problem of make it worse.

Why was this so strange?

What was going on?

"Come.", he finally said after a while of silence.

Confused, you looked at him. Strands of your (H/C) hair hugged your face as you moved to inspect the hand that he was offering you.

"Where to, stranger?", you asked, smiling.

"I've come to take you out of this place."

"But the prophecy? What about it? It must be fulfilled so I can live."

"It will be. But you need to leave this place before it can take place."

Your lips twitched and displeasure appeared.

"It is already taking place, fool. I must stay away from the child, the child that must live so I can live. Otherwise you will be my end. I will end only when the child and I are together. You need us both to wipe me off this universe. I shall not let that happen."

Now, his patience started to fade. With visibly angered, Kratos frowned and wanted to grab your hand. But you pulled away, turned around and ran.

"Hey!", he screamed. "Stay here!"

Without reacting, you disappeared between the rows of books.

A curse left his lips. Angrily, he stamped onto the ground, causing the walls to shake. He didn't had a choice but to run after you.

His bulky stature wasn't made for running and it showed. His steps were heavy and he didn't manage to get close enough to be in reach of you. Whenever he was close, you turned around a corner and escaped him.

However, he was in luck.

As you turned around a corner, the two of you found themselves in a dead end. Huge shelves of books blocked the way and trapped you in.

But the lack of escape possibilities didn't seem to bother you.

Like a small animal that was trapped, you stopped and turned around.

Your eyes were so empty, it frightened Kratos.

"So shall it be, my end and doom. Come. I prefer to die in battle, like a real warrior.", your hand reached behind your back and pulled a blade out of nowhere.

Confused, he tilted his head.

"You are a healer.", Kratos said. "I won't fight you."

A smile appeared on your face, empty and not like your usual smile. It angered him to see this kind of smile on your face. He hated it.

"If you won't fight me, I will win. My life will be safe. That is all I desire.", you pointed the knife at him. "Now, prepare to die, my end and doom."

Without a warning, you disappeared.

Surprised, Kratos flinched.

Out of reflex, he tightened the grip around his axe and lowered his head. His eyes jumped through the room, to the ceiling and below his feet.

But there was nothing to be seen. Not even a shadow or a hint of where you could have disappeared to.

Suddenly, a cold shiver crawled down his spine. He twirled around, his axe raised. But as he remembered who he was fighting, is will to kill faded and he lost caution.

With a quick stab, your blade got buried in the soft flesh of his side. Blood splashed and a sharp breath escaped him. With fire in his eyes, he dropped the axe and reached out to grab you.

But you disappeared again, almost as quickly as you had appeared. But you were unable to take the blade with you. It remained stuck inside of him.

With a harsh movement, he grabbed it and pulled it out with all his might. The blade drew a long line, opening Hisbollah flesh and a few muscles.

Warm rivers of red rushed out of his side, covering him and the floor with small dots of red.

But he didn't have a lot of time to process the pain.

Suddenly, a shiver ran down his spine again. He twirled around, not ready to make the same mistake again. This time, he had himself prepared.

His hands rushed forward and as you appeared out of nowhere, he managed to grab you. With a scream, he threw himself to the ground, dragging you with him.

No reaction filled you. You didn't scream, nor did you feel any pain. You dropped to the ground with him like a puppet.

Your eyes didn't even move.

As Kratos raised himself from the ground to take a closer look at you, it seemed like the soul had left your body. All that was left was a vessel that had nothing inside but hollowness.

Confused, he frowned and let his hand stroke over the soft skin of your cheek.

"(Y/N)?", he asked, his voice softer than usual. "What is this?"

A breath left your lips.

"Fate has come to me.", you whispered. "It wants to be fulfilled. And my blood shall fuel the future."

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