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With a loud scream, Kratos emerged from the darkness.

He didn't waste any time with attacking Freya again.

Instead, he raised his axe and let it crush down on the magical plant. The blade cut through it like butter.

To protect the boy from the flying pieces of wood, you pulled him into a hug and shielded his little head with your body.

A harsh hand grabbed you, pulled you up and back.

You stumbled and almost fell, the boy still pressed tightly against you.

A huge shadow grew in front of you.

As you opened your eyes, Kratos was facing away from you. His axe held high in both hands, he threw a gaze over his shoulder.

"Are you two alright?", he asked in his deep voice.

Unable to firm words, you nodded, pressing the boy closer to your chest.

Immediately, Kratos turned back to Freya.

The goddess had slipped a few meter far, drawing a deep scar into the earth and destroying beds of flowers with her body. Now, she was jumping back on her feet as if this attack had not hurt her a little bit and showed her teeth.

"You!", she screamed, already letting new plants grow beneath her feet. "Murderer! I will kill you!"

With tears in her eyes she rushed forward, sending her magic towards him.

With a few hits of his axe, Kratos parted the plants, causing them to fall dead to his feet and rotten. Every move of his seemed so smooth yet powerful it was mesmerising.

Enchanted by his way of controlling the destruction, you watched him move.

Freya drew her sword, rushed forward and wanted to stab him.

But Kratos jumped to the side, raised his axe and let it crush down.

She was quick on her feet, jumped back, raised her sword and let the blades hit each other. The sound of metal hitting metal filled the air.

"Don't attack her, Kratos! If you don't fight she won't be able to either.", you screamed towards him.

Glaring at you from the corner of his eyes, he twitched with his mouth. He pushed forwards, trying to force Freya to loose her balance.

But she was surprisingly strong for a woman of her size.

The magical plants of hers continued to grow around the feet of the enemies, creating a bed of green.

Kratos tried to kill them off as quickly as possible but they kept on growing, making it almost impossible to let the magic run dry.

"I will kill you!", Freya screamed into his face.

He dodged a hit of her sword.

"I don't wish to fight you.", he said.

"You did worse to me! You killed my son!"

Tears were running down her cheeks.

Kratos didn't answer.

He jumped back, his axe raised and brought some distance between the two of them, shielding you and the boy with his massive body.

The gold of his eyes shimmered in the dark. His breath filled the silence.

Sobbing, Freya broke down, dropping her sword.

"You killed him! You killed my son! My only happiness in this life!", she looked at him, her face twisted in anger and pain. "Die!"

With both hands, she hit the ground, causing the plants around her to jump into the air.

Kratos trembled on his feet as he stumbled back and grabbed you to pull you into him.

With his massive body, he shielded you and the boy from flying rocks and thorns that were cutting his skin open.

Breathing heavily, he glared down at you, one eye closed because of the pain.

Struck by fear, you frowned and twisted you mouth.

"Please, stop fighting her.", you begged with tears in your eyes. "If you don't fight her she can't hurt you. Her curse-"

"Silence.", Kratos hissed, bowing down even further.

Your hand reached up, touching his broad chest. Blood was running down the sides of his back. It was painful to see him like this. He was tortured, hurt and beaten.

But despite all the pain, he was protecting you and the boy.

The gold of his eyes shimmered, as he looked you directly into the face.

You swallowed thickly.

Suddenly, Freya raised her arms and let her magic rage even more. The plants grew into trees, covered in spikes. They dug into the ground and ripped a huge stone out of it.

Without hesitation, she let it fly towards her enemies.

With a gasp, your eyes widened and fear spread in your chest. Your heart began to race.

"Kratos, run!", you screamed and pressed him the boy into the arms.

But he refused and gave him back to you before turning around. Rage was warning in his eyes. With a loud scream of his deep voice, he raised his arms into the air.

The stone was ten times his size. He would have been crushed like an insect below it.

With your eyes pressed together, you reached out for him, fearing he would die right in front of your eyes.

But as the stone came crushing down, he caught it like it was nothing. The ground below him creaked, earth bursted open and threatened to swallowed the three of you.

A scream escaped your throat as you and the Boy sunk deeper into the broken ground. You reached for a root to hold onto but Kratos was quicker.

He grabbed you by the wrist, pulled you up and into a hug before jumping away from a moving tree that Freya send your way.

"Why won't you die!?", she screamed with tears in her eyes. "Enough of the nonsense!"

Again, she hit the ground. This time it began to shake like an earthquake. Roots grew out of the depths, quickly grabbing Kratos by the arms and neck.

Scared, you pressed the boy further against your chest and pressed your eyes together.

Your entire body was shaking.

The roots wrapped around you too, causing a sharp pain to spread inside your body. It was as if they were trying to choice the life out of ever limb.

"Kratos, please.", you begged, as his arms closed even tighter around you.

"Don't move. I got you.", he whispered into your ear.

Suddenly, the ground below you two faded.

Wind began to dance around your head and you raised into the air.

A loud, sharp scream escaped you, as you opened your eyes and realised that Freya had used her magic to throw you into the air.

Clouds passed you.

Somewhere in the distance, a lake appeared.

It's calm, blue surface got closer and closer.

Fear filled your heart.

"Oh, no!", you gasped.

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