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"Must we have a conversation now?", you asked after a while of silence.

As soon as you had awoken from the after sex slumber, Kratos had insisted on returning to Mimir and the boy.

You didn't mind, after all some time must have had passed ever since you had left. Letting the boy alone for too long seemed irresponsible. Especially when Mimir was the only adult creature in reach.

However, despite what had happened between the two of you, you felt strange. There was something in the air, a feeling that was bugging you.

What was this?


Hope for something that wasn't meant to be?

You couldn't tell exactly, but at the same time it filled you with fear. You wanted him, but at the same time not.

Tilting his head, Kratos looked over his shoulder to face you. He had taken you on his back again. It was easier this way.

"What conversation?", he asked in his usual, calm voice.

It was impressive, he acted as if nothing had happened ever. For him, this was like any other talk he had. No feelings, no regret nor thinking about what had happened. It had happened and that was it.

You curled your lips, not hurt but a little disappointed.

"What will we do with the information we got? Don't you see me as a threat now?", with two of your fingers you took a strand of his beard and twisted it.

He let it happen, surprisingly unbothered.

"Why would I?", he asked.

"You might kill me. I might become too powerful, if we get my gift back. Whatever happens, it can put you and Atreus in danger."

"I am very aware of the possibilities.", he turned forward again. "But I am not willing to let the prophecy happen without having tried everything to prevent it."

His hands tightened as he spoke.

With a smile, you rested your head on his shoulder and breathed a kiss onto his neck.

The soft touch of your lips made him flinch. A shiver crawled down his spine and goosebumps grew on his arms.

"I promise, whatever might happen I won't hurt you nor your son. Before that happens, I want you to kill me. Do not hesitate to put an end to this if your life is on the line. Or Atreus'. He is a precious little one, you know? I couldn't bare to do him harm. I'd rather die."

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks. The exit of the corridor was right in front of him, light was falling through the hole in the wall.

But he hesitated and didn't move.

"I won't do you harm.", he said.


"No. I once hurt the people that I loved most. It was a kind of pain that I never want to experience again. To this day, nightmares haunt me. I swore myself that this will never happen again."

"But I am not a child of yours. Nor do we share a bond through marriage or partnership."

"Hm. You are right indeed. But I cherish you nonetheless. And I won't meet you with violence. I promise."

His words were sweet but at the same time it made your heart ache to hear them out of his mouth. He was acting a fool all of a sudden.

You did not wish to put Kratos in danger, but the sheer thought of hurting Atreus made you shiver. If the worst would happen, Kratos would be able to defend himself but the boy still was childish and not a master archer.

Despite not being skilled in combat yourself, you would be able to hurt him. That would be the last thing you wanted.

If it were for you, you would have liked Kratos to promise that he would chop your head off as soon as the boy was put in danger because of you. But somehow, Kratos seemed to despise the ideas of hurting you.

Even when his sons life was on the line.

Your lips twitched and you wanted to protest, but a light voice was quicker and cut you off.

"Father! (Y/N)!", Atreus appeared in the light of the exit, waving you two.

Surprised, you slid down Kratos back and walked up to the boy to pet his head. With a chuckle, he pushed your hand away and brushed his hair down.

"Are you well? I hope you didn't get in trouble while we were gone.", you said, squeezing the boys side and winning another sound of joy.

Confused, Atreus frowned, holding the head up to his eye level and exchanging a gaze with Mimir.

"You say that as if you were gone for ages.", Atreus said, amused.

Confused, you and Kratos exchanged a gaze.

"We we're gone for quite a while.", you said.

Atreus shook his head, grinning in confusion.

"No. That was like twenty minutes? Are you confused or something? Did my father hit your head? His punch is pretty strong, I know. Are you hurt?", with the eagerness of a child, he raised his hand and softly touched your head for injuries.

Amused by his childish care, you had to laugh.

"Come on now, lad. Don't make your father look so bad in front of his flame.", Mimir said. "You're embarrassing him."

With an angry, grumpy noise Kratos reached for the head and snatched it out of his sons hand. With a grim expression on his face, he threw Mimir a death stare and tied it back to the belt on his hip.

"Now silence.", he growled and threw his son a warning gaze too.

But instead of shivering in fear, Atreus grinned at you.

"Hear that? He gets angry when somebody states the obvious.", the boy whispered as Kratos had turned away. "That means he does like you."

Amused, you tried to hide the giggle that was growing inside. At the same time, you turned your face to hide the blush on your face.

The boy was a noisy one. He didn't had to know everything, at least not what was going on inside of you.

"You have a lively fantasy.", you said.

"You think so? Hm, no I don't think that's it. He's just easy to read once you find out how he works. He likes you, I'm sure of that.", Atreus grinned. "But he won't tell you himself, obviously."

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