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With a scream as bloodthirsty as death itself, Kratos came raining form the sky.

The gold of his eyes was boiling and burning like a pot, ready to be emptied above the head of a poor fool. A red flame was burning a round his hands, power that was unknown to this word of the north.

If felt hot as it touched your skin. You could taste the rage inside of it.

Without hesitation he let his axe cut down on Thor's arm.
The god was so surprised, he didn't even pull back.

The cold metal cut through his flesh like butter. Blood splashed, tearing muscles apart, cutting deep to the bone.

As the metal clashed with it, splinters jumped up and a strange cracking sound filled the air. The scream that left Thor's lips was one like no other.

But it was nothing compared to the scream that made Kratos tremble. It was a painful scream, that kind of pain that came for within and could not be cured.

Tears were covering his face. The only reason why he wasn't laying on the ground like a broken dog was that the hate inside of him was stronger than the pain.

You could feel the pain of him. It made your heart pull together.

Shaking in pain, Thor let go of you. Like a stone you fell to the ground. It didn't even hurt as you hit into the cold, hard stone. It was just a dull feeling inside of your weak body.

Shaking in pain, you tried to raise your head and see what was going on.

But you couldn't.

The pain and the injuries chained you to the ground, forcing the darkness inside of your eyes.

Little lightnings danced around you, crawling over your body and making it as numb as an empty puppet.

Your head was heavy. Breathing was painful. With tears in your eyes, you took a deep breath in and let yourself fall into the darkness.

It felt like an escape.

Suddenly, there was nothing anymore. No pain, no breath. Not even the sorrow that had filled your chest.

All that remained was nothing.

Meanwhile, Kratos felt everything.

He felt the pain, he felt the hopelessness.

He felt the loss that nobody wished to ever feel.

He had never felt anything like this ever before. Not ever in all the years of his life.

It felt like he was falling apart, as if something was crushing him from the inside.

Victim of this rage was the god of thunder. Again and again he had to dodge the hits of the axe.

Magic was dancing around his face, threatening to cut him with every bit. It was filled with the rage of its master, knowing the order it had to fulfil.

To kill. It had to kill Thor.

"Who are you?!", with his eyes filled with fear, Thor jumped back.

The hand that he had pressed into the wound in his arm was drowning on blood. It ran down his body in waves, almost like a river of red and pain.

Gods were no strangers to pain, however, on,y the very few knew what it was to be injured. Thor wasn't injured. He was at the edge between death and life.

A thing that no god believed in.

Without answering his question, Kratos rushed forward, his axe raised and let it crush down.

Thor managed to slip away, but only very close, sacrificing the side of his left leg. The metal of the axe crushed into it like into a piece of wood.

Flesh tore open and bones cracked, letting the blood splash over the entire ground.

Pure white snow turned into a cursed red paste.

"Answer me!", Thor demanded and let thunder rage upon Kratos.

He jumped aside, dodging the blue electricity

As it crushed into the ground, the mountain shook as if a giant had tried to fight it. The snow turned black and above in the sky the clouds turned as black as night.

The rain returned, but this time it did not look nor feel like water. This time, it was like tears, salty but grey as ashes.

The sky seemed to cry.

It was a strange sight, something that Helheim had never seen before.

As the drops fell onto Kratos ashy skin, he stopped in his rage and looked up into the sky.

Suddenly, he seemed calm as if the fire inside had stopped. All that remained was emptiness. It was like a hole in his chest that could not be filled with anything.

Not even the rage that he had felt before.

"I am... I am the father of the boy.", Kratos voice was calm. "I came to kill you."

Slowly, he raised his axe.

The soft blue shimmer of ice magic was covering the dark metal.

As Kratos aimed it at Thor, the runes began to glow. The shimmer grew, exploding in an unnatural light that was cold to the touch.

But Thor wasn't a fool. Blind, he called the thunder to his aid.

With a loud scream, the lightning crushed form the sky. It did not have a target. Instead, it crushed into anything it could find.

Stone split, snow burned and the darkness fled.

The heat of the electricity was as painful as hellfire. Blinded, Kratos had to shield his eyes. Taken by the force, his massive body got thrown back and hit a stone, smashing it into bits and pieces.

Blood splashed form his wounds, covering the stone in a deep red.

"Thor!", Kratos raged and got back on his feet, not letting the pain chain him to the ground. "This is your end!"

He opened his hand, calling the axe back. The weapon came flying, glowing with the rage and the wish to kill.

Blood stuck to the blade. It was like a promise, a little piece of satisfaction.

Surprisingly quick, Kratos stormed forward, the axe raised and let it cut through the smoke. The attack took Thor by surprise, his eyes were widened and he was laying on the ground covered in his own blood and injured like a dog.

"You!", the god screamed and raised his hand to call another lightning.

He must have expected Kratos to back away.

However, he did not. He jumped right into the lightning. With fire in his eyes, Kratos held his axe high. The blade shimmered, as the lightning got caught in it.

With one mighty blow, Kratos cut straight through the lightning.

Thor did not see the blade coming. He remained motionless, expecting his enemy to retreat as the lightning grew. The axe struck him right in the face.

Blood splashed and the sound of cracking bones filled the raging storm.

Thor had no chance.

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