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As the magic faded, the thoughts and realisation hit you. You had attacked him.

But why?

"K-Kratos...", you whispered.

Without saying a word, Kratos looked down on you. He had prepared a small camp in a corner of the chambers that was covered with veils and pillows and blankets.

The chambers of Tyr were filled with unexpected treasures. This small place of piece and quiet was one of them.

It seemed that Tyr had used this corner as a chance to rest. It had all there was to desire and sometimes when you rolled over, you discovered a book or two hidden between the pillows.

Your eyes were closed, but you could feel him next to you.

"Kratos?", you asked again and reached for his arm.

He pulled away, refusing to touch you.

"Are you better?", his voice was like fresh water, soft and flowing.

There was no hate nor bitterness. He was just asking a question.

Swallowing thickly, you lowered your head and nodded.
He eyed you, not saying a single word. His gaze wandered up and down your body, as if he wanted to find a flaw, something that would make you less worthy of his care. His hand reached out for your face.

You flinched, thinking his anger had overcome him. Maybe he was at the end of his patience. As he noticed your fear, he stopped, letting his hand rest before your eyes.

He waited.

Carefully, you opened an eye and looked at his hand.
He didn't move a single bit. He just sat there and waited, his hand in the air.

His fingers moved a bit, as if he was stroking softly through the air. The movement looked so simple yet calm.

This behaviour of his was strange, almost too calm and too silent. He was patient. You had not expected to ever whiteness this.

Just to check, you opened an eye and looked him up and down.

His face had not changed, emotionless and without any hint of an answer. But the shimmer in his eyes had changed. It was warmer, eager, but also a little angry. This mix of emotions scared you.

Suddenly, your heart was beating like crazy.

"What is it?", the question was a question of fear.

Fear that he would be angry with you. Fear that his trust that you had earned after so many attempts was gone now. Gone because of one single mistake that had been caused by you not thinking.

He hummed and twisted his mouth, but didn't answer.

Instead, he raised his hand and dared to touch your cheek. It was the softest touch you had ever felt, like a kiss of the wind.

His hand was huge enough to cover your face with it and as harsh as stone.

But the way he touched you was so gentle, it seemed impossible for a man like him.

A shaky breath escaped you, as you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to enjoy the simple form of closeness.

When was the last time that you had felt this much at ease?

Softly, you grabbed his hand a squeezed it, while placing your forehead on it.

"Forgive me.", you whispered again, feeling your heart get more heavy. "This shouldn't have happened. I should have expected Tyr to be a sneaky son of a bitch."

"What do you mean?", Kratos' voice was still calm, but you were able to hear a bit of curiosity in it.

A sigh escaped you.

"I'm not sure what it is. But it seems that Tyr has secured his most priced possessions with a kind of magic. It... reaches the deepest depths of a person and brings out the darkest desires.", you looked at him, pressing your lips together. "I felt this thirst for violence. It corrupted my mind like poison, I couldn't think straight. The magic had me in its grip."

His eyes were fixed onto your face, the gold mixed with the (E/C) of yours.

"So, we cannot reach the answers we seek?", he asked.

You shrugged.

"I'm not sure. Maybe the answers were not important to Tyr and he has placed them somewhere in reach. But if they are not, we might struggle a lot. Maybe a lot more than it is worth struggling for."

You looked him deeper into the eyes, putting extra emotions into your facial expression.

Kratos reached out with his other hand, stroking your (H/C) hair.

"I'll go.", he got back on his feet, freeing himself from your grip.

You tried to get up, reaching for his hand again but your legs were weak, forcing you to fall back into the soft cushions.

"Wait!", you begged.

He stopped, looking over his shoulder. His face was strangely soft. Almost too soft to look at a friend or an ally.

"Speak your mind.", he demanded, grabbed his axe.

"Don't go. Not without me."

"You're weak."

"I want to come with you."

"I might hurt you."

"I don't care. Take me with you."


You frowned, sad and angry at the same time. You didn't want him to go all by himself and might get lost, trapped forever by Tyr'a tricky magic and whatever else was lurking in the unknown of this chambers.

But at the same time there was worry growing inside of your chest. The magic might corrupt his heart worse than it did you. He was a lot stronger, skilled with weapons and the ability to kill.

If he would rage, you would have no chance of defending you.

But how were you supposed to tell him that you were afraid?

How were you able to tell him that his sheer existence made you fear for your life?

"I- I... You cannot leave me here alone. Please. It scares me.", your lips trembled as you spoke the words of lies.

But at the same time they were true. At least in a way.
For a moment, he stood there in silence and eyed you from top to bottom. Then, he hummed, lowered his head and turned away.

"It won't be long.", he promised.

Tears began to fill the corners of your eyes.

"No, Kratos!", you tried to jump up and reach out for him, but your legs disobeyed you again. "Kratos! Please, I- I'm scared... please, don't leave me. Why is everyone leaving..?"

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