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"Good gods, I am so revived that this did not end up being another month long adventure.", Mimir said as he dangled form Kratos' hip. "Finally we can continue our actual task. Now, (Y/N) where did you say Thor has placed your gift?"

Torn from your thoughts, you blinked.

You had tried to keep your mind together but whenever Kratos moved in front of you you couldn't help but stare at his massive body. The thought that this huge man had been under you made you blush every time.

You almost felt like a child.

"Huh? Oh, I'm not entirely sure but if I think about it Thor has a think for hiding things. He must have split my gift somehow and has found a place to hide in each world.", you pulled a face that was something between disgust and sorry. "It sounds like a lot of work, now that I think about it."

"But the reward is worth it!", Atreus cut in and smiled. "We will just get everything and then kill Thor."

"You say that as if it is easy, lad.", Mimir sounded amused by the boys fantasy. "Thor is not an easy enemy and won't let go of what he wants so easily."

Atreus rolled his eyes.

"I know. That's why we are going to kill him."

"We?", you raised an eyebrow. "You mean your father. You, young man, will not go into combat with a god let alone Thor himself."

"You talk like my dad.", Atreus complained.

"Enough, boy. The healer is right. You won't fight anybody unless I allow you to.", Kratos turned around, his hand on the edge of the world tree. "Now, let's not waste more time. Where to go?"

With a soft expression on your face, you stepped to his side and put a hand on his arm without being noticed.

"Calm yourself.", you whispered and pointed at a world rune. "You don't have to be so tense, I will keep an eye on the boy so you can fight for us. Remember my promise?"

Without a word he stared down on you and nodded.

There was nothing on his face to be seen, no love nor interest or the memory that you two had created. He was his old, calm self again, harsh and without any feelings.
The smile on your face saddened.

Now that you knew what he was hiding deep down inside of him, his fears and the burden of a former life, you felt sorry for him. If it were for you you would have apologised for dragging him into a fate that wasn't his.

But still, you had as much power over a godly prophecy as he had.

Clearing his throat, Mimir tore you out of your thoughts, away from the golden eyes of Kratos and the sadness that was hidden in them.

"Enough talking, more doing, lads.", the head said, more cheerful than it was good. "(Y/N) don't tease us and say where to go to?"

"Uh, right. I'd say Helheim would be the best to start with. It's a harsh world and probably the most dangerous. If we make it there, the other worlds will be easy to handle.", you threw a gaze over to the model of the world bridge that led to the world of the dead. "But somehow..."

"Somehow what?", Atreus squeezed himself into the small space between you and his father, so he was able to see the magic pond himself.

For a moment, you wrapped yourself in silence.

The thoughts chased through your head like lightning. This feeling, that was triggered inside of you as soon as you looked at Helheim seemed unnatural.

It felt dangerous, almost evil.

What was that?
"(Y/N)?", tugging at the sleeve of your shirt, Atreus ripped you out of your thoughts. "What is it? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No.", with a smile, you pet his head. "Do not worry about me. We should keep going."

"Helheim.", Kratos said.

You nodded.


With a string grip, Kratos pushed the world key into the hole, twisted it and activated the world tree.

Light sprouted and the world drowned in blue. A strange force picked you up the ground, spreading the feeling of antigravity.

For a moment, you enjoyed this feeling of magic, remembering your own magic and how its feeling had flooded your body once.

You missed that feeling, the power and security that came with it. Now, you were nothing but a cursed person, a victim of the gods rather than a part of them.

Somehow, thinking about it hurt your pride.

You felt lesser than before, the desire to return to your old, powerful self was like an addiction.

As the magic faded it left nothing but an empty feeling in your chest and the familiar touch of warmth whenever magic had filled your body.

Now, it was just cold like a vessel that wanted to be filled.

A gasp escaped your lips, as you lowered your gaze and closed your eyes.

Soon, this suffering would be over. Soon, the old version of yourself would return.

But somehow this possibility made sadness grow inside of your chest.

"(Y/N)!", Atreus voice sounded so far away. "Hey! Are you coming?"

The boy and his father were already starting to leave the temple. It was strange, you didn't even notice that Kratos had left your side.

He was standing next to his son, his face frozen and unreadable. He was looking at you, but at the same time his eyes were staring through you.

He knew what was going on inside your head. He knew what could happen. But he didn't knew what would happen. And he feared this lack of knowledge.

He feared that you would change. But there was something else in his eyes. He didn't want you to see it, probably thinking that you had no idea what this shimmer was meant to be. But you were able to read it.

It was caution and mistrust.

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